Colonix Anyone???
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
WHen I was out to see Dr Brader when he diagnosed my gall bladder he too told me that I was full of ****! lol LITERALLY! my bowels were very full. He suggested adding a fiber supplement to my vitamins and adding in more fruits and vegetables. I guess that you could also use a laxative once in a while to "clear you out" too.
I'm scared to look at the photos! lol I am feeling sick and nauseous already...
Just an update. I don't have bowel issues. This is strictly a "cleansing" regimen that I thought of doing. My sister died from liver issues that are very possibly genetic we were told and so I'm listening a little more to those that claim you need to clear out toxins every once in a while in hopes that the pancreas, bowels and liver etc. function more healthily.
The regimen I speak of consists of high fiber supplements, an herbal tea and a parasitic in capsule form that you take for a month. You still eat your regular diet, it just moves the stored up gunk out of there. If I get up the nerve to do it, I'll let you all know how it goes.
I've heard of those that do the inny in the outy to clear themselves, but no thanks.
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
That being said....I am also concerned about bowel health and like Nicole said...there's so much to be said about colon cancer and things like that with poor bowel hygiene. If you don't think you are having good bowel movements on a regular basis...I think there is no harm in adding fiber supplements and an occassional dose of colace or peri colace to ensure you are moving everything along.
And speaking of which...I believe I have the stomach bug. It started tuesday morning with some looser (much looser) than normal stools....and then today was full blown yucky liquid every time I ate anything. Good news is except for about one hour this evening, I haven't had much of the cramping or abdominal pain normally assosciated with this bug. I'm hoping it stays that way.
Glad you are feeling better!

God we'll share anything on here, won't we!!
