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on 7/16/17 1:55 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Already

Hello Ladies!

It is hot, hot, hot in DE as well plus high humidity like in SC! It has been close to 100 degrees and 100% humidity the past 3 days so I have barely been outside. I had taken my granddaughter to an appointment a few days ago and came home feeling very fatigued from the heat despite being in an air-conditioned car & office.

I hear you Julia about wanting to appreciate every single day. Unfortunately we have entered the age group where friends & relatives are passing. I know it was tough on you to lose your friend especially the way she died. I had a close co-worker who died from the same disease and it was heart wrenching to see her suffer.

I ***** a lot, but I am SO grateful for so many things in my life. I have lost the majority of the weight I needed to lose so my quality of life improved greatly, I have a terrific husband, I am able to enjoy the things I love whether its working in the garden, reading a book or hiking in the woods, my family is close and we get along despite minor annoyances.

Sundays are relaxing for sure! I try to do as little as possible unless it is work around the house I enjoy doing or getting out to socialize. I love summer despite the heat b/c the whole season just seems to be more laid back.

Hope some others come to post as I miss the regular activity here.



H.A.L.A B.
on 7/16/17 10:46 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Already
On July 16, 2017 at 4:59 AM Pacific Time, seasheleyes wrote:

Summer is moving on very quickly, which in a way reminds me to grab life and enjoy it while I'm able to be active and healthy. I have recently lost two very close friends, one suddenly in an accident and the other in a disease that stole her movement and life over the period of eleven months. After watching and feeling both events I just want to appreciate every single day.

I live in California and it is hot these days. The heat is dry and not hard to take as long as you have air conditioning and don't work outside midday.

I hope everyone is healthy and hanging in emotionally. Wishing you a terrific Sunday!


In SC it is hot and humid. We have rain almost every day. Thunderstorms. Everything is damp, mold is bad.

On a good side of that - humidity is great on the skin. Less wrinkles. I need to use less face cream or body lotion. And my In/out cat does not complain to much when we get her home in evening. There are cayotes in my area and I always worry one of them would use her as a snack. But making her indoor only cat has not work in the past. She get very depressed, as any human would get when they lose their freedom. She was a stray when she found me and moved in with me, and she is at least 10 years old. And she has been with me for the last 9.5 years. She made my life so much better and ...more interesting.

I believe we don't own cats - we are the caretakers of them.

Sunday - today is about sleeping late, relaxing and cooking. I love cooking. The cleaning after I can live without... But it is not as bad as I feel what I look at my kitchen after a few hours of cooking/baking.

This Sunday I will cook spaghetti meat sauce, make meatloaf, and some side dishes. Plus jello. SF jello for me. My nails are splitting, collagen is good for that.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 7/15/17 9:59 pm - Manteca, CA
Topic: Sunday Already

Summer is moving on very quickly, which in a way reminds me to grab life and enjoy it while I'm able to be active and healthy. I have recently lost two very close friends, one suddenly in an accident and the other in a disease that stole her movement and life over the period of eleven months. After watching and feeling both events I just want to appreciate every single day.

I live in California and it is hot these days. The heat is dry and not hard to take as long as you have air conditioning and don't work outside midday.

I hope everyone is healthy and hanging in emotionally. Wishing you a terrific Sunday!


on 7/11/17 1:13 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Wow,,been forever since I was here...

I remember you ! You were on here when I first joined...Sorry to hear you regained 60 lbs! May seem overwhelming but you can do has taken me a year to lose about 50 of my regain. We all feel ashamed for letting it get to be so much and feel we should have done something when regain was less.

You will have to eat sensibly: plain protein like chicken, fish, eggs, and plenty of salads or veg, and a couple of fruits a day. Don't drink your calories, so skip the juices and high priced coffees. You have restriction thanks to your wls so use it. Eat healthy, reduce carbs, eliminate real and artificial sweeteners, skip sauces (unless you need to get dry chicken breast down, in which case skip the gravy, use salsa instead) and use diet tips to reduce calories. Hey, you know what to do, so do it, try for a month at a time, don't reward yourself with food when you lose a few lbs! Go for a mani/pedi know the drill!

Good luck, don't expect great weightloss in a few weeks, dieting doesn't work that way if done sensibly. The first 2 weeks are going to be hard as withdrawal symptoms and cravings set in, fight them. Slow weightloss is best, and leaves you room for celebratory meals on birthdays, in restaurants, at friends including a glass or two of wine now and then. Skip desserts and cookies. The secret is not making it torture and so strict you give up. Like HALA says: one pound at a time. Each one is a small victory.



H.A.L.A B.
on 7/10/17 3:54 pm, edited 7/10/17 8:54 am
Topic: RE: Friday Night

I am sorry to hear you had the cancer. Probably the drugs that you are on - they are helping you - but may damage the small intestine lining. And not much you can do about that. That can create leaky gut, sensitivity and all different issues. And when you get a flare - the only thing you can do is to wait it out, as you try to limit the damage.

I get mostly constipation - but once in a while - I get the uncontrolled runs and the only thing I can do it to give it time and lots o liquid. I buy and make my own bone broth. And I always have enough for 2-3 days. just in case that is the only thing my body can tolerate.

My list of safe foods - I made that list based on experience, not testing. If food bothers me every time - it goes on "don't even think about it" list. When I eat something, and it makes me hurt at least 3 out of 5 times - it goes on the "not safe list- high risk". Some foods - I can have a bite or 2, once in a while. And on good days only. And if it is not raining. And if its fresh, but cooked really well and served with ghee...etc.. My gut is unpredictable.

And i get that with stress added - there is no "safe food".

I did not get tested for SIBO. The test itself can cause severe RH and the facility that does test like that did not want to take a risk if my BS would drop very low. My gastro told me that often SIBO test is not reliable, it can show as negative while people actually have it anyway. But my symptoms convinced him that I have it. He prescribed antibiotics for that. The antibiotic is very expensive, and only last year my insurance start covering that. But my copay is really high...

But - when my symptoms get out of control and I can't eat most carbs without crying in pain - or the spasms and pain become daily issue - I take 2 weeks treatment - get on a very specific diet and get better... Over last few years- I have more "good" months, than really bad ones. My last treatment was in January - I lost too much weight before that and could not stop losing. The only food I tolerated was meat- fat and pickles, and surprisingly - nuts and nut butters - but not a lot. But i could not eat any fruits or any carbs -starches, without getting a severe spasms and pain. No veggies except some cucumber or SF pickles. (no skin)

After my treatment - I can eat fruits and even bread once in a while. I am slowly healing my insides. Before I started treating my condition - I was having symptoms of multiple food allergies - leaky gut syndrome. Repeated allergy testing show no major food allergies, but I still get reaction to some foods.

Now - I can eat more things - variety of foods - even tomato based sauces - without having to take a pain pill.

I have to be careful - but I can travel now - and as long as I am careful - I can eat out every meal. We went on a 10 day cruise and i had a great time. I did not get sick even once.

Stress - the stress is always horrible for me. I often have to take something really strong when I deal with an unexpected stress (i.e. car accident) plus make sure my diet is very very light - and often just relay on liquids only - no food - until the stress is more manageable.

My doc put me on anxiety drugs - and we hope that would help some - I have a lot of stress work lately. I had days taht i just could not leave the house... I had to take muscle relaxants or narco -and i can't drive while on that. '

Hot compress on the belly and putting my knees up to my chest - helps some.. My cat is great- I thought him to sleep on my belly - he provides the pressure and the heat. My problem with stress sis that my gut stops working. It get "locked" up. When that happens - the only thing I can do it drink liquids and try to relax.

I do hope your flare does not last very long. wishing you best.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 7/10/17 3:05 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Friday Night

Yes HALAB, we have exchanged on this before and I know you are a fellow sufferer. You suggested I look into SIBO, and I am negative although thank you for that suggestion.

I cannot just rely on eating a list of "safe" foods. I paid out-of-pocket for an expensive blood test to determine food intolerances and sensitivities ( plus of course any outright allergies which I don't seem to have). Amazingly things I thought I was sensitive to, I am not. I suspected I was a (mild) celiac and avoided gluten. Seems I am ok with gluten, but not to yeast. I had switched to GF foods, but RICE (of all kinds) is a major Intolerance and GF foods are mostly rice or potato based. I am not lactose intolerant, but CASSEIN is my number one intolerance and all cheeses including goatcheese use cassein. Also many other normally healthy veggies like spinach and broccoli are on my avoid if possible list. I won't bore you with the surprising list of 88 out of 240 foods that I should avoid. Doesn't mean I can never eat them again, just not everyday, and I would eat for example a shoebox of spinach a week as I love it, now eat just a little once a week. And what is ok one week, and not on my sensitivity list, turns out not to be ok the following days...

There has been no major improvement by reducing consumption of my sensitive foods and I have not detected trigger foods that I can finger as major culprits. I have had major stresses in my life at various times and they have resulted in flare-ups. The most recent cancer four years ago, and after treatments , am now on many meds for life which I now swallow daily and which I feel contribute to the sudden flares without warning. I have just been on a gentle 3 week visit to friends, Where I didn't do mornings and slept late, but that is enough stress to have sent me into another major flare the moment I got home.

So you see HALAB, everyone is affected differently and what works best for one doesn't necessarily work for others...where have we heard this before!



H.A.L.A B.
on 7/10/17 12:37 pm
Topic: RE: Friday Night

I never knew you were sick.. I am so sorry to hear that. Caregiver role is very hard. Mentally and it can be very physically. My BF sister does that, and the mental part doe snot bother her - but I can see that physically she should not do that...and since I am really not relate do her - I try to stay out of the drama. Since I have been with my BF- he is much better with limiting how her stuff is affecting him. She is an adult and she does as she wises...

I hope you recover completely... good luck.


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 7/10/17 12:24 pm
Topic: RE: Friday Night


I raised 3 girls as a single mother before remarrying, and that was bad enough in my 30's! I was raised where you did not backtalk your parents, and back in the day I think most of us respected that. Even my girls seldom spoke was boys and other typical issues...times 3...that made the teenage years difficult.

Nowadays it appears these kids just have no fear and little respect. Obviously I love Jazz to death and we have raised her since she was 5, but she has a lot of issues combined with today's society where unacceptable behavior seems to be the norm.

I am just tired, old, don't always feel good and lack patience.

My middle daughter is like you where she decided in her 20's she didn't want kids. She has 2 cats which are like her kids. I agree that kids aren't for!

I had been working as a caregiver part-time until I got sick in March of this year. I am still not released to return, and altho I loved my clients do not think I will be able to do caregiving in the future. It can be very physically demanding and they told me that being septic can lead to lifelong fatigue, weakness, etc. That is how I have been feeling the past 4 months...hopefully it will subside by the time the doctors release me.


H.A.L.A B.
on 7/10/17 11:45 am
Topic: RE: Wow,,been forever since I was here...

hi. losing the regain is hard. Been there. But it can be done - one pound at a time. Good luck.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/10/17 11:35 am
Topic: RE: Friday Night

I can relate with the IBD. I have IB-C and it can be a ***** The pain and cramps can be horrible. But I learned what can cause them and how to avoid that. Now 95% of the time - I get the pain only when I do something stupid - like eats food taht can cause the gas and pain - cramps.

Unfortunately - a lot of foods can cause that- so my "safe diet" is rather limited.

good luck, hope things get easier for your.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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