***New Years Eve Roll Call***

Patricia R.
on 12/30/08 1:42 pm - Perry, MI
Greetings Everyone,
Today is the last day of 2008, and I must say, I am thrilled to see it go.  This year has been one of pain, sorrow, and failure for me.  The high point of the year, at least from my point of view, is that history was made in our presidential election, and my daughter announced a new addition to our family should arrive in August.

Well, I spent most of Tuesday either running errands, OR, trying to get my new cell phone operating and connecting to my Bluetooth.  Not an easy task.

Wednesday has me heading to my therapist's, and to my sis-in-law's.  I also must get that tidying done I have put off all week.

I hope you have a safe, and blessed New years.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 12/30/08 5:06 pm - Easton, PA
Happy New Year!! 

I hope all ring in the new year safe and sound (and so help me...if ANY of you at Norm's and Mary's show up in my er obliterated....you will have tubes coming in or out of every orifice you can think of...placed in love of course by yours truly!!  However if you wanna stop by and say hello, I'd welcome you with open arms (if you can find me in the maze they call the ER here!!))

Today first I am running just a quick errand to Giant.  I need a few small items that I forgot yesterday (why I can' t remember everything all at once is beyond me.  And I had even made a list...but left that at home.  Is it to early for alzheimers for me?)  Then I'll be taking a nice hot shower and drinking a nice cup of hot tea....not that I"m freezing (yet...) but I need to relax...we had one heck of a night tonight thus far.  And yesterday I woke up early on purpose so I could take a nap...and when I laid down I couldn't sleep - tried that 4 times....to no avail....so by the end of this shift it will make 25 hours up...plus the drive home...etc etc etc.  So I need to unwind and get some sleep today.

Then it will be up for work 7p-7a

Have a wonderful happy healthy fun filled love filled start to the new year!!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 12/30/08 5:08 pm - Culpeper, VA
Good morning!

I am preparing to have a family of nine over to dinner tomorrow so I need to get some last minute things done.  Also I am feeling the stress of a hubby out of work and not leaving me alone for a minute.  It's nice in a way but I have no privacy now.  Before, whenever he wasn't working, there were alot of resumes going out and lots of options.  Up here in the boonies, it isn't like that and he is driving me nuts!  Love the guy though.

I just had a cry session down in my dance room.  I haven't been down there in days.  I haven't felt like it and I know I am robbing myself of enjoyment.  Well, so much for that.

I hope you all are careful tonight.  Have a great one thoough.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


Arlene E.
on 12/30/08 7:19 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Good Morning

Trish, your photos are wonderful.  I can see all your joy.  Lovely family!!

Off to the gym this morning and then Starbucks, which just opened across the street from my gym, to meet a friend.   I'm not sure what I'll do the rest of the day.  This evening I will go to my neighbor's to ring in the New Year.  

 Everyone have a great last day of 2008 and I wish all of you a safe New Years Eve and the best year yet, in 2009.

Hugs to all


Liz R.
on 12/30/08 8:24 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning All - here's wishing you a safe and happy NYE and a happy and healthy 2009!!

I am at work today until 4 then I am headed home. I am going to make a "fancy" dinner of surf and turf for Chris and I tonight, maybe have a glass of wine and snuggle on the couch and watch TV. Just a quiet night in!

Tomorrow I am going over to my Aunt's to sew something for my god-daughter and spend some time with her.

Have a great day all!!
on 12/30/08 8:48 pm - girardville, PA
 Good Morning Everyone & Happy New Years Eve!!!

on 12/30/08 9:20 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Happy New Year's Everyone - have to say that my 2008 wasn't all that bad - first I met all of you out here, and had my surgery with the wonderful Dr Boe, and have lost 153 lbs total (not all in this year) and am feeling better physically than I ever have. So for all of you and the RNY and all that went with it I am very happy and thankful.

Tonight we are heading down to Fenwick to our friends to ring in the new year playing Pictionary and hanging out with everybody. Not sure when we're coming home - tomorrow or Friday - we'll see. I am just so ready for some peace and quiet and trying to get my house back in order. I have a ton of junk food that is going down the garbage disposal, into the trash, or in here for people - my husband is diabetic and shouldn't eat it - I can't - and mom's not around right now so out it goes.

Speaking of mom - sometimes I think it wasn't meant to be for her to go to FLA - last night my sister called from the airport - they kicked my mother OFF the plane!! She has her oxygen machine which was approved by US Air, but the stewardess told her that since she is on oxygen she needed a dr's note to be able to fly - okay, this is new, because she's never needed one before. So they made them get off the plane, and at 6:00 last night they're trying to reach her dr to get a note faxed over to US Air saying she's healthy enough to fly. They get the note, get bumped to a later flight which is supposed to leave around 8:00, only to have that flight delayed to 11:00 due to equipment problems!! I haven't heard any more after that last call so I'm assuming they finally did get on a plane and made it to Florida. What a mess...

So that's it for me today - going to undecorate the office and put the Xmas stuff away - not that I feel like it - I have absolutely no energy today, but maybe once I get moving I'll feel better.

Happy New Year, everyone!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Laureen S.
on 12/30/08 10:24 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Happy Wednesday & Last day of 2008 to ALL. . .

Trish, please don't feel like a failure, because while you've had setbacks, that is not failure, failure is when we give up without trying and you have not done that, so in my book you are a winner!  As for your losses and the physical ailments, I hope that 2009 is a much better year for you and from the sounds of it, looks like there is an addition that will bring you more joy to that which Isabel already brings your way!  BTW your pictures were very nice and Isabel is a beauty!

Well I haven't had a whole lot of time to spend on the computer this last week, as Angela, my youngest daughter, is staying in my computer room, besides which when I get home from work I really don't want to be on the computer these days, so I've stopped in and tried to keep abreast of everyone's lives while at work and wanted to say for anyone new welcome, for those of you having a rough time of it, please know you all are in my prayers and thoughts daily.

Today I drove into the City with my daughter, as she has it in her head to do the Times Square NYE thing, though I think she has changed her mind, either way I drove in knowing it would be a light traffic day and we made it in 1 hour 10 minutes and I parked right near the Lincoln Tunnel for a quick get away when we do leave.  Right now I'm at work, planning on leaving around 3 and from there we'll just see what we do.  I know she is going to the museum to see the Van Gogh exhibit which closes on Friday and then we might go to dinner and a movie, or if the weather is bad, then we'll probably head home and do the movie thing there, either way is fine with me (though I really don't want to be in a sea of maniacs come mid-night (lol)).

So, I want to wish you all the Happiest New Year, may 2009 bring you closer to your dreams and goals then ever before and for whatever struggles you may have to face, may you have the strength to get through them and we all have one another to help us through!  Be safe and please don't drink and drive!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/30/08 10:29 pm - pottstown, PA
Today finds me at brunch with a few bus driver friends and to the grocery store also,Pam its not just you,I do the same thing,(i think i have been to the store more times this week than i want to admit,Now i forgot paper towels and its a pain without them,Now i head back to the store,UGH!)
                  Then this evening its alone time with the hubby and kitty cats,by the fireplace,(oh no i need starter logs,Darnnit!!!) And hoping i can keep my eyes oopen long enough to ring in the new year and give the hubby his new year kiss,God forbid if i dont,,,,(he is such a baby),and way,Happy new year to all and be safe!Hugs Trish

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

IdaMae D.
on 12/30/08 10:35 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good MOrning Trish & PA,
Today has me here at work till about 11/11:30 then home till Friday morning.
This has been an interesting year. Gene started his doctoral program at Palmer Theological Seminary and has been writing and researching for a year now. As well as starting his program with Marion Goldberg @ Philadelphia Child and Family Therapy Training Center, Inc.
I began my BSBA program at Eastern University. It's a tough program but will be worth it in the end. Now I'm tossed with making plans to go on for my Master's or stopping here. WE'll see.
This year also had me having a hysterectomy and finding out I have HIT type I I believe. My hemotologist is going to speak to my Gastric By Pass surgeon because with the HIT I have I should be able to have the RNY but it depends on my surgeons comfort level. My hemotologist is planning to be there every step of the way with me jsut in case I'd need treatment

This year Gene had his Plastics which was a great sign that he IS MAINTAINING HIS WEIGHT LOSS YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's looking good.

Have a loving, safe, wonderful New Year.



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