had a revision in april of 08....lost 40lbs.
Im back to my old habits & I dont know how to stop!!! I have never even exercised after my revision!! I dont know how to "flick that switch" I though the 2nd surgery would get me motivated to change my llife....I JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO BREAK THE CYCLE!!!
Does anyone know of a book or someone I could talk to , to help me figure out why Im having such a hard time letting the inner me OUT!!!
Im hapily marrried & have a beautiful 2 yr old & great job!!!
And there is no "inner you" to let out.
You are who you are, and if you can't find the personal motivation to change your diet and fitness regimen, then you'll stay right there.
I would strongly suggest you look into a local support group at the very least, and talking to a therapist may help as well.
You must be an active participant and willing to fight the good fight to improve your health. It sounds like all you've done so far is sit back and wait for it to happen. Doesn't work like that, sorry.
The "switch" for me was the surgery, and being 27 years old with being placed on high blood pressure medications, the threat of cpap, and the real possibility of diabetes in my very near future, along with the real possibility of not being able to conceive. I consider myself a "junky", and much like a "junky" needed to hit rock bottom, which for each person, is different.
I also viewed the fact that I risked my life to go onto the operating table. I signed consents saying I knew I could DIE. I signed paperwork stating that if I died, they would do everything in their power to bring me back. Being a nurse....that scared the crap outta me....because never in a million years would I want to live the way some of my patients do...hooked up to ventilators, fed through a tube...unable to move my muscles...not be able to control my basic functions.
You acknowledged that you are not utilizing your tool. You at least mentioned the lack of exercise. What are your eating habits? I can only assume, based on your post, that they may not be up to post surgical standards.
My response and the previous response from norm may have sounded harsh to some - but his advice and words of wisdom are no truer than anything else.
What you have to decide is WHY you are not using your tool, and what you really want to do about it. The silver lining? If and when you decide to "flick your switch", because only YOU can switch it, the tool will be there, ready to work for you.
To break the cycle? One meal, one minute if needed at a time. If you want to sit on your couch after work, and continue the cycle, do so. However, to break the cycle you must break the bad habits, one at a time. So instead of sitting on your couch, for that moment, for that evening, go do some exercise. Instead of that sandwich for lunch, for that moment, for that cycle, have a salad with lean meat. Easier said than done and I myself am FAR from perfect in this journey. I don't exercise as much as I should, nor as much as I used to. And I eat to many carbs on occassion. And I have eaten sugar on occassion, too.
However, my new "cycle" is based on my new habits for the majority of the time. And those less than perfect "moments" are just that - moments.

Sorry you are having issues. I would recommend counceling. There are things that are your triggers that are causing these setbacks. Be prepared. It will be like peeling an onion. Each layer needs to be faced and dealt with no matter how painful it is. Remember, the surgery is a tool. It doesn't deal with the issues we faced that put us at health risk in the first place.