MIA (missing in action)
Thanks Kim! It was good to see you at the OH event at the beginning of the month and I take it from your post that you are planning on going to Saturday meetings. I won't be able to make the first one though. Please feel sorry for me, LOL, I am going down to shore with some friends to relax and enjoy the beauty of the water and the chill in the air.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
--Mahatma Ghandi
Celebrate Life, L'Chaim, Peace, Shalom
I downloaded Avast! at home and it cleaned it all up.....work may be a different story...i am pretty sure it was a PM I opened from a "deactivated member" that ate it up. I wasn't thinking when I opened it and knew as soon as I did that it was on of those scams, so I closed it immediately...I guess opening it was all it took. I will see on Monday what the damage was.