***Saturday Roll Call***
Anyway - todays plan is to get home and get to bed.
I don't have the luxury of parking in a parking deck, covered, when I get home...so I need to get up early to A) Pre heat and scrape my car and then B) leave most likely at least 1/2 hour earlier than I normally do. Hubby will probably want to take me to work tonight especially if it is "bad" out - and that is very sweet - but I hate it. I just like knowing I have my car here....be it I need it or not...and I also feel that's 2 extra trips in the car for him...which puts him at extra risk (and me, I might add....) So we'll see. It's normally a whole big discussion in our house.
So...I will get some sleep before I have to get up and deal with all that.
Have a safe fun enjoyable snow day all!!

Have a fabulous day, everyone! Be careful in the snow!
I am just hanging out at home, still not feeling well. I do plan to get a few things accomplished since hubby is working. I need to get some fabric folded and put away and might start into a sewing project. I also need to organize the list of things to bring for the cooking class next weekend.
Other then that just a lazy day at home.
Be careful if you do go out today!
Well, I wasn't happy when I woke up because of seeing some snow on the ground. Don't get me wrong, I really like the snow. But when you're throwing a 70th surprise birthday party for your dad, you don't want to have any kind of a weather issue like right now. But I believe in my area they just said it's going to turn to rain later on. YEAHHHHHHH!! So I think we're safe.
So anyway, this morning I'm about to eat my oatmeal. Then I will jump in the shower to get all nice and clean and pretty. Then I will be heading to the bowling alley for Connor's junior bowling this morning. Will have to pick up the cake and rolls afterwards. And then go and get my dad. He thinks he's going to dinner but stopping at my brother's first to open gifts. He hasn't a clue!!! And I haven't told Connor....so there will be two surprises. I'm sooooooooooo excited.
Well, have a great Saturday. Be safe out there wherever you are!!
Well there is just a dusting of snow right now but it looks like it is starting to now fall...hopefully it will not be bad. I really wanted to go to Target today. But if I can not go I am going to work on making some pillows and a new skirt with the sewing machine dear hubby bought me for Christmas. I have all the fabric and so I think I may start those projects and save the needlepoint for later! I am always starting a new craft project before the other one is finished--but I can finish sewing projects much faster now with the sewing machine!! LOL
Other than that I willprobally start organizing things in the living room that can be packed up for when we move. We are definitely clearing out a lot of stuff we don't need or use anymore. So if there is anything worth giving away I'll post it here for you guys!
Hope everyone has a safe and not so snowy day!!!
Much luv!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
It's snowing, believe me lol. A very fine snow now, but we are supposed to get several inches. I don't have a covered parking area either.
Today, we may stay in, but really need to go to recycling. Iy's open only on Saturday 9-12pm.
I plan to do stuff around the house, that's it for today.
Well, it looks like the weather may actually agree with me this morning. I was watching NBC and they said there will be a break from the snow until around 4 and then a mix of snow and rain. That works because I'm riding with my sister to the airport to pick up my nephew, who's returning from toughing out 8 horrible days of 90 degree weather.
This afternoon and tonight we football lovers get to watch two real good playoff games, wetting my appetite getting ready for the Eagles tomorrow. Somewhere in there I'll try to get a run in as I've begun my road work getting ready for the Broad Street 10 mile run in May.
Everybody stay safe and be careful, especially those in the Lehigh Valley. My daughter lives in Allentown and I know how brutal the weather can get up there.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
Glad to see you've grown up Mary. It might be time to remember where you came from and get over yourself. I'm not going to get into a war of words with you because you are so not worth my time. Basically what I'm trying to say here is it doesn't matter if you want to see my face on this board or not. You have no idea how many pm's I receive from people on here that tell me to just ignore you, a lot of whom you probably thought were your friends. So, after this response, I'm going to take their advice. Obviously in your eyes I do not exist. The feelings are now mutual. This world existed prior to us coming into it and it will continue to do so after we leave it. Life goes on.
If you want to continue on with your negativity towards me, feel free. Just rest assure that I will not reply, so you will be talking to yourself. So go ahead with your second grade bantering and feel good about yourself in the process. It's actually laughable.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!