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Hello Everyone!
It's been a busy week with medical appointments...something I don't think I'll ever get used to!
I have always dreaded going to the doctor for even the most routine matter & now I have multiple appointments almost weekly. The good news is my wound from surgery (where they cut out the bacteria) is almost totally closed. They had estimated 6 months, and its just been over 3 so that is positive! The bad news is I have the same or a new UTI...I am waiting for the doctor to call me back as the nurse who called t me didn't know if it was the same bacteria. was a UTI that caused my septis!
Judy had asked about 4th of July plans. We will be going to the festival they set up in our town: parade, food vendors, music, etc. & then the Fireworks.
We will take our granddaughter and her friend to the beach next week for a daytrip. They have a small amusement park, a good boardwalk, Grottos Pizza, and of course the ocean. I love going to the beach...hope we have good weather or we'll just switch to another day!
I don't know about doing a 4th of July barbeque yet...kind of up in the air.
Hope everyone is enjoying their day!

OK Thanks...Not sure if Rick would like that or not. Will have to ask him.
Sam's don't have that - it is Italian - mild. But really nice... and very tender.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Hi Kathy!!
Oh don't you just hate it when the PC tries your last nerve? I know it does mine!!!!
Oh I want to go to the beach too!!! LOL Last year at Vacation time my sciatic nerve was so bad I had to use a cane to get around and prayed that it didn't give out and I fall on my face!!! I hope this year it doesn't happen!!! But I have medication this year!!! WOOHOO!!!
My weight is also up again...I just can't leave chips alone or candy!!! WTH is the matter with me?? I don't want to be "FAT" ever again yet here I am on the way once more!!!
See my post to Yvonne on my funny story on the bike...OMG!!!!
Have a good night!!!
Nope no Costco by us but we do have a SAM's club. But maybe we can find that flavor elsewhere? What kind of flavor is Tuscany? Is it Spicy? Hot? Sweet? Might have to try it.
Hi Yvonne...OMG Woman!!! I feel your pain in that fall!!!! OK funny story here...First bike I bought...we were in Walmart with the bikes...Rick picked out a BMX bike for me to try out. I got on the darn thing IN the store to try to ride it. I got about 10 feet maybe...YOU GOT IT!!! I FELL!!!!! Crashed right into the Helmets, Knee Pads You got it... all the Safety stuff!!! I laid there LMAO!!!!!!!! Rick stood there and asked me if I was OK. I told him to get me up before somebody SAW ME!!!!!! He said guess what...CAMERAS!!! They got me on CAMERA!!! OMG!!!!!!! I LMAO even more!!!!!! Never again did I try to ride a bike in Walmart!!! Those floors are like ICE!!!!!! LOL Hope you don't hurt too bad tomorrow!!!
It is cool here today also. Had the weather channel on here and it was saying the wind chill today would be -120* WHAT???? Heard them say it a couple times and then they fixed it!! LOL
Yes Rick is a good cook!!! And housekeeper. I will keep him.
You have a good evening also!!!
Hi Everyone!
I had begun a post yesterday when my computer decided to update & kick me off Lost every word I had typed!
Now I can't remember what I wrote!
Anyhow, it's Monday. Busy morning between lab work, doctor appointment, phone calls and cleaning up around here. Our granddaughter has been with her mom this past week and is set to return tomorrow. Love her to death, but have enjoyed the quiet interruptions, no arguments or backtalk or stuff left all over the house. I will look forward to doing stuff with her, though, like going to the beach, etc.
My eating is still a struggle almost 2 years out of WLS. I have consistently tracked to hold myself accountable, but my calories and carbs get way too high at times. While I would love a pork tenderloin eating meat has always been difficult for me. I do a lot of eggs, fish & chicken. And then the sweet tooth calls...
I have gained 10 lbs. since my lowest weight. Some I blame on the recent surgery and related inactivity. I am not allowed to swim this summer which is my main enjoyment for exercise. I don't have all my strength back yet. Walking is now painful b/c I tripped and fell on my bad knee walking the dog. Grrrr...what a year and not half over...yet.
Judy, I LOVE strawberries which we get from the Amish now since we moved from the country and cant grow our own. I have gotten some from Sam's and they have been pretty sweet!
Julia, glad you don't suffer from the anxiety I do regarding your cancer check-ups. Best of luck!
Yvonne, I got a bike last summer and found my balance is off from my hearing loss so I cant ride. But kudos to you! I hear you about being embarrassed about your fall...I looked around to see if anyone watched me trip on the curb and
Hey H.A.L.A.
Well, that's all I have for today.

If you have Costco nearby - try their pre-seasoned and pre cut Tuscany (I think that is the name) pork tenderloin. it is better than expected.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Hi Judy,
Im not sure what im doing for the fourth of july.
Today i went bike riding. But when i got home i fell and hit my head hard on the pavement but no blood just a goose egg. Also scraped my leg. Im doing okay. I laugh about it now but at the time i was embarrassed because some people saw me fall.
It sure cool off today from what its been. At least it didn't rain.
Rick is always grilling something good. He sounds like a keeper.
Have a good evening