AWKWARD! moment....
Albert Schweitzer
I am pretty open with it but last night it took my breath away a little and I know deep down he would never say anything to me if he thought it would hurt my feelings. 'He has not mentioned the weight loss directly to me but his roommate has and he was there when we had the conversation. Plus he has taken my food order on more then one occassion and I custom order everything to point it drives him crazy. We gotta do what we gotta due right! I will have to think about it and see what happens when I see Joey.... The guy that had weight loss was extremly insecure prior to surgery I know this first hand he was close to 500 pounds and he is like 225 now so I can understand his new attitude but the story even made me laugh ...He came into the bar with his own boom box dancing and when they told him turn it off he went out to the patio of the bar and danced. When we work comedy shows together he will bring me cds for him to dance to for the crowd. He reminds me if Rerun from What's Happening when he dances. I should arrange a comdey night for all us one night!
Next time Joey makes a dumb insensitive comment like that, I'd ask him how that CRAZY penis enlargement surgery is working out for him.
For me personally i plan to shout it from the rooftops that I had WLS. I think we can be real powers of example to people who are suffering from obesity or may know someone suffering that WLS is NOT crazy and that it's a solution to so many *****ALLY need it.
Good luck.