What's your new years resolution?
My new years resolutions also come with things I would like to get back into doing:
Horseback Riding (I used to ride all the time...)
Rollerblading (I never really did learn, and would like to)

My other resolution is to do 1 thing I couldn't do before I lost all the weight and 1 thing I wouldn't do before I lost all the weight. The "wouldn't" is to go tandem sky diving. I just never thought it would be that great of an idea to have a 400 lb woman and some little 150 lb guy strapped together and falling out of the sky. Call me crazy but the word *SPLAT* just always seemed to come to mind. The "couldn't" is to hike the red trail at Bushkill Falls from start to finish without needing someone to call 911 for me. Anyone who is familiar with Bushkill Falls will understand why this is considered a great achievement but for those who don't know about it - it's a 2 1/2 hour hike UP, UP, and UP the mountain..It's really tough but I'm determined to do it because there was a time when I wasn't even able to finish the kiddie trail. John and I had visited when we were first married and both of us had a VERY DIFFICULT time walking the basic trail. We only made it halfway thru and had to turn back around from being completely exhausted and out of breath. I'm not even joking when I tell you that there were elderly folks with canes passing us by. It was humiliating to say the very least so this time, I'm taking that red trail by the horns and I'm gonna whoop it's butt!

Good luck with the whole skydiving thing. I never saw the fascination of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. If you need me, I will be your private nurse, planted firmly here on the ground!! LOL

Good idea Pam! There's no one else I would rather share it with than all of you.
I'm sure there are more than a few of us that never would have been able to do that hike before surgery so it would be great to be there together, cheering eachother on as we complete a goal some of us probably never even realized we had. Let's definitely be sure we plan it once the weather gets warmer, either spring or fall though because summer is waaaaaaaaaay too hot for that kind of hiking.
Don't let the skydiving thing fool ya. It's in no way a fascination believe me. I'm actually afraid of heights...LOL.. but I want to do it for a few different reasons, none of which I'll bore the entire board with right now but 'll fill you the next time I see ya. Good to know I'll have my own private nurse though! How cool is that??