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Hello Ladies!
I suffer from the night time munchies...a problem I attribute to reading & snacking in bed before I went to sleep. It was a relaxing ritual at the end of the day, and I have only been able to break it for short periods at a time. Keeping busy...or just reading does not help.
I have also been eating more than I should. I am becoming depressed over how long it has taking to recover from my illness in March. I have not been able to swim or garden which are two of my favorite good weather activities. I am so tired I rarely walk. I have gained weight. It is frustrating to have to sit around until I am fully recovered which may be until late September.
So I scheduled a therapist appointment and will embark on counseling. I know stress is a contributing factor, but self-sabotage also seems close behind.
I do not like to open the threads given I don't feel I have much to contribute. I did decide to look into extreme couponing and see what that is all about. I am gradually educating myself, and my shopping trips have been I'll see how far I can take it.
I also need to get back to lifting weights. I know my muscle mass is all but disappearing. I did a lot of that in the pool with handweights, but I can do it outside the pool if I can just get into a routine.
Thanks for listening.

Sorry to hear your binge eating is out of control. Is there a reason for that? extra stress?
do you have a therapist to talk to? How about meds?
I do occasionally have issues with binging, but most of the time I can control that. There is some food I can't be around- because I would have it, even if I get sick after eating that. Best way for me is not to have it at home.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
My binge eating is out of control. My weight is out of my comfort zone. This week I'm going to work on my diet this week. Today has been good so far.
My brother gave me their theater tickets since my sil has liver cancer and she didn't want to be exposed to many people. It was good.
Have a good night
Ouch. I had eye lift surgery - no brow lift - they raised my muscles and then some skin on my eyelids. it really made a difference how I see things at night.
Good luck tomorrow.
My life is boring lately. Home - work - home .. rinse and repeat. Last weekend I had a crew helping with a deep house cleaning. The parts you usually do once every 6 months or so... Big house (relatively)- sooo much work. But things look good now. For at least 2 weeks no more spider webs in the inside and outside of the windows... fans are clean, and windows. Light bulbs..even the garage door...
But now I need a week or 2 to recover. Last weekend I either slept funny or twisted my back because my SI joints are off again. Since I had the accident late last year- I have been in pain. Things got so much better and then the pain is back. I hate that **** I am seriously considering a steroids shots again. They really helped last time. No one can blame the pain on my weight - I am at my lowest I like to be. I exercise (walk) so it is not lack of mobility.
But - it is what it is. Right?
My diet is good, and I no longer feel sorry for myself having so much diet limitations. Some people can eat what they want - I eat what I can. I have IBS and SIBO so if I eat the wrong foods not only I gain weight, but I also deal with a horrible gas. I don't like either one of those.
If you know some food cause horrible gas - why would you eat that? right? Unless I am trying to get even with someone. My partner is a great guy.. so there is no need to gas him... if he was not - I would not be with him, I am too valuable to waste my time of people who are not good to me.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Hi Everyone. I am noticing that when someone starts the thread others contribute, so I am promising to start it once a week. Maybe someone else will do the same. It is very easy, you just psh the button that says New Topic up above.
I read something about what to do if you eat too much at night. The simple tactic of planning something to do during that time period will help most. I guess the trick is to formalize your task or project or fun activity before the evening is here. So for tonight I am going to write my plan here. I have a book that I want to start, so my plan is that at 7:30 I am going to take my book outside to my hanging swing and I'll enjoy it.
I need to be in bed early tonight because I have a pre-op appointment at the hospital tomorrow morning at 7:30. They have to make sure that I have insurance and ability to pay...the most important part of course. The surgery is minor...just moving my brow up so I can see better. The scary part is that they cut above the hairline and peel the skin down to get to all of those muscles. Lord!
Hope your day is going well. I'm cleaning house so that I can relax after the surgery and not get hyper about anything messy.
Hi sorry you are dealing with so much pain.
You will reach that 195 and lower....just keep doing the best you can.
Love and hugs....connie d
Thanks Connie, always enjoy reading you as well.
Am stuck on a plateau at 199.1, and now also have a mild flare of gut pain...hoping liquids and mulched veggies help me get to 195 which is my next goal. Painfree in lower colon would be nice too, but then I eat more!
Hi Jen....I am so happy for you!!
Congratulations on ONEDERLAND!!!!
I am so glad you are now 4 year cancer survivor!!
I came back to the board but then left again after a person came on here saying something about me. I won't deal with that rudeness. She told me earlier to stay the "F" out of her life and I have. Then she got mad because I didn't reply to her. I blocked her on here as well. I blocked her before because I can't stand the degrading comments and swearing. That is all I will say for now.
I do enjoy your posts. I am not trying to make trouble.
Have a great day!! HUGS and LOVE!!
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."