Back to Basics Challenge - Week 1 over!

Liz R.
on 6/15/08 9:42 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning all - how did you do last week? I had many struggles but managed to stay on trac****il the weekend - on friday I received a call that my grandmother was in heart failure, I made teh 3 hour trek up there to spend the weekend with her, she is still hanging on but this morning the meds are being weaned off. This will be the true test. I am headed back up there now, just had to come home to take MOm to radiation. I will be back late tomorrow. MY eating, well was dictated by the vending machine in the lobby and what was at my Grandmother's house when we arrived. I am up to 203 but the numbers today don't matter to me. I just have to make sure that I Am getting in food and water and will do my best at this tough time. Hope you all did as wonderfully as I think that you did!! Liz
(deactivated member)
on 6/15/08 10:08 pm
Liz, I will keep your grandmother in my thoughts.  Make sure to take care of yourself. I did great, until the last two days of the week.  I realized last week was PMS week and I was also retaining water big time..  My ankles were so swollen (that is something I haven't seen since pre-op) that they actually hurt to move.  One good thing that came out of it is, I am now back to focusing on protein when I plan my day and my pouch is feeling tighter.  I am still holding on to water today (you just do NOT gain 14 pounds then drop it, then gain 11 pounds over night again because you had a couple beers and a handful of carbs in a 24 hour period)  Why is it that men don't ever seem to retain water...and they certainly don't gain once a month because of their hormones. Anyway....I can't wait for this week to be over so my body can hopefully get back to normal...until next month LOL.  I came armed with protein drinks, cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, chicken, ede mame.  Also, lots and lots of water. HG 
Pam Hart
on 6/15/08 10:25 pm - Easton, PA
Liz, I will be thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. I am down to 141 - a loss of 2 pounds.  I'm not a hundred percent sure it was all pouch test - as I got my friend on Friday and lost a lot of water weight in the process - I could feel it in my fingers.  I too am concentrating more on protein and actually just feeling better in general.  I definately have more energy, which I did not expect to have. Brian is down to 209 so a loss of 3 pounds.  That's including his little fall on Friday when we went to the fair and he got 6 zeppoli's and ate them all.  Oh, by the way, he was sick afterwards which much be related to the pouch test and the lack of carbs and fat he had done all week, because in past years he could do 6 or even 12 without a problem. All in all not a bad week - difficult at times - but I actually enjoyed it.  Hubby told me never again would he do it - but he is concentrating on healtheir eating and what not, so that's good. Pam
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 6/16/08 12:07 am - PA
Hello Liz, You and your family is in my thoughts and prayers... The past week went very well for me. I weighed in at 235 this morning. So i lost 5 pounds!!!!!!! Im so excited! YEAH!
Ready4 AChange
on 6/16/08 12:10 am - Upper Chichester, PA
I have to admit that I cheated....yes I did ! Tried instant breakfast w/silk and it didn't go over too well. Did make hubby his pineapple upside down cake and had a piece just enough to taste it ( wasn't too bad) now I think I'm going to cut it and freeze it for him ( don't want him to eat it all at once.)  The scale didn't move for me. Sandy

                                                                                                                                        ribbon.gif image by Ready4Achange Remember.......  Click to Give .....Hunger, Breast Cancer, literacy, rain f                                                                                         orest, animal rescue and CHILD HEALTH

Shannon O.
on 6/16/08 12:15 am - Reading, PA
I knew that last week would be crazy so I didn't do the 5 day pouch test... but I did have my protein shakes for breakfast every day and dropped 3 pounds last week... So, I am going to try to keep with that for this week also to make sure I am getting enough liquids because I think I might of fallen short some the week before...

But I hope your grandmother pulls out of this Liz!! Hang in there!

on 6/16/08 1:08 am - West Bradford, PA
I was able to make it thought last week with out one cracker, cookie, or snack.  I am down to 203 yesterday morning so that is a 4 pound loss.  I am keeping it up this week to see what will happen. I have also sworn off cheese for the next week. OMG cheese is going to kill me. I dont digest it and it end up having me in the rest room for hours at a time. OUCHIE!!!  Liz I am praying for you and your family. Jen
Highest Wt 299.8 / Surg Wt 285 / Curr Wt 157
Alice P.
on 6/16/08 8:21 am - Bensalem
Hi Liz, and everyone who survived hell week.  I weighed in at 199 this am.  Down 6 lbs.  I thought it would of been more but no. It sounds like you have alot on your plate Liz. . You are in my prayers. Have a good week. Alice
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