it's me!
Laura!!!! Haven't seen you in forever. WOW, you look amazing. You always were the one I envied and compared myself to, however . . . you won't catch me trying to compete anymore. I've been near or at my 'goal' weight since about December and I too am A-Okay with it (about 150 to 147). By the way, is that tat on your back? And, what it is of. I have to be careful not to wear revealing clothes since I have a very small one on my back (nuns would freak!). I haven't been on in forever either but school is finally wrapping up and besides, Norm doesn't care. LOL
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
--Mahatma Ghandi
Celebrate Life, L'Chaim, Peace, Shalom
Sr Jan with a tat!? Well who would've thunk it?! I have a small one as well - on my left ankle. Since I don't wear dresses or even capris very often its fairly hidden as well, but that may change as the weight comes off! A nun with a tat - that just cracks me up!! Well, I should have guessed after the cosmo glasses at the pilgrimage (I loved those!). Kathy
Thanks Jan. I am glad to hear that you are good with where you are at weight wise. That's really all that matters isn't it???
Yes..Huge tat on my back. I have another picture from that day of just my back. When I get home this evening I will post it in this thread so you can see it. I could never be a nun with all my tats and umm everything else about me!! LOL
With school wrapping up you can sit back and enjoy your summer hopefully? I mean as long as you don't care that Norm doesn't care!! hahahha