TGIF Roll Call!!
I am at wor****il 4 then finally stopping at Sears to pick something up. I am then headed home to straighten up the kitchen so I can do a full scale cleaning tomorrow.
This weekend lets see tomorrow I have to run my mom to meet my Aunt, run into wal-mart then home to finish prepping for Christmas and the Cooking Class on sunday! Hope to see some of you there!
Have a great weekend
I am staying home today because the pain is just not workable. I do have an appointment this afternoon, but not with the rheumatologist. I could not get in to see her this week, so I must wait till Tuesday.
Other than the appointment, I have cleaning and crafting to do.
Have a great weekend.
Albert Schweitzer

I'm at work today TGIF for sure. Tonight is our company holiday party at the Kimberton Inn and I'm looking forward to that. I bought a really cool top to wear size large, yea...spent $100 for it. Never in my life have I spent that much on a top but it is cool and I deserve it :o)
On another note I have a confession and probably need a boot in the butt from Heather. I've not been to the gym in a week. I'm really in a funk about going. I talk about going, my intentions are to go, but then by the time I get home from work I sit on the couch and that's where I stay until bedtime. I really struggle in the winter with the time change. I hate that it gets dark so early. It's like my body wants to go into hibernation at 4:00 every day. Sigh....My intention is to get to the gym Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully that will get me going again.
Ok on one other note....Something about OH has been bothering me a little. I think it might be in my best interest to step back from the boards a bit for my own mental health. I get miffed and agitated when I read posts from people who have recently has surgery or had it around my date and they report weight losses of 80, 90, 100 pounds in short amount of times. If they say they don't exercise at all it really upsets me. I know we are not to compare ourselves but that is hard to do. I responded to the April 08 "report" thread last night and the few that posted to that thread are reporting 100+ pound lost. Messes with my head big time. I do enjoy the PA board so it is hard for me to distance from you all.
Ok sorry this was long. I had to express and I had time this morning to write.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Hang in there *hugs* congrats on the new top! If you can post pics after the party with you all dolled up!
You're doing great - please don't get discouraged with yourself - you're losing at your pace and what is healthy for your body.
I'm feeling like crap today - still sporting that sore throat and last night around 9:00 I started closing up and getting a runny nose and feeling ick. So I believe I have a full blown cold now and would have loved just to stay in bed this morning, but that wasn't possible. What is nice is that my boss just called and she's exhausted from traveling and is staying home today, so I'm going to leave at 3:00, go to Cost****ill me now...) and get the things I need for tomorrow and then head home.
Tomorrow is the Christmas party for my husband's family - 3 daughters, 10 grandchildren, various boyfriends/girlfriends, in-laws, 11 great-grandchildren...sigh...we rented the clubhouse where we live - its huge and has a big kitchen (not that I'm cooking - Papa John's is!!), but there is room to roam for everyone and a Christmas tree, and I have Xmas decorations to put out. The great-grands are all getting gifts - everyone else has to bring a gift for the Yankee gift exchange game. So wish me luck - this is one loud bunch so I hope I'm feeling better!!
Happy Friday - hope everyone has a great weekend.
Good Friday morning everyone!!!
I'm about to take Connor to school. He just ate some cereal and his lunch is all made. I didn't get up in time to get a shower before I left to take him. I wanted to run over to Pathmark right after I dropped him off to pick something up, but the way I look right now, they would throw me out of the store!!! So I'll drop him off and come back and get a shower. I will then proceed to Pathmark looking nice and fresh!!! Then I have some other errands to run, Christmas shopping really.
Tonight I have to work at Macy's from 6 to 11:30. And if all else goes right, I'm on my way to Michael's with my sister-in-law after I'm done working. I don't really want to go out that late, but if I get to shake my booty for a couple hours, I'm good with that. I like to get to places a little bit earlier, but oh well. And it may not even happen anyway...she's horrible with making definite plans. So we shall see.
Have a great Friday everyone!!!
Hubby and I were up till well past 1am...we had gone to the mall yesterday, then out to dinner, then home. We bought a TON of stuff at the mall for Christmas presents. We got presents for:
Both of my brothers
My father (mom was done)
His parents
Our friend, his wife, and one of their children
Brian's parents
Thanks to Karen for the coupon - one of my brothers gifts came from Macy's as did my in laws gifts...and with the other sales they were having plus the coupon - I got a total of 50% my brothers gift which allowed me to get him something I would not have otherwise been able to afford!
Then we came home and I started wrapping most of those gifts.
So I didn't roll out of bed till 10:35 today.
That actually works out well for me because I am working 7p-7a the later I slept today, the better off tonight will probably go for me.
I need to run to the Walgreens and the Ace Hardware store which are both within walking distance to our house. The ace has an annex post office inside (how cool) so I need to buy stamps for our Christmas cards. At Walgreens I need to buy some extra wrapping paper/boxes and what not to finish up the gifts.
There's also some straightening up that DESPERATELY needs to be done around here.
Depending on how quickly I get all that done...I will pull out our one box of Christmas decorations and do that as well. We downsized big time from our other house cause we didn't know what kind of storage we would have at the new place where as our old place had a full attic and basement. We also decided not to do a tree this year...which really bums me out...but we figured with just moving in, I didn't want to get the house all set up, only to put stuff away and put out Christmas stuff. I'm kind of regretting that decision now...but next year will definately be a Christmas decoration fun time!
So...that was really long! Enjoy your day!