Got a New Job!!
Hi Everyone,
A couple of months ago I was upset because I was laid off and they gave me 60 days notice to find myself another job. I was so depressed and scared because of the economy. Well guess what I found a new Job!! Just two weeks before my layoff. I am in a dilemma the old job offered me a 6 weeks severance. I want that but my new job want me to start on 12/22 but my old job wants me there until 12/24. I have 2 and half days of vacation days and I have unlimited sick time I can take. I have not used one sick day this year and I was thinking could I use the two vacation days and one sick day to collect my severance and at the same time start a new job. I have been at my current job for 3 and half years and feel I deserve this severance. I found this job after pounding the pavements for almost 2 months. Why should I not be able to take advantage of the severance?? Does anybody know if I can do this? I certainly could use the money with Christmas right around the corner and with me losing a job around holidays I did not buy my kids any toys just basic things that they would need for school and clothes. I would really appreciate any suggestions and or advise my OH family could provide me. Sorry to go on and on but I am so torn and confused and do not know what to do. Anyway thanks for listening.
Congrats on the new job! That's awesome it all fell into place before your old job officially laid you off.
I know in the past companies I have worked for, I was able to use my days off towards the end of my employment....but could not "call out" IE it needed to be pre planned. I think worst case scenario is that you ask them and see if it would count.
The other option is to point blank explain this to your new employer (assuming your old job tells you no, you can't use your time) and see if they would be flexible for your start date.
Sorry I can't give you more clear cut advice than that. And I totally agree you are entitled to that severence package.

Most new employers are respectful of letting you give a 2 weeks notice for your previous so they may be flexible with letting you begin a few days later so you end on "good terms" with the current employer.
Good Luck and congrats on finding a new job. You are lucky in these hard times.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
I'm sorry I have no idea about the severance issue, but I did want to say congratulations on your new job!! Incredible the way things worked out for you. I hope you enjoy your new job very much and congratulations again!!!
It was SO nice meeting you at Barix last weekend. You are really a wonderful, beautiful woman and I look forward to seeing you next time I am in town.
Lisa :)