***Christmas Eve/WednesdayRoll Call***
Just a little addendum to my original post....
If you are going out, PLEASE be careful!! We had countless accident victims come into the ER...and 78 E was closed on my way home due to two really bad accidents...my 1/2 hour trip was 1 1/2 hours today.

Afterwards I have a whole day and night of activites whi*****ludes dropping off food I made for my cousin's party tonight, stoping at my aunt because she needs pictures, then making my way to Jersey to visit my Step mom then back to a friends house then finally ending up at my couisn for the night.
Did I mention I was wide awake at 4am this morning and some how want to nap today???Maybe at my desk since I have nothing to do today.
Everyone have a safe and wonderful holiday.
Santa came early for me as well and brought me the 15 lb hand weights I have been eyeballing at every sports store. So 'BooYa' Planet Fitness - I can do it all at home with my new weights today!
Tomorrow - kids and I will open gifts then hit the road for upstate NY. It will be a 6+ hour drive (depending on the weather). We will be spending 5 days with good friends there. The older two boys and I along with my little brother will be skiing Friday, Saturday and Sunday at a small place just outside of the Finger Lakes. Saturday night - I will be taking Stella and my younger son and a bunch of their friends Snow Tubing and leave the older boys and my brother to tackle the mountain without me.
I am so dang excited about this trip! I havent been on a pair of skiis in 27 years!! Even back then - I was well over 250 pounds - so this trip should be so much better as I am physically ready.
For today - will be my day of calm before the excitement begins....have a wonderful and safe holiday everyone.
Kim Z
Today has me at work till 11 am. What a surprise to walk out the front door this morning to almost slip and fall on the ice. Getting out of my neighborhood was pretty bad, but once on I95 everything was smooth sailing to work.
When I get home I have to decorate for Christmas, then bake a Jewish Apple Cake & Pumpkin Pie, and Gene's favorites Pie Crust cookies a family recipe of his mom's that I"ve tweeked to be WLS friendly for him made with whole wheat flour

Then clean the house for Christmas dinner tomorrow, this is the first I've cooked in 3 years. My Daughter & Son-In-Law and granddog Patchy will be over tomorrow for Christmas dinner - YEAH!!!!
Wishing all a safe, blessed, and loving Christmas eve & Day.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday however it is celebrated.
Today I need to run to the store and get some staples such as milk, bread, sugar and flour. Then clean up some ... need to get rid of the "old" toys in the family room to make room for the "new" toys that will be opened tomorrow.
DD wants to make cookies so we'll be making some sugar cookies and dipping some pretzels. Since I can't eat any I'm not going crazy this year, but I might suprise DH and make some Oreo Truffles that he loves. They are yummy and easy.
No traditional Christmas Eve fish feast here this year, but DH will make the kids homemade pizza so they should be really happy with that.
Tomorrow inlaws will come over in the morning to open presents and we'll have a breakfast casserole I make. . Then they leave and the kids play, play, play. At some point we'll go to the nursing home to visit my dad and then home for dinner. Inlaws will come back.
On Friday night we are making the trip to NY to visit my family. I'm so happy. We hadn't originally planned to but decided yesterday since he has time off from work and I'm still on STD. I can't wait for the trip. We haven't told the kids yet. They'll be so excited to go.
As for me, I am home today Jason is at work so I have to wrap 2 more presents for him.
I am trying to take it easy because i will be working thurs and friday and I want to try and limit the amount of swelling.
I am going to put on my best track suit LOL Nothing else fits. And we will have dinner somewhere and then go out and look at christmas lights,. that is our tradition, I am looking forward to doing something normal.
I wish you all safe journeys, and love and happiness.
Merry Christmas Eve Everybody!! Looks like I'm the real late comer today. I am off today thru Sunday - back to work on Monday - yeah me!! its quiet here right now - sister and her family are out doing some last minute stuff - so far no drama - no mention of my nephew staying with me - and let's keep it that way. He does not look good, tho, and is showing the classic signs of a diabetic, so they're out looking to see if they can get him tested today.
Finally got the last of my gifts wrapped and under the tree - my daughter in Seattle got the boxes of gifts I shipped out - was getting worred because they're having such terrible weather out there. I wish I could have stuck myself into one of those boxes - would love to be with her and my s-i-l and grandbabies - well, they're not babies anymore, but they will still sit on my lap at times. I miss them so much.
But don't want to be sad today - mom is still pretty heakthy and with us for Christmas, and after my meltdown the other week I do realize how grateful and fortunate I am to still have her with us, because last year we thought for sure it would be her last holiday with us, so we are truly blessed.
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday - be safe, happy and healthy.