Looking forward to meeting you!
So I am getting on a plane tomorrow morning to come hang out in Pittsburgh for a few days. This will be my first time in Pittsburgh so I am looking forward to getting a chance to check out the city. Let me know if there are any "must see or do" places you would suggest. Just for a reference, I like movies, long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners and breweries....ok, just kidding...well not the breweries part.
Anyway, I am looking forward to meeting all of you that plan on attending the event this weekend. I think I am talking later in the afternoon so plan to come with plenty of questions about exercise, health and fitness....come on now, I know you love the topic. Oh yeah, and promise me you won't fall asleep after lunch. See you there!
Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist