lookin in the mirror
Well if it makes you selfish and vain, then I am too! I look in mirrors ALL the time now. Weird considering I used to avoid mirrors like the plague. Especially whe I am all dressed up - I stare at myself. Sometimes because I know how good I look (talk about being vain) and sometimes because I can't believe the person in the mirror IS me.
I tend to look at pictures of myself more than usual as well - or at least want to be IN pictures now.
I tend to look at pictures of myself more than usual as well - or at least want to be IN pictures now.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Are you kidding??? Bring on the mirrors, bring on the car windows that you can see a reflection in, bring on the tall skyscrapers downtown that show your reflecion so well!!! I love looking at myself too!!! Probably because I've never seen myself look so thin. So be vain all you want...go for it....look and look some more :)
hee hee...I talk to myself in the mirrors all the time, too!! so....we are a bunch of self talking vain post ops wondering around here. No wonder why the world thinks this surgery is "crazy" Look at what the rest of the world is looking at...people talking to themselves in front of mirrors...in dressing rooms...coming out of dressing rooms crying....what a sight we must be!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

No you are not vain! Just proud!! I look in the mirror at my face all the time, every time I go in to the bathroom, I look!!! I don't have any mirrors in my house that show below my shoulders, which may be a good thing!! I was thinking yesterday how bad that was, because I don't really see how much weight I've lost!
I tried on 2 dresses tonight, I had to go by what my DH says they looked like!!
I tried on 2 dresses tonight, I had to go by what my DH says they looked like!!
There are never any problems, only solutions. quoted by a dear and special friend!!!
My stats:
Starting weight 234 lbs Height 5 ft 6 in
Goal in 7 months (127 lbs)
Currently: 120-123 lbs
Tops Small Bottoms size 2!!!! UPDATED: 11/11
I don't look a lot on purpose (as in seeking out mirrors) but trust me, if I pass one I'm definitely checking myself out. I haven't weighed this little in almost 30 years so its a very fun thing to see! And years ago I got rid of all my full length mirrors - now I wish I had one! And its not all vanity - I think a lot of it is seeing that this is the first thing that has ever really worked for me in getting rid of so much weight and its nice to know that all the frustrating times and tough times are paying off in the end.
And hey, a little vanity never hurt anybody, right?!
And hey, a little vanity never hurt anybody, right?!