I could spit bullets today!

on 12/30/08 1:56 am - Middletown, PA
Not many know some of the information I'm going to share, mainly because it's private and I didnt share with everyone before.
More  than two yrs ago, a man plead guilty to raping my daughter. She was only 13 at the time of the rape, he was 19. We agreed to the plea because of the hell my daughter was going through, and yes some days she still goes through the nightmares, counceling helps, but it doesn't heal those wounds. He was SUPPOSED to get at very least 23 months in county, with ten years probation. Well, that 23 months is coming close. So, I did some investigating on my own to see what the actual date was that he would be released. To my complete shock, he was released already... back in October.. of 2007!!! One yr and three months early!!! Victim Services was SUPPOSED to contact us when he was about to be released, to give us a forwarning. That didn't happen. Not only was he released, but after he was released, he ran, like the bleeping coward that he is! So, now when you break probation, it was my understanding that when you are caught, you serve the rest of your sentence and the time left on probation, would be served IN JAIL! I was WRONG. The judge let him go, with the condition he would be supervised by his UNCLE, who by the way, is in a wheelchair and can't or won't ever be able to walk again. Please don't take this next comment wrong, because it's not meant in the way it's going to come out. But someone please tell me how the he** someone who can't walk, is going to catch this idiot when he decides he doesn't want to do what he is told, again??? Oh and he isn't supposed to have ANY contact with a minor again during his ten years probation. Guess what? He has had numerous contacts with minors from what I've been told from others that know him.
So, today, I want to spit bullets, rip someones face completely off and then go eat every piece of sugar filled candy I can find. Am I going to do any of those things, NO, but dammit, I'm furious!

I'm sorry for venting so much, but thank you to those *****ad this post and have always been a shoulder to lean on when I needed one. It's greatly appreciated.
Liz R.
on 12/30/08 2:03 am - Easton, PA
Loretta -  I am so sorry to hear that this happened to your daughter and that this scum bag is free to roam the streets. I think that rapists should be given te death penalty ESPECIALLY when the victim is a child! Now I know it is harsh but think of the physical / emotional trauma that he has caused your daughter and you for the rest of your lives!


I'll get off my soap box now - I hope that he is far from you and your family and that all continues to go well.

on 12/30/08 2:06 am - Lancaster, PA
I have no words other than to say i am sorry the system failed your daughter. I believe in Karma and he is in for a world of hurt
Pam Hart
on 12/30/08 2:15 am - Easton, PA
There is nothing I can say in a situation such as this to make any of it better.  Other than to say I would be more than furious as well.

Glad you can come here and vent...that's part of what this board is for

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
(deactivated member)
on 12/30/08 2:19 am
Vent away...that's what we are here for.  I am sorry for what happened to your daughter and for the failure of the judicial system.  I would be furious as well. 

on 12/30/08 3:01 am - Middletown, PA
The fury is going to be there for a very long time. It seemed like we were so close to getting our lives back together again. I haven't told my daughter yet, I'm just not sure she is ready to hear that he is out on the streets yet. I know I cant or shouldn't hide this from her, but for now, I think I need to, at least until I get my emotions in check.
God I need chocolate!!! not really, but it felt good to say that!!
(deactivated member)
on 12/30/08 3:49 am
Is there anything the local crime victims advocate organization can do?  I am guessing not, but can you take a restraining order out against him even though he hasn't made contact?  Chances are, if he hasn't made contact in the last 15 months, he is not going to, but I know the impact on her (and you) psychologically will be damaging enough.  Getting her into counseling to deal with this will help.  The impact lasts for years, probably forever.  I was attacked 17 years ago and I still have issues with fear, anxiety, anger, etc.  I had to go back into counseling over it again 2 years ago.  If you want to vent more, please feel free to PM me.

on 12/30/08 4:18 am - Boothwyn, PA

Posts like this are infuriating because its times like these when we really feel failed by the so-called justice system in our country. This man should be serving time for the next 20 years for what he did to a child - your child will have to live with this for a lifetime and he gets to just up and walk away - there is something dreadfully wrong in our society when that happens.

Keep venting to us about this - steer clear of the chocolate only so you don't make yourself even more sick over this situation. All we can do now is pray that somewhere, someday, he will get his just desserts and pay for his crime(s) in ways we can only imagine.

Prayers are going out to you and your daughter to stay strong thru this - he has tortured your family enough - please don't let him torture you any more.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 12/30/08 4:54 am - Milroy , PA
I am so very sorry to here that you and your family are having to deal with this. I hate the fact that so often the system doesn't work for the people who need it most, and then other people who don't need excessive punishment get the book thrown at them. The world can be a really messed up place. I do believe that whoever and whatever you are comes back to you in many ways. He will get whats coming to him somewhere, somehow. Please continue to vent here, that is what this place is for. To help and support each other through difficult times. 
on 12/30/08 10:15 am - the Skook, PA
As someone who's been involved in Victims' Assistance for over 2 years, DEFINITELY call them and be like "WTF???"  Also, even though I'm sure you know this, I just want to remind you that YOU can definitely benefit from counseling too... which should also be covered by good ol' Victims' Assistance (just as your daughter's counseling is covered). 

As mothers' we tend to put everyone else 1st, but since we're unique in the WLS surgery thing, the more support the better, right?  Don't let that f**ker take away ANY power or energy from you.  They don't think about their victims NEARLY as much as we put thought into them.  In this way, we allow the crime to hinder us even more than they already have.  MAKE the V.A. do their job.  Trust me, if you don't stay on them, they'll let you quietly slip away.  I have YET to speak to my case worker one-to-one... however, the victim-witness coordinators at the local courthouse have been very helpful with making the V.A. do their jobs.  This may be another contact you'd want to make.

I wish you and yours nothing but the best.


"If you want something bad enough, you'll find it.
If you don't, you'll find excuses."
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