So frustrated with myself - Completely blew my pre-op diet today
on 1/6/09 1:08 am - PA
Ughh. I completely blew my pre-op diet today. I have lac. RNY surgery on friday and I am supposed to only drink protein shakes, clear liquids, and low-calorie greens. Like other members here -- I am a complete stress eater -- and all those bad habits came back to haunt me during lunch today. I've worked my ass off on this two week pre-op diet -- in the last 11 days I've lost 16 pounds. I know this isn't a good thing to have this food relapse, but I've decided to take laxatives now so that I can get all of this food out of me so that I don't undue my hard work over the last week and a half. I can't wait to have the surgery done -- I just want to stop eating.

You are human along with the rest of us so do not beat yourself up so hard. I would not suggest taking laxatives to get rid of teh food but call your surgeon explain wht happen you have 3 days before surgery to clean out your system just do not fall off the track again stick to the rules they gave and before you know it will be Friday.
You are on the very early steps of a journey toward wellness, fitness, and good health. This won't be the last mis-step, but it doesn't mean you blew it. You need to pick yourself up and continue on, the best you can, at each step of the way. We've all been there and are still working on it; you are not alone. Be gentle with yourself.
Hey there,
First of all, with your surgery being so close, you really should check with your doctor before you go laxative crazy. You're not supposed to have ANY kind of medication, other than what they allow, to be in your system. Laxatives aren't a way to "correct" what you've done as far as the eating is concerned... it's not a healthy way to take care of this slip in your pre-op liquid diet.
Secondly, I'm by no means a tattle-tale, but holy moly man, call your surgeon's office and let them know that you have eaten food. The last thing you want to happen is for you to be on the operating table, and something to happen because you ate things you weren't supposed to. I know you want this surgery, but depending on what you ate, and what the surgeon wanted to accomplish (which wasn't just not eating food and losing weight I'm sure) I bet he wanted you to shrink your liver, and maybe bring some of your blood levels up or down to ensure your own safety while you're under for surgery.
They may push your surgery back a week, and they may not, I'm not sure, but really you're only going to be hurting yourself if you're not 100% completely honest not only with yourself, but also your surgeon. When it comes to your health, don't be selfish because you want this surgery so badly, but make sure you're doing everything in your power to make the best of it.
There's no such thing as cheating post op. You're going to eat what you eat. this isn't some whimsical diet... it's going to take hard work and determination. You better make sure you're ready for that going into this....
on 1/6/09 1:55 am - PA
on 1/6/09 2:39 am - PA
on 1/6/09 1:49 am - PA