I got called a fat a$$...AGAIN!!!!
Long story short- some lady who I've seen begginf for dollars before asked me for a dollar as I was coming out of Circut City.
I simply told her- "Nope- I'm broke too" and started walking away.
Then I hear...."Man- you gots a fat a$$"
I say..."Excuse me? What did you just say?"
She says "Yeah- you gots a big ga-dunk-a".
I say thank you and tell the crazy ***** that she's ugly.
And her fat ass was in dirty navy blue sweat pants probably size 20s.
WTF???!!!! I lose 150 pounds and I'm a fat ass????
I guess I'm not wearing khaki pants anymore.
ugh. I attract crazy people.
~ Jen
Better responses:
"I'm sorry. I didn't hear what you said over the sound of you being poor."
"I have money too, and don't have to beg outside Circuit City in sweat pants."
Or else you could have thrown a handful and pennies and nickels directly into her face and laughed while she picked them up off the ground.

I wouldn't throw money at her, because that is just giving her exactly what she wants....money!
There are never any problems, only solutions. quoted by a dear and special friend!!!
My stats:
Starting weight 234 lbs Height 5 ft 6 in
Goal in 7 months (127 lbs)
Currently: 120-123 lbs
Tops Small Bottoms size 2!!!! UPDATED: 11/11