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Kathy S.
on 7/6/17 8:09 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with
Topic: #2017 Event Announcement - Saturday Sessions Full of Education & Support!

Announcing the 2017 ObesityHelp National Conference Saturday Sessions!

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HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 7/5/17 6:27 pm
VSG on 08/11/14
Topic: RE: Wednesday July 5. Been AWOL for a while

Hi ladies,

I slept most of the day away yesterday. Today marks 20 years since my mom passed away.

Going to the beach tomorrow since its supposed to be hot.

My SIL has liver cancer. She had her first chemotherapy this week. Ill call her tomorrow to see how it went.

Thats about it for me.

Have a good evening

Patricia R.
on 7/5/17 3:17 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Wednesday July 5. Been AWOL for a while

Hi Judy,

I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. My sister just called to tell me how hard it was to drop Mom off at a nursing home, temporarily, so she can travel here for a visit, and break from Mom. My sister still finds it hard to understand why Mom doesn't remember things she says to her, or why she keeps asking the same questions over and over. I get it, but then I have years of experience dealing with people who don't remember things, and ask questions over and over. I had kids, taught kids, and worked in a psychiatric hospital. I learned ages ago not to expect Mom to behave normally. Before the dementia, she was bipolar. Normal isn't part of Mom's makeup. Never was.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 7/5/17 2:11 pm - Galion, OH
Topic: RE: Wednesday July 5. Been AWOL for a while

Hi Trish,

Sorry that your mom is having health issues. I lost my mom just over two months ago. I took care of her til the end. Something I never want to go through ever again in my life. Watching a mom die more each day right before your eyes is really hard.

A Quaker marriage huh? Never knew they got married without a preacher of some kind. Different. Hope it works out for them.

All the stress I have had last few months the weight has come back some and I am trying hard to get it off again. But it seems to really love me now and will not leave.

Good seeing you posting here again.

Patricia R.
on 7/5/17 9:03 am - Perry, MI
Topic: Wednesday July 5. Been AWOL for a while

Sorry I've been quiet for so long. I've had a rough time with depression, and travel. Mom hasn't been doing well between her dementia and depression. In February, she broke her pelvis in a fall, and has been very obstinate with my sister, including just staying in bed all day.

My baby boy, Sean, got married in April. It was a Quaker wedding, where there was not minister, or officiant. It was exactly the kind of wedding he and his bride would have. Relaxed, informal.

My weight had stagnated during the Winter, but I started losing a few months ago.

I hope all of you have been well.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 7/4/17 2:40 pm - Galion, OH

Hi Kathy...Well I was just wondering why the "snowflakes" disappeared after I started posting again is all. They go into blocking so I can't see their posts then they just go away period. I think it is funny. Oh well. Also what happened to Lightswitch and her gang of posters? They were so into posting on how to eat right then gone. Weird. They make everyone go away and make this a dead board. WTH?

Anyhow our town had their little parade and fireworks the other day and night. No we didn't go. There is road construction in that area and then the huge traffic jam...No thanks!!!! Big enough traffic troubles without that construction right in the middle of it all. So we stayed home and watched tv.

Today was our little BBQ. OMG we had a BLAST!!!! So much good food and fun!!! We will be doing it again soon!!! Couple of the tenants said their birthday's are toward the end of next month so we will be BBQing then. Can't wait!!! I sure missed doing this stuff!!! My back is screaming in pain but oh well!!! I am happy. Have not been happy since mom died. Guess I am healing huh?

About a week and a half we will be at the beach also!!! Plus the hotel has an inground pool!!! OMG I can't wait to get away from here!!!!

Hope you had a great 4th!!!!

on 7/4/17 10:24 am

Hi Judy!

Don't think you've scared anyone away given this board has been pretty inactive for a long time now!

I think everyone is busy with their holiday plans...

We are going to the parade & fireworks tonite in our town. Always enjoy it. Tomorrow is a beach daytrip. Then the usual for the rest of the week.

Maybe someone will get on here and liven up MY boring

Happy 4th!



Judy G.
on 7/3/17 1:57 pm - Galion, OH

Where is everyone? Just because I started posting doesn't mean you all have to go into hiding!!! LOL

Getting my potatoes cooked for tomorrow's little BBQ with a few of my favorite tenants here. Making a huge bowl of potato salad. Next I have to make the hamburger patties. Think those will wait til morning. Not sure. See how my back feels after the potato salad gets made. Also have a huge watermelon to cut up. Hope it is sweet!!!

Got Bandit at the groomer's right now and should be just about ready to come home soon. He sure was in need of a bath and haircut!!! And of course I forgot to take his before picture...again!!! GRRRR Anyhow my groomer raises Pea****s. She had babies four days old!! So cute!!! She has both the colored ones and the white ones. Not sure what ones the babies are going to be.

So, incase I don't get back again, Have a SAFE 4th of July!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

on 6/28/17 7:02 pm
VSG on 08/11/14
Topic: RE: Wednesday


Sorry to hear you have uti. Hope they can get it to go away.

I have an indoor grill so I had rosemary garlic pork chops for supper.

My friend has been staying with me since Monday. I think she will go home tomorrow.

I had a relaxing day. Went to the grocery store and bible study.

Have a good night

Judy G.
on 6/28/17 3:54 pm - Galion, OH
Topic: RE: Wednesday

Hi Kathy...Sorry I have been missing...Just BUSY!!! WOW!!!

Sorry that you are having so many Dr appointments...BUT your wound IS healing and almost gone!!! Hope this new UTI (if that is what it is) you caught fast enough to get it gone fast!!! Keeping fingers crossed...and prayers.

We are having a small BBQ here on the 4th. Going to have a few favorite tenants over for that. Hopefully the weather will be nice!!! If not we use the clubhouse (AGAIN) for the eating. We have a Pickle Run Festival here over the weekend. Fun and Games and a parade. No we are not going to be in the parade this time.

Had a Surprise phone call tonight. My Sister!! Haven't talked to her since mom died. She told me Thank you for taking such good care of mom and how nice mom looked in the outfit I picked out for her. WOW!!! Good thing I was sitting down!!! Yesterday it has been two months since mom passed away. Its hard but I know she is better off. She suffered a lot toward the end. I have my moments. I am sure I always will. Still waiting for Rick's mom to say something on my loss. Rick's aunt Peggy passed away January 12th this year. (Her Sister) I was there for her...but I guess I don't count to say anything to? Oh well...her day is coming. OK off my soapbox. Sorry.

Rick cooked Rib Eye Steak on the grill tonight. Really good!!! I ate way too much and now I am paying the price...sighs......will I ever learn?????? NO.

Have a great night!!

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