The Christmas Booty Thread!
But, what loot did ya get?
I got a pretty wreath, a blockbuster gift card, some nice cards, and money, which is what I wanted and needed. The best present though, was having my kids with me this Christmas morning.
Fleece Pajamas
Fleece tops
Mattress warmer (like an electric blanket, only for your mattress that is safe to sleep on)
Fleece lined jeans
Gift Cards to Old Navy (so I can buy regular jeans that fit me!)
Movies hubby and I wanted
A gorgeous bracelet from hubby
A really cool scarf thing that hangs low with pockets for your hands and removeable things you stick in the microwave to "heat" the scarf
A kitchen mat that is cushioned which is awesome
A griddle for the stove top
I had asked for most of that stuff....but the scarf and what not were surprise gifts and some of that were combined gifts for both hubby and I.....
And being able to spend time with both my brothers and then see my grandparents was awesome....and I loved that probably the most! (although those jeans are up there!! LOL)


I got the Crystal Singing Bowl I wanted so badly.
Numerous Starbucks Cards
A CD i wanted.
Some french body wash and lotions i wanted.
Some Merle norman items off my wish list.
Went to Lane Bryant outlet today and he bought me some clothes
i wanted.
I was just happy to be with Jason and so excited to get my Singing bowl
Jeremy got me a red fuzzy robe and a naughty santa pjs lol...
My in-laws got me a crank flash light, a cool Jesus t-shirt, can of fire roasted tomatoes (a joke in the house), and a pair of boots/slippers from LL Bean...
THere are some things I am forgetting but after coughing so hard for so long I think I lost brain cells...
Lorelei made out like a bandit! Little stinker lol...
Anyways, some of the other loot that santa dropped off is:
Flannel pj's - I love, love, love pj's but NOT as much as I love shoes
A beautiful gray sweater that is unbelievably soft
A Precious Moments ceramic and glass globe clock - I'm a big time Precious Moments collector
A funny desktop calendar titled Life Is Crap from some smart ass poking fun at me over a little constipation issue I
A new Samsung Rant cell phone and I LOOOOOOOOVE IT!! It's the best cell phone I've had yet and I've gone thru quite a few of them.
And finally, a 3 month membership to Elevations Health Club in Scotrun to work out with a personal trainer - one of my very best favorite gifts. Definitely a tie with the
Edited to fix my post because it was all smooshed together...sorry bout' that.