*****Saturday Roll Call*****
Well, I am up late due to a caffeine jolt during the movie tonight. We went to Neshaminy Mall and had a great time watching "Yes Man." I highly recommend it. I think I laughed during almost every scene. It was a good story and I had a lot of fun with it.
Saturday has me heading to a Mail/Pack/Ship place. My daughter was unable to take all of the Christmas presents she and the baby got, so I am shipping them to her, along with some Tastykakes, as they are Tastykake Deprived out there. Lord help me, but I just cannot see how people grow up without them. Little Debbie and Hostess suck big time in my family's book.
After that, I must get to work on getting organized. I have tons of stuff to file and put away.
I also must go to A.C. Moore and buy some yarn. I just learned that my friend's son is going to be a father. He and my son were best friends in school. This will be her third grandchild, while I am expecting my second. She was so jealous of me becoming a grandmother first. Her first grandchild was born only two months after my Munchkin, so she did not have to wait very long.
Anywho, I have plenty to do before my Mom's Scrabble game gets underway. I am just not sure I want to spend another evening of hearing her recite all of my faults. The past week has been sheer torture. Christmas Eve she sat at my sister-in-law's and complained to her neighbors that she comes to visit her daughters so infrequently, and when she does, we either do not have lemon juice for her tea, or mustard for her hot dog. She plays such a martyr it is not funny. I have not lived up to this woman's expectations most of my 51 years on this earth. I can deal with that, which I do, every time I see my therapist. The issue I have this week is that I don't enjoy spending most of my holidays hearing about it, and having it broadcast to some people I only see on holidays. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a better weekend than I probably will.
Saturday has me heading to a Mail/Pack/Ship place. My daughter was unable to take all of the Christmas presents she and the baby got, so I am shipping them to her, along with some Tastykakes, as they are Tastykake Deprived out there. Lord help me, but I just cannot see how people grow up without them. Little Debbie and Hostess suck big time in my family's book.
After that, I must get to work on getting organized. I have tons of stuff to file and put away.
I also must go to A.C. Moore and buy some yarn. I just learned that my friend's son is going to be a father. He and my son were best friends in school. This will be her third grandchild, while I am expecting my second. She was so jealous of me becoming a grandmother first. Her first grandchild was born only two months after my Munchkin, so she did not have to wait very long.
Anywho, I have plenty to do before my Mom's Scrabble game gets underway. I am just not sure I want to spend another evening of hearing her recite all of my faults. The past week has been sheer torture. Christmas Eve she sat at my sister-in-law's and complained to her neighbors that she comes to visit her daughters so infrequently, and when she does, we either do not have lemon juice for her tea, or mustard for her hot dog. She plays such a martyr it is not funny. I have not lived up to this woman's expectations most of my 51 years on this earth. I can deal with that, which I do, every time I see my therapist. The issue I have this week is that I don't enjoy spending most of my holidays hearing about it, and having it broadcast to some people I only see on holidays. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a better weekend than I probably will.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

I say go to like a costco or sams club or something and buy lemon juice and mustard in those 30 gallon containers and tell her she is to keep them with her at all times so she can bring her own damn condiments. And if she's so miserable seeing you guys and how you "treat" her then she can have you come to her house or wherever she might live and can wait on you hand and foot. Anyway...that's just my 4am two cents worth.
I actually have a LOT to do today. ON the way home I will:
Stop at the gas station so I get home :)
Stop at Giant for some greek yogurt which I have been out of and am going through withdrawls from not having it. Also need to pick up two new toothbrushes and toothpaste cause Einstein and Einstein over here forgot to bring them home from my parents house. Will probably get some lunch meat and what not while I am there
I put on some laundry yesterday and there is still a load in the dryer. I can put money on the fact Brian did not know it was there and did not take it out.
Have to call a girlfriend of mine and set up plans to see her for "christmas" hopefully next Saturday Of course, I still don't have a present for her husband so I will talk to her about that, as well.
And I also want to run to Old Navy while they are having their post Christmas sales...I also got gift cards so I want to do that and stretch the gift cards further.
Dinner tonight will be some really great left overs. Mom and Dad made filet mignon for Christmas dinner and sent us home with some so we will have that - yummy yummy - so nothing I need to do for dinner besides heat and eat - nice!!
I say go to like a costco or sams club or something and buy lemon juice and mustard in those 30 gallon containers and tell her she is to keep them with her at all times so she can bring her own damn condiments. And if she's so miserable seeing you guys and how you "treat" her then she can have you come to her house or wherever she might live and can wait on you hand and foot. Anyway...that's just my 4am two cents worth.
I actually have a LOT to do today. ON the way home I will:
Stop at the gas station so I get home :)
Stop at Giant for some greek yogurt which I have been out of and am going through withdrawls from not having it. Also need to pick up two new toothbrushes and toothpaste cause Einstein and Einstein over here forgot to bring them home from my parents house. Will probably get some lunch meat and what not while I am there
I put on some laundry yesterday and there is still a load in the dryer. I can put money on the fact Brian did not know it was there and did not take it out.
Have to call a girlfriend of mine and set up plans to see her for "christmas" hopefully next Saturday Of course, I still don't have a present for her husband so I will talk to her about that, as well.
And I also want to run to Old Navy while they are having their post Christmas sales...I also got gift cards so I want to do that and stretch the gift cards further.
Dinner tonight will be some really great left overs. Mom and Dad made filet mignon for Christmas dinner and sent us home with some so we will have that - yummy yummy - so nothing I need to do for dinner besides heat and eat - nice!!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Thanks Pam,
I usually give Mom some of her own medicine. I know part of her problem is that she has a terrible entitlement attitude, and has no clue what it is like to work full time, and try to juggle life as well. She quit working full time when she had my brother in 1951. Her life basically came to an end at that point, because she stayed home and had kids, with a nervous breakdown right after I was born. Now she just swings from manic to depressed all the time.
Probably why I went and got my MSW. Between her bipolar disorder and my alcoholism, I figured I had to learn something about how to care for people like her.
I usually give Mom some of her own medicine. I know part of her problem is that she has a terrible entitlement attitude, and has no clue what it is like to work full time, and try to juggle life as well. She quit working full time when she had my brother in 1951. Her life basically came to an end at that point, because she stayed home and had kids, with a nervous breakdown right after I was born. Now she just swings from manic to depressed all the time.
Probably why I went and got my MSW. Between her bipolar disorder and my alcoholism, I figured I had to learn something about how to care for people like her.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Hiya everyone.
Trish.. Let me say this. She had to have had a miserable life if this is the way she treats you. You could follow along in her mean cycle but you are smart enough to break it. Everytime she says something mean.. just smile your best smile and say... gee mom.. if you ever say anything nice.. id might have a heart attack! or.. ya know....if you said something nice..... i might start believing you actually like me..
You cant pick your family but you can choose your friends Trish and I would be honored to be considered one of them.
It's 57 degrees here.. It might get as high as 70. It's wonderful. I work today from 6am-2:30pm. After work Im gonna saddle up the dogs and take them for a walk. Can't let this beautiful weather go past unenjoyed!
I hope you all have a fantastic day!

Trish.. Let me say this. She had to have had a miserable life if this is the way she treats you. You could follow along in her mean cycle but you are smart enough to break it. Everytime she says something mean.. just smile your best smile and say... gee mom.. if you ever say anything nice.. id might have a heart attack! or.. ya know....if you said something nice..... i might start believing you actually like me..
You cant pick your family but you can choose your friends Trish and I would be honored to be considered one of them.
It's 57 degrees here.. It might get as high as 70. It's wonderful. I work today from 6am-2:30pm. After work Im gonna saddle up the dogs and take them for a walk. Can't let this beautiful weather go past unenjoyed!
I hope you all have a fantastic day!

Thanks Diane,
Yes, Mom did have a pretty pitiful life as a child, with abuse and poverty. Then, after I was born, she had a bipolar breakdown and spent many episodes of my childhood in psych hospitals getting shock treatments. Then there was my father's violent alcoholism. I guess my problem is, I also had abuse in my life, and have had my bouts with mental health issues, not to mention my divorce, but I strive not to hurt my kids or act entitled. I try to be empathetic with her, given my training in mental health, but this holiday, I just do not have the patience for her crap. I guess it is like, she is 82 years old, I have already lost two brothers, I would like to have pleasant memories of her, instead of the "***** on Wheels" memories that bring back flashbacks of my teenage years. Hmmmm.
Well, anywho, I can't change her, so I will have to change me.
Yes, Mom did have a pretty pitiful life as a child, with abuse and poverty. Then, after I was born, she had a bipolar breakdown and spent many episodes of my childhood in psych hospitals getting shock treatments. Then there was my father's violent alcoholism. I guess my problem is, I also had abuse in my life, and have had my bouts with mental health issues, not to mention my divorce, but I strive not to hurt my kids or act entitled. I try to be empathetic with her, given my training in mental health, but this holiday, I just do not have the patience for her crap. I guess it is like, she is 82 years old, I have already lost two brothers, I would like to have pleasant memories of her, instead of the "***** on Wheels" memories that bring back flashbacks of my teenage years. Hmmmm.
Well, anywho, I can't change her, so I will have to change me.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

GM PA Friends,
Saturday has the kids and I still in Rochester and having a blast. We woke to rain this morning and hoping for it to stop. The plan today is to take my 4 kids, their cousins and about 12 other friends out to a place called Polar Wave for the afternoon. Its a snow tube park and should be a ton of fun.
Trish - we should talk about parents - seems like we have some things in common. This is the first Christmas Holiday in 3 years I have seen mine and we only 'stopped in' for less than 30 minutes on Christmas night this year. We see them maybe every few years (if that). The holiday should be about being with the ones you love and love you. Kids and I have typically either traveled or been with great friends - I endured the abuse growing up - why put my kids through it...I decided years ago to make my own "happy" family holiday traditions (even if it makes me untraditional).
Anyway - after Snow Tubing - then its on for movies later tonight and a huge gathering of friends after that.
Have a wonderful Saturday PA - make it a great day.
Kim Z
Saturday has the kids and I still in Rochester and having a blast. We woke to rain this morning and hoping for it to stop. The plan today is to take my 4 kids, their cousins and about 12 other friends out to a place called Polar Wave for the afternoon. Its a snow tube park and should be a ton of fun.
Trish - we should talk about parents - seems like we have some things in common. This is the first Christmas Holiday in 3 years I have seen mine and we only 'stopped in' for less than 30 minutes on Christmas night this year. We see them maybe every few years (if that). The holiday should be about being with the ones you love and love you. Kids and I have typically either traveled or been with great friends - I endured the abuse growing up - why put my kids through it...I decided years ago to make my own "happy" family holiday traditions (even if it makes me untraditional).
Anyway - after Snow Tubing - then its on for movies later tonight and a huge gathering of friends after that.
Have a wonderful Saturday PA - make it a great day.
Kim Z
Good Morning,
I am excited about my new wool ragg socks from Eddie Bauer. I know, Cheryl's flown over the cukoo's nest, she's excited about socks, now...lol!
But I went into their store yesterday specifically looking for their men's wool ragg socks, NOT THE THIN WOMENS' MERINO ONES, the REAL deal is the mens' wool ones. I had some about 10 years ago and they have finally worn out, they are thick and warm and I just love 'em. I love they way they smell, they way they feel, the way look, everything. So I finally found them amoungst the cornucopia of stuff they have, and they were on sale for 5.99!! I got some beige ones and some grey ones.
I'm so happy I'm going back for more today.
Hee hee end of sock talk.
I am excited about my new wool ragg socks from Eddie Bauer. I know, Cheryl's flown over the cukoo's nest, she's excited about socks, now...lol!
But I went into their store yesterday specifically looking for their men's wool ragg socks, NOT THE THIN WOMENS' MERINO ONES, the REAL deal is the mens' wool ones. I had some about 10 years ago and they have finally worn out, they are thick and warm and I just love 'em. I love they way they smell, they way they feel, the way look, everything. So I finally found them amoungst the cornucopia of stuff they have, and they were on sale for 5.99!! I got some beige ones and some grey ones.
I'm so happy I'm going back for more today.
Hee hee end of sock talk.
Happy Holidays everyone - it is still the holidays for me. Just got back from breakfast out with my sister and b-i-l - going to be fairly quiet today. Tonight we're all going out to dinner to one of our fav restaurants - this place serves HUGE portions so everyone keeps asking what I'll be getting and I keep telling them I'll be fine.
Had a nice holiday - its been crazy and I'm wearing out - might be good to go back to work on Monday!
Found out my nephew does have Type 2 Diabetes - my sister took him to the ER yesterday and his blood sugars were 585, so they gave him 4 bags of fluids, insulin and a script for meds. Of course he went out drinking last night so who knows how serious he'll be about taking care of himself.
Anyway, its been a nice day - and a nice visit with my sister. Looking forward to the rest of our activities this weekend.
Had a nice holiday - its been crazy and I'm wearing out - might be good to go back to work on Monday!
Found out my nephew does have Type 2 Diabetes - my sister took him to the ER yesterday and his blood sugars were 585, so they gave him 4 bags of fluids, insulin and a script for meds. Of course he went out drinking last night so who knows how serious he'll be about taking care of himself.
Anyway, its been a nice day - and a nice visit with my sister. Looking forward to the rest of our activities this weekend.