I'm in pain....boys are mean!
Ok...no boys were really mean to me...but I felt like whining......
I did my first night of sparring tonight...all dressed up like one of those storm trooper dudes from star wars.....I don't think I am going to be able to move tomorrow....got my ass kicked by a 12 year old that couldn't have weighed more than 80 pounds or so. I don't like getting punched in the head!!! I felt like a bobble head doll by the end of the night......And, I don't like getting punched by grown men either....if this was their version of "taking it easy" on me...then I do NOT want to see when they aren't being so nice. I am going to be very sore tomorrow!!!
BTW....Can someone tell me where the female crotch guard thingy is supposed to go? I'm thinking I had it in the wrong position (and I certainly wasnt going to ask a room full of men and teen aged boys where to stick it)......I KNOW where the guys put their crotch guard thingy (gotta protect the family jewels)....but the female thing looks like one of those old fashioned banana style bike seats...maybe that's the point...Am I supposed to straddle the damned thing??? Let me tell you one thing...if you move a certain way, the little f-er pinches things that should never be pinched!! I bet it was designed by a man.....
Going to go soak in a hot tub now....
"Can someone tell me where the female crotch guard thingy is supposed to go? I'm thinking I had it in the wrong position (and I certainly wasnt going to ask a room full of men and teen aged boys where to stick it)......I KNOW where the guys put their crotch guard thingy (gotta protect the family jewels)....but the female thing looks like one of those old fashioned banana style bike seats...maybe that's the point...Am I supposed to straddle the damned thing??? Let me tell you one thing...if you move a certain way, the little f-er pinches things that should never be pinched!! I bet it was designed by a man....."
I can't help you with the banana style seat - I have no experience but your post was just about the funniest thing I ever read. Hope your not too sore this morning.
The protection sounds more painful then actually getting hit in the crotch... I cna only imagine what would happen if someone hit you there and the protector thingy got hit into you - ouchy!!!
Now next time I want you to kick THEIR asses! make them hurt the next day!!! lol
I don't have a clue about the guard thingy....I asked Brian who has years of martial arts experience...he says he's never really seen female versions of it. He's not to sure how it goes on...but is wondering how it stays up? Does it have straps? He figures it will be close to straddling it.....he did mention that if a guy uses a "generic" one from the store, it pinches, too. He's wondering if you can go to a sporting good store or even where they have your class and get "fitted" for one....that one made me laugh my ass off...uh, yea....I'd like to be fitted for a female cup....lol....if so, you are braver than I!!
And his determination is that they should have taught you to protect that area first so you wouldn't need protection beyond your own body anyway....but (and I say this lovingly) my husband can be a real a$$ when it comes to these things...and if anyone teaches somebody a different way then he was taught - then they are obviously wrong.
Feel better!