TGIF Roll Call
Well this is it, my first Friday at work in 1-1/2 years and so last night, Dillinger wakes me up at some unGodly hour to go outside, I wait for him, go back to bed, fall asleep and next thing I know I hear the heater kick on and think, oh it must be 5 a.m., look over at the alarm clock and it's 6:24 a.m., OMG!!!

Perhaps, I will have a dinner date after work today, if not, I'll go home, make the Friday night women's AA meeting I usually make and then go home and curl up on the couch with Dillinger. Tomorrow I have an appointment for the 2nd stage of my dental implant and an appointment for an oil change, the car is less than 2 months old and I've already put 5k on it, well I did go to Florida and back in it. . .
Well Peeps, I wish you the best day today and hoping that you dig deep and find the strength to face whatever life challenges come your way!
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Update...Called the insurance co.- many questions and not much in the way of answers (I'll post details on my insurance thread). Anyway, I decided not to sweat it as I am meeting for my surgeons consult and their insurance expert next Tuesday. I'll find out then what else I still need to confirm with my insurance co. I've got my NUT appointment Monday so I'm trying to compile all my questions for these two meetings. Anyone have any pointers of something they wished they'd asked the NUT or the surgeon (I'm getting LB, have a choice of Realize also, and I can pick the spot for my port)?
Ooops...just realized I'm way off topic...back today I'm compiling all my questions, just finished the laundry, cleaned the kitchen and put away the last Christmas box...except now I have a small pile of stuff that I missed putting in the proper does that happen every year? I plan to enjoy the night and tomorrow with DD as she's back to college Sunday. Have a good day all!
Band_Groupie My Blog "The Sweet Spot" HERE
Proud member of the Century Club...100+ pounds gone forever!
I'm now in the middle of a Normal BMI.
*My new adventure; At the suggestion and support of many LBers, I'm now writing a LB book.