Thursday Roll Call
Could it be that I am here first, wake up you sleep heads. . .
I guess my old schedule is ingrained in my sleep pattern, because I have woken up at 3:41 two days running, ugh! But I've also gone to sleep before 10, so I'm guessing my body is just used to 6 hours sleep and more than that is too much for it to handle (lol).
So I've showered, having a cup of coffee and now I'm off to get ready for the work day ahead. Hope you all are careful out there, as I imagine there might be some icy road conditions due to all the weather we've had the past few days, I, for one, am grateful to wake up to something besides rain, driving the last couple of days has not been fun.
Oh, one last little thing and please excuse me, but I am a grandma and my littlest one, Avery Grace wanted to talk to me yesterday and my son called me at work, and there is this sweet little, now 19 month old on the phone, saying, "Guy, Guy Burr, wove you, Guy Guy Burr, love you. . ." now that made my whole day. . .
Have a great day!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
You beat me by a whole minute.

Today there isn't alot planned. Since my hubby lost his job, he hasn't left my side hardly at all. He goes everywhere with me and insists I go with him. So, I am feeling a bit crowded. don't het me wrong, it's kind of sweet, but.....
Anyway, you all have a great day!
Laureen that is too sweet!!
I am at work today although I am still feeling under the weather. This cold can't decide what it wants to be. I have a bit of a sore throat and my voice goes in and out, headache, "full" head feeling, tired, my pouchie is on a bit of a war path and my bowels are following suit - fun I know! I am forcing in the fluids - don't want to get dehydrated!
At work today I am going to call a bunch of Wal Marts and see if anyone of them has the Wii fit, if they do I will go pick it up after work, then home to bed. All I want to do is sleep. I am guessing that is my body working OT to fight off this cold.
Make it a great day! And hold onto your hats - it's windy out there!
Today finds me at work - it was debatable earlier - something from dinner last night got stuck and I was in agony for hours - going to bed at 8:00 - finally fell asleep but woke up at 10:00 still in a lot of pain and discomfort. Whatever it was passed thru my pouch during the night but now I'm feeling washed out and afraid to eat anything.
Not sure what's on my agenda for tonight other than making 2 pies for work tomorrow - I think I'll make a sugar free apple pie and a sugar free chocolate pudding pie - its my bosses 15th anniv with the company so we're going to celebrate with a pizza lunch and dessert.
Depending on how I'm feeling I will ride my bike - I'm getting back into that routine (finally)!
Hope every has a good day.
That was just it, most of my younger grandchildren's lives have been spent living in another country, so I feel like they don't know me as well as their other grandparents, since they have lived in the other grandparents home every time my son and his family have come home for a visit over the last 2 years, so that made yesterday's event that much more precious to me, because every time she sees me, she kind of looks at me for a while, with a look, like I know you, but not sure where I know you from, if you get what I mean. . . I'm just so glad they're back home for good now and I can have them here to be with as often as possible, hoping that the situation with your daughter works out to your advantage, hard to image anyplace being more expensive then here on the east coast. . .
I had a similar experience with my pouch, once or twice, after an event such as that, I just kind of stuck to liquids and soft foods for a day afterwards and things went back to normal. . .
Hope your pies come out great and you enjoy your day.
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Today had me hoping for a school delay but we didn't get one. So I'm about ready to get my daughter on the bus. DS is saying he doesn't want to go to preschool today, but I need those 2 1/2 hours to myself. I am wanting to run to Joann's to get some yarn but I might save that until the weekend and go with DD who has something to return to Toys R Us so we can do both together.
Tonight is our Daisy meeting (I'm one of the co-leaders) where we get our packets to sell Girl Scout Cookies. I'm not looking forward to having those in the house!
On a sad note, we are probably going to be putting our dog down today. She's only 10 but has a lesion on her spine, difficulty walking, standing and getting around and increasingly harder to hold in her urine and bowel movements. We are going to miss her terribly.
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Feeling better....head pain is almost gone and I got sleep last night. What's today? Thursday? lol it seems I have no recollection of Monday....ah dain bramage yanno. I still have to get my kitchen seems I never quite get everything I post in roll call ACTUALLY done that day. By the time late afternoon rolls around I'm beat. Have to get my tree down and so forth too.