hmmm, not sure I like this
My name did not come up...I went to google, typed my name in the search bar and clicked enter. I only looked very briefly at the first two pages, but nothing about OH came up.
However, it did come up as a facebook website, and also for a website that showed the times in the 5k some of us did on July 4th

You may be able to contact google and ask them to remove the references. I have googled myself many times...and luckly...I also share a name with an actress and a they fill up about 1,000 pages worth of google searches. I never post my phone number or address on here....I don't want someone googling them and having it lead them to OH. I also do not use my last name anywhere on OH....not my member name, not my display name...nothing. If you are using your full name somewhere on here, see if you can change it to just a first name and initial.
You definitely want to check your account and user setting here on OH. Click on MyOH at the top there and then settings on the left hand side of the page. On the general information tab, be sure your last name is not listed there. If it is, you can delete it and that should remove you from google/OH search results.
let us know how you make out.
I know I have a few postings with my real name but it is through . If you Google my nieces hubby's name boy the stuff you will find !

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