The chike is pretty good as is - I needed to add more milk or water to it as it was a little to sweet for me post op.
My favorite shake was Nectar Cappuchino blended w/ milk, NSA chocolate Carnation instant breakfast, and ice. I would also do the same combination but with no ice and heated luke warm (You can't heat protein powder up to high - it messes up the consistency and turns it into a gelled mass - yuck)
Shortly post op I LOVED unjury chicken broth. However now...I can't stand the stuff.
My favorite shake was Nectar Cappuchino blended w/ milk, NSA chocolate Carnation instant breakfast, and ice. I would also do the same combination but with no ice and heated luke warm (You can't heat protein powder up to high - it messes up the consistency and turns it into a gelled mass - yuck)
Shortly post op I LOVED unjury chicken broth. However now...I can't stand the stuff.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Good Morning Liz,
Today is a lazy day for me. I ran a ton of errands yesterday. So, today, I have my B12 shot, and allergy shot to take care of. I never got the the laundry yesterday, so I best attack that as well.
Other than that, I will probably waste away some time on Facebook, as I am addicted to it.
Have a great day.
Today is a lazy day for me. I ran a ton of errands yesterday. So, today, I have my B12 shot, and allergy shot to take care of. I never got the the laundry yesterday, so I best attack that as well.
Other than that, I will probably waste away some time on Facebook, as I am addicted to it.
Have a great day.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Good Tuesday morning everyone!!!
BRRRRRRRR...it's cold out there. My side door almost blew off this morning. It wasn't shut tight last night and I came to let the dog out and heard it almost blow off the hinges. I HATE THE WIND!!!!!
Anyway, it's 8:20 and Connor is still sleeping. We went to bed around 10:00 and he had a big day playing with his gadgets and getting outside with his scooter. Apparently my next door neighbor took him to the park with her kids, which was very nice of her. I was at work in Bethlehem.
Today has me doing some transcribing as I have to turn in all of my three jobs -- being totally sarcastic with this one. It's been very slow at work and it's really going to hit us hard this coming month with the bills. I'll have to figure something out. Rob Peter to pay Paul type of thing.
Then I may go and get my hair cut. The last time I got it cut I was upset because I thought I looked like a boy. I had someone other than the person who has been cutting it for me cut my hair last time. NEVER AGAIN!!! So I may be headed to Center City this morning or this afternoon for a cut, mainly to the back of my head. I need it shorter and styled in the back.
And other than that, it's just getting ready for my night out on the town with some of my friends here for New Year's Eve!!! Trying to get my party outfit together. I may be borrowing a few items from my best friend, if they fit. And it's funny because never in my life was I ever able to borrow anything from any of my friends, because I was always too fluffy. So this should be interesting. We will see.
Well, have a great one everybody!!!
BRRRRRRRR...it's cold out there. My side door almost blew off this morning. It wasn't shut tight last night and I came to let the dog out and heard it almost blow off the hinges. I HATE THE WIND!!!!!
Anyway, it's 8:20 and Connor is still sleeping. We went to bed around 10:00 and he had a big day playing with his gadgets and getting outside with his scooter. Apparently my next door neighbor took him to the park with her kids, which was very nice of her. I was at work in Bethlehem.
Today has me doing some transcribing as I have to turn in all of my three jobs -- being totally sarcastic with this one. It's been very slow at work and it's really going to hit us hard this coming month with the bills. I'll have to figure something out. Rob Peter to pay Paul type of thing.
Then I may go and get my hair cut. The last time I got it cut I was upset because I thought I looked like a boy. I had someone other than the person who has been cutting it for me cut my hair last time. NEVER AGAIN!!! So I may be headed to Center City this morning or this afternoon for a cut, mainly to the back of my head. I need it shorter and styled in the back.
And other than that, it's just getting ready for my night out on the town with some of my friends here for New Year's Eve!!! Trying to get my party outfit together. I may be borrowing a few items from my best friend, if they fit. And it's funny because never in my life was I ever able to borrow anything from any of my friends, because I was always too fluffy. So this should be interesting. We will see.
Well, have a great one everybody!!!
Have fun trying on clothes from your girlfriend!! It's those "simple" things that make us so happy!! Even if they don't fit or you don't find something you really want....at least you have the option to even try it!!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Good morning everybody - where in the world did that wind come from?! Woke me up around 4:00 AM but thankfully didn't keep me up! Even the dog was snuggling around that time - the room got cold and the wind was whistling around our side of the house.
I'm at work today - another quiet one - only 2 of us here right now and it looks like it might stay that way. I have a few things to work on but nothing major. Might leave a little early today.
Said good-bye to my sister and b-i-l last night, and gave mom a big hug - its a shame because I truly think she doesn't want to go to Florida, but once she gets there she'll feel better - the weather is warmer and there are some new faces to see down there.
My sister is taking my nephew to the dr today about his diabetes and then to sign a lease on an apt. He has asked if he can stay at our house til the weekend when he can get friends to help him move and I said okay, but he has to find some place to go for NYE and NY Day because we are going to friends and I'm not leaving him in my house when I'm not there. Its sad not to be able to trust family, but I just don't, and we have too many valuable things that we've worked too hard for to lose them to him and a bunch of his drunk or drugged friends. So when we leave tomorrow he leaves as well.
Other than that not much else new - been concentrating on getting back to healthier eating because I know I hadn't been getting my proteins in over the holiday - too much junk around. And back to exercise, too - I've been a very bad girl...
Well, everybody hold on if you have to go out - don't get blown away!!
I'm at work today - another quiet one - only 2 of us here right now and it looks like it might stay that way. I have a few things to work on but nothing major. Might leave a little early today.
Said good-bye to my sister and b-i-l last night, and gave mom a big hug - its a shame because I truly think she doesn't want to go to Florida, but once she gets there she'll feel better - the weather is warmer and there are some new faces to see down there.
My sister is taking my nephew to the dr today about his diabetes and then to sign a lease on an apt. He has asked if he can stay at our house til the weekend when he can get friends to help him move and I said okay, but he has to find some place to go for NYE and NY Day because we are going to friends and I'm not leaving him in my house when I'm not there. Its sad not to be able to trust family, but I just don't, and we have too many valuable things that we've worked too hard for to lose them to him and a bunch of his drunk or drugged friends. So when we leave tomorrow he leaves as well.
Other than that not much else new - been concentrating on getting back to healthier eating because I know I hadn't been getting my proteins in over the holiday - too much junk around. And back to exercise, too - I've been a very bad girl...
Well, everybody hold on if you have to go out - don't get blown away!!
GM PA and everyone -
Just back from the gym and getting my day started. Im still working from home this week (back on the road next - uugghh!) Going to continue to try to get my house back in order with some well deserved cleaning.
Hopefully the wind will die down some and will go bike riding with the kids later today.
Kim Z
Just back from the gym and getting my day started. Im still working from home this week (back on the road next - uugghh!) Going to continue to try to get my house back in order with some well deserved cleaning.
Hopefully the wind will die down some and will go bike riding with the kids later today.
Kim Z
Good Morning everyone,Today finds me at my surgeons office for my check up,I am below goal ,hopefully he doesnt yell at me!Oh well i try,Seems i can have a chocolate chip cookie or two and it not bother me,(yes i baked enough for an army!) Then home to make dinner for the hubby and the kids,and get ready for new years if my eyes can stay awake,seems bedtime for me is 8pm ,anything past that i am a wet noodle the next day (and i am even on break from driving the oobiebus and still in bed by 8pm go figure),Anywhoo,everyone have a wonderful day,Hugs Trish,,,