Sat Roll Call
We wont be leaving here until lunch time or so because a girl has gotta get some sleep.
Have a great Sat you all.
BTW thanks for all the support through this surgery. I am coming around a bit I think.
Nicole, glad you are starting to feel better.
I got up at 3:15AM and got ready for work. Got there for 5AM. I saw they didnt have me on the schedule so I came back home! I needed a day off more than I needed the extra bucks working OT.
They took the tree down yesterday and my living room is a huge mess. Going to clean that up and then maybe go back to bed for awhile.
How is your day shapping up?
I was up several times during the night with my arthritis pain. I was too tired to type a word though.
Today has me doing the SPCA thing I planned yesterday. I had trouble with one of my cats disappearing upstairs and no matter where I looked, I could not find her. So, I intend to close all the doors upstairs before I attempt to crate them today.
After that, I am not sure what I will be doing. I still have some cleaning to do, and I also have to get some exercise in. I also have to get to a meeting.
I hope everyone has a great day.
Albert Schweitzer

I am planning to clean today, hubby took my car to get the new tires put on then he is coming home to get the other "wife" his pick-up and headed to Home Depot for a few things so he can start his bar in the basement. I desperately need to get into the basement and organize all of the boxes of holiday decorations so I will do that while he is out, before he starts construction so there isn't dust all over my decorations. I also need to mop the kitchen floor and make spaghetti sauce and meatballs - Chris wants that for dinner, I'll be good and only have a few noodles. I also want to get all of my fabric sorted and put into clear plastic bins - UGh I am tired already!!
Guess I'll go make some breakfast and start there!
Have a great saturday
Good Morning Nicole and Pa!!
Nicole, glad to hear you are coming around a bit! Have a nice dinner at the cheesecake factory. They have a sf cheesecake made w/ splenda - I have yet to have it as every time we have gone, they have been sold out.
Today I am spending most of my day at Barix. I think it is about 1 1/2 hours from here so I will be leaving between 10 and 10:30 assuming I can get my rear in gear. Then I'll be at the meeting and home I guess somewhere around 6ish or so.
Brian and I will do dinner together (whatever that turns out to be, I haven't planned well, and then maybe a movie or something.
Have a great day!

Good morning everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful day. I have a few baskets of laundry to do, that will keep my busy running up and down the stairs all day today. I also have some art work to finish and get out in the mail today. That will be fun to do. I had a small party last night and still have some cleaning up to do. I hope to get some good reading time in this afternoon.
Glad to hear you're feeling pretty human again Nicole.
Mary and I won't be at Barix today. We've been racing around for the past week and a half, and are just taking the weekend for ourselves to spend some time together and get the Christmas stuff put away. This is my last weekend off before returning back to work on Monday. I'm kind of looking forward to getting back on my normal schedule again.
Hope eveybody has a great day!