my name is Liz, and I am a stress eating carboholic

Liz R.
on 12/30/08 7:42 am - Easton, PA
OK so today was an especially trying day because of family issues.

As to not incriminate anyone or spill everything I am just going to give the basics here - those that want the juicy gossip can PM me.

I am having a situation with someone that I know - they have threatened someone that I am close with (with a weapon and with household items such as frying pans etc) the "victim" is on probation and is afraid to call the police because of the reprecussions for him. I want to call socail services as the "attacker" is not mentally stable and I fear for both of them, mostly the victim of course. I found out about this right as I was walking into wegmans and well like the title says "MY name is Liz and I am a stress eating carboholic!" I ended up walking out of Wegmans with a loaf of my favorite crusty italian bread - well I had a chunk in the car on the way home, then I had another piece when I got home as I was standing at the counter almost in tears. I finally realized what I was doing and my pouchie started to ache. I must have over filled it with bread. Ugh. I know - I should know better!
MY new years resolution! To first ask myself "why am I eating this" before I put ANYTHING in my mouth.

You guys are my "Inner circle" so I don't mind sharing these things closest to my mind and heart but would appreciate discretion - of course I know I Don't even need to say that cause you guys rock!

Well I have to order a part for Chris' computer then I am off to snuggle with the kittes - they always know how to make me feel better!

Thanks for reading my rant

on 12/30/08 7:49 am, edited 12/30/08 7:51 am - Perkasie, PA
I am so with you Liz! I'm totally in love with Wegman's and their food. It's like food heaven!!
I'm glad it's far away from me so I don't go in there. Panera Bread has a chicken noodle soup that I am completely addicted to, even when I'm not stressed. I just adore it.

I hope your friend gets help right away.


on 12/30/08 8:06 am - Middletown, PA
Sounds like we had the same day from hell today. I've never been in wegmans, for the exact reason you gave, the bread is to die for from what everyone has told me!
After my breakdown today, I went to our break room and stood in front of the candy and chip stand and couldn't decide which would "do the most damage, or comfort me the most!" Needless to say, I didn't buy anything today. That doesn't mean I didn't indulge in the wrong foods though. I came home and had some of the kid's Chrismas candy. (Two pieces, I know, not alot, but two pieces to many!)
I'm also making home made ham pot pie. I know I probably, no probably, should absolutely not have the pot pie. I'm going to have a very small bowl then freeze the rest or give it to my mom who loves the stuff.
I'm heading over to hug my granddaughter in hopes she will make the night better.
on 12/30/08 8:38 am - Lancaster, PA
I am right there with you on that one. Do you know how big of a carb head I have been since this surgery? I am good I dont eat sugar, drink soda. seldom drink alcohol. But if I am going through the bread comes out in force. remember the toast incident when jasons mom was here LOL.

I hope that  things work out for your friend, it sounds very concerning. If you need a professional opinion call me

If not step away from the bread. LOL hurtig yourself wont help them.
now excuse me while i go eat some SF cookies LOL
on 12/30/08 9:02 am - PA
What a completely horrible day you've had Liz!!  Thoughts, prayers and hugs coming your way.  Watching those we care about hurting is SOOOOO hard.  Without food to comfort it's near impossible.  This is your safe haven so vent away.    Your resolution is a fantastic one.  A similar one that I heard on another board that I was "surfing" was asking yourself before you eat anything "what am i feeding?"  If the answer is "nourishment for my body to have fuel" then cool, eat your meal - if it's not that though then don't eat.  Journal or something else to help process what your feeling without feeding it.  Hard to do.  At least for me.  We're always here for you!!  And you are always here for us.  HOW TOTALLY COOOOL is that????????????  :0)

Patricia R.
on 12/30/08 2:26 pm - Perry, MI
Hi Liz,
My name is Trish and I am a carboholic, alcoholic, shopaholic, and workaholic.  I can empathize with your stress eating.  I even eat when I am not stressed.  It sucks to be addicted to food. 
I am especially empathetic with your friends and their dilemma.  I would encourage you to just do some deep breathing exercises, and some prayer, and then face this issue tomorrow on a clearer head.  It would probably be wise to contact the authorities, as this unstable person has definitely threatened physical harm on someone, and therefore would probably qualify for an involuntary commitment to a psychiatric institution for an evaluation and possible medication. 

Don't beat yourself up for your slip up with the bread.  I have done so much worse to my diet this holiday.  And for less reasons as far as I am concerned.

You are a good person, with a big heart, and love for people.  You deserve to treat yourself well. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 12/30/08 4:57 pm - Easton, PA
And as I sit here eating my 4th "single serving" package of graham crackers I can't help but go "who, me? couldn't be, then who?"  I hear ya Liz.  Right now I"m over tired and stressed from the first 9 hours of my shift being hell on earth....and the graham crackers seemed like a great idea.

If you wanna talk about anything - you have my numbers.  Feel free to gimme a call.  I'll be home by 7:45 most likely.  I'd tell you to call my cell on the way home...but alas it is dead and my car charger has mysteriously gone missing - so I can't charge it until I get home.

I'll be on my way to work around my cell phone should be up and running by that time.  Of course the house phone is on all day, whether I hear it or not is another story but I will keep it on very close to me today.


Now, throw the bread away.  I just threw my last graham cracker away.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
R K.
on 12/30/08 6:46 pm
Liz R., you`re dealing with a recipe for disaster. By state law somebody that is mentally unstable isn`t allowed firearms in the home and depending on what the other is on probation for they too may be prohibited from being around firearms. As a witness you could inform the probation officer and they can handle it. Any threat with a firearms CANNOT be taken lightly and needs to be reported.

Sorry you had to deal with the BS.
"If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time."
Randy Pausch
Liz R.
on 12/30/08 8:00 pm - Easton, PA
Thanks all for your advice! I put the loaf of bread in the freezer for next time I have a party, and it is in the basement freezer so it isn't staring me down!

As for the other situation - the weapons are being removed from the house and I am going to gather the info to call social services.

*hugs* thanks to you all - you are THE BEST support a girl could ever hope for!

on 12/30/08 11:46 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Liz, I could have written most of this post myself - as you guys know I told you about my nephew and how I was so afraid my sister would ask if he could stay with us - well, she did - cried (literally) to my husband and then asked me, begging and pleading so he wouldn't be homeless - kept saying how sorry she was, etc. My husband said he didn't mind - my stomach has been in knots the last 2 days, tho - this is not what I bargained for. I finally get my mom out on a vacation and now I have this to deal with. Of course he's supposed to be getting an apartment and yesterday was supposed to see a lawyer about getting his DUI straightened out, neither of which happened. Tonight hubby and I are going away for NYE and I'm not thrilled about leaving him in the house alone, but my husband insists its going to be okay,

So what did I do last night? We ordered out - I got a cheesesteak wrap - ate half of that with chips. Then about 2 hours later got a piece of sf apple pie with sf ice cream - sugar free or not I shouldn't have had it. Then I crashed for a while (probably due to stress) and woke up and grabbed the friggin chips again! I'm so disgusted with myself right now - I feel bloated and miserable and am going home tonight and throwing all that crap out of my house, including the sf cookies I made for myself for Xmas - most of which I didn't eat anyway.

Maybe they should lock us away until all this passes...I don't know - I just know I want my house back - I want MY life back and I want to spend some time HOME ALONE WITH MY HUSBAND!! I don't think that's too much to ask, right?

You go ahead and rant...I can't wait to get home and snuggle with my dog - animals are so wonderful, aren't they - just want to love you and be loved, and hey, that's all I'm asking for.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
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