Thursday Roll Call
Busy, busy day at work today. Projects are stacking up and I'm trying to organize everything so I don't lose sight of anything. But the stack is getting bigger and bigger and bigger........sigh. Did not go to consignment shops yesterday so I have to tonight as I don't have anything in my closet to wear! LOL. I MUST get working on my homework assignment because I keep putting it off and it's almost deadline time. Grrr. Can't wait until this class and degree is finished - 2/8/09.
Laureen that sounds just too cute for words to have a phone call like that. What a memory!
Liz good luck finding the Wii fit family bought me a Wii for Christmas but they could not find the fit so I am looking for it as well right now. I may just suck it up and get it on EBay.
My day started out amazing and now I am work which is a little slow so after work I will go home and do laundry then take down the Christmas tree while watching TV them going to bed early will watch ER on bed then go to sleep.
Anyway, my day is working 7-3:30. Making turkey steaks and some veggie for dinner. I am going to try out edamame on my family. I like it, but I'm not sure if they will or not. I'll be sure to have something else that I know they like just in case. After dinner it's off to bingo!! I go every Thursday and we haven't had it the last 2 weeks due to the holidays so I'm so happy to be going again. It is my day out and my reprieve from the week!
That's all for now.. must get work done. Between this and facebook, I get NOTHING done all day!
Thanks for the laugh. . . imagine what I think when I come on here at 5:30 or so and find Roll Call already posted and the other board I frequent (Over Fifty Forum), they start the daily thread sometimes at 12 a.m. . . I work in NYC, so for the last almost 6 years that I've done this commute, I've gotten used to being up early, as I leave for work no later than 6:30 since I have to be there by 9 a.m., then the last 2 years I had a great thing, I only worked 4 days, but extended hours, so I was used to getting up between 4 and 4:30 in the morning, so it seems my body does not want the extra hours sleep it is now entitled to. . . I think WLS has a side effect in the sleeping department too, as many people I know who have had this surgery seem to have difficulty sleeping, it's all that energy we now have. . . lol
Have a great day! Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I started Tuesday with some unusual bathroom patterns and to save you all the gross pictures....let's just say yesterday afternoon and evening anytime I put anything in my mouth, I ended up in the potty. I didn't have any pain or anything...however this morning I am quite queasy and have already made a few trips to the bathroom. I tried some oatmeal...and that's not going over real well with prissy pouch either. I assume this is the stomach bug that's been going I'm pushing fluids.
So, anyway...what I want to get accomplished today is finish the cleaning that I ended up not getting done yesterday. Hubby wants to take a trip to Best Buy to get a new movie for tonight. I do have steaks marinating in the fridge, so I will cook them up for our "date night" but I will probably not be eating that. How much of that stuff gets done depends on how I feel and what not.
Laureen, that is a great story!!

Today has had me already in the shower, dropping Connor off at school, going to a check cashing place to get a money order, making 6 pounds of pasta orders for a side job I do, doing dishes and now checking things out on line...geez...a busy little bee this morning.
Now I'm gearing up to get ready to head downtown again today. They have me scheduled for a job in our office at 1:00. I also need to visit my MIL in the hospital. She took herself there two days ago with pain in her chest. So they've done some tests and they thought something was going on with her heart, but that seems to be fine. Now they think it might be a hernia, because apparently the symptoms she was having are similar to those with a hernia and a heart thing. They said the hernia could be pushing up on her chest making her uncomfortable.
Tonight has me going to the psycho doctor for my usual talking about Garry and such. I swear I talk so much that I leave nothing for her to day. I need to shut up a little :)
Well, let me get off of this computer before I miss the chance of saying hello to my MIL at the hospital before heading to work. Have a great Thursday everyone!!
Hello all!
Typical work day for me...although my boss is out until the 19th so we are taking full advantage of that and "enjoying" ourselves a bittoo much!
Tonight, I start my first night of sparring. My gear is in and my mouthpiece is molded to fit my teeth. When dressed in full gear, we look like the storm troopers from Star Wars...I will have to take a picture and post it. As it stands now, I am the only female in the class on sparring night, so I guess I will have to do my best not to look like a big sissy girl and kick some boy ass I am getting a sick thrill out of knowing I can hit a man as hard as I want and knowing they all have instructions not to beat the crap out of least not yet LOL