30 days!!!
Im doing trial runs of the liquid diet to kinda get myself ready for all the changes. Anyone else having there surgery in Aug? Im alittle scared about the kids being worried about me and just being able to still be mom when i first come home. They are 3.5 and 8. I think my 8 yr old will be a great help.
Ok.. Well im excited. lol
You are a brave soul for giving the liquid diet a trial run - do you have to go on one before the surgery or is this preparation for afterwards? If its for after your surgery you might be wasting your time because your tastes are going to change so much immediately after surgery - things I loved pre-surgery totally gagged me post-op, and it happens with most of us. So be careful what you stock up on - you may end up hating it! I had to do a 10 day clear liquid diet pre-op and then 2 weeks clears post-op - if I never see another sugar free jello cup it'll be too soon - LOL!!
Your kids will be great - jus****ch the little one for wanting to be in mommy's lap - and definitely no lifting! But your surgeons and nurses will tell you all that
Congratulations on your big day!! I'll be in Seattle visiting my daughter and my beautiful granddaughters but I'll try to check the boards - make sure somebody posts for you and lets us know how you're doing.
Im so excited. I almost cant sleep some nights. I just wish there were more people in my area going thru the same thing.
You do seem sort of remote - hopefully you'll be able to find a local support group because they are so key in maintaining your sanity and helping you through all this - friends and family can try to be understanding and all, but unless they've gone through this they really have no clue. So good luck in finding a group - or maybe starting one!
Ugh. I feel hungry, mentally & physically.
But I plan on trying my best to stick to it.
Oh & I I have an 8 yr old too... along with 5 yr old b/g twins.
And ya know, worst case scenario, maybe in the future we could take turns taking the long drive to the hosp. meetings. They also have them in Shamokin, I think, which really isn't too close either, lol.
"If you want something bad enough, you'll find it.
If you don't, you'll find excuses."
First, let me tell you that you are totally normal to be excited. It is like getting ready to go on an adventure.
My first suggestion would be to make sure you have a spot on your sofa or chair that you and your 3 year old can sit next to each other and snuggle in. I had hernia surgery in December and my 6 month old granddaugter came for Christmas. I sat on the couch with her next to me a lot, so she was not on my lap pressing against my abdomen. Make sure you have books for that occassion, or DVDs to watch together for some "Mommy and Me" time. Keep a basket near the couch for the books and toys you and the kidlet will play with together.
My second suggestion is if you make homemade soups, make a batch now, and drain the liquid and freeze it for after your surgery. You can freeze the solid stuff to be pureed later for the puree phase too. I did that and was much happier with my homemade broth. I did puree some stuff ahead of time, and put it in ice cube trays and then popped them out and put them in Ziplock freezer bags for post-op.
Hang in there. You are in for the ride of your life.
Albert Schweitzer