When is "enough"....
Hi Everyone!
Over the holidays, I got a chance to see a lot of people I haven't seen in years. Their reactions to my new size has been interesting. Over the past week, I have received interesting comments - or maybe I am reading into them too much or maybe I am just way too sensitive.
"I can see you are waiting to buy new clothes until you are done losing all your weight."
"You need a make over."
"Yea, you have some time before you lose the rest of your weight."
Ok, first, do I really look that horrible in my clothes? Or is this their way of paying me a compliment? And after a loss of 225 pounds, how much more do you think I will lose?
I usually just let comments roll off my back because people are trying to be nice. And I realize they are trying to be nice here as well. The first reaction I had was, isn't 225 enough for you? In my opinion, I am SOOO incredibly thankful and overjoyed with what the weight loss. And I would still be sooo happy if I do not lose another pound. I even wore an XL jacket last week and a L sweater (that ran large) a few days ago. I AM GRATEFUL! I was a 7x.
Thanks for letting me remind myself of gratitude on the boards!
What you are, is God's gift to you. What you make of yourself, is your gift to God.
*hugs* you are doing a great job! Don't let the un-WLS educated get you down!!
I know how you feel about being grateful for what you've lost - I've lost 153 lbs and never, ever could have done it without WLS, and I am so grateful that it is gone forever. Sure, I want to lose some more - my BMI is still way too high but I also know that I'll never be a 'skinny' person, and I can live with that as well.
You enjoy every one of those pounds you've lost - and enjoy wearing new sizes - who cares if they run big - isn't it awesome to be able to go into stores and show now?!
You're doing great - enjoy the new you!!
"I can see you are waiting to buy new clothes until you are done losing all your weight." = Well that, or waiting until I hit the lottery. Do you know how much money it costs to buy new clothes each time you change sizes from a size 7x to a size large??? I'd gladly get new clothes if you would finance it.
"You need a make over." = Funny, I thought a loss of 225 pounds WAS a make over.
"Yea, you have some time before you lose the rest of your weight." = And I have the rest of my life to enjoy the weight I HAVE lost, and truly understand being happy where I am, right now, in this moment.
I've recently become annoyed with people's reactions (for the most part) and their ignorant comments. I do take the time to try to educate them....and those who are willing to be educated, I have no problems with. It's the others *****fuse to be educated for whatever reason that I don't have time for in my life, nor care what I say to them.
You have every right to be proud of soooo very much. I hope I don't come off sounding like one of those ignorant people...but you lost as much I weighed at the start of my journey. That thought brought tears to MY eyes...because my god woman, you OBVIOUSLY know how to work it and have done one hell of a job working your tool - and continue to be an inspiration to me and so many others on this board.
I don't know if any of this post helped you at all....but I hope you know how wonderful you are, how hard you have worked, and how much you deserve to enjoy every moment of your new life.

Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
I guess this journey has been so much more to me than losing the pounds that it seems strange when I get those comments. It is so much more than the physical. Just like Jackie did say, it has affected us physically and emotionally. Yes, the physical is very important. The fat hurt a lot of us for a lifetime. I see this WLS as putting the food in its place so that we can be who we are meant to be... whatever that is.
I love it when people ask.. "How do you feel?". It takes it beyond the physical - beyond the fat - beyond the dress - beyond my appearance. I am so much more than what my face and body might say.
Ahh.. more ranting. lol
What you are, is God's gift to you. What you make of yourself, is your gift to God.