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Hello sistas!
Well, my day started really early and I've been going at it full tilt ever since. It's not quite 4:30 p.m., but I'm done for the day. As soon as I finish watering my veggies, that is. I do so wish that landscaper would get back here and finish my sprinkler system! I've called TWICE this week and I still haven't heard back from him.
I took my walk really early this morning. I walked 50 minutes. Next week I'm going to try and walk a full 60 minutes. I can do a mile in about 20 minutes, give or take a bit. This morning I wore a different pair of shoes and my feet did much better! I did stop at Walgreens this morning and bought some of those gel inserts. I'll try them tomorrow.
I took little Patty Kate to the vet this morning. Wow. That was a fast $200+. And I made an appointment for her to have her teeth cleaned in May. So that will be another $200 or so. Pets sure are expensive.
Carrie is leaving tomorrow and taking her dogs with her, so I'm really looking forward to that. Maybe I can get all the dog hair off my floors while they are gone. It will be nice to have a break from both Carrie and the dogs. Carrie and I have been living virtually joined at the hip for two months now. We're starting to get on each other's nerves. It will be good for us to breathe separate air.
I'm a little nervous about keeping Caralee for six nights straight, but I've arranged my schedule so that I don't have any appointments or obligations for the next seven days. And I just got back from taking Mom to the bank and the store. We're all stocked up on groceries, diapers and formula. I guess I'm as ready as I can get. And truly, it won't matter much if I'm tired and sleepy for one week. I can nap when the baby naps.
Well, my veggies should be nice and soaked now. I'm going to cut the water off and lie down for awhile. Trish, I feel for you with the depression, or the blue funk, as I always call it. That's no fun at all. Glad you are starting to come out of it. Don't know what to think about the potential move! Maybe it won't come to pass. Connie, you sound more chipper today. I would gladly trade a day of my crazy busy life for one of your quiet peaceful days! Doesn't seem like I ever get to have one of those.
Going to leave y'all with a picture of my little Caralee. Carrie goes to Baylor Univ. and today Caralee is wearing the green and gold school colors with pride!
Love you all!
Good afternoon Trish and everyone....
Trish....I am glad you are taking time away from the relay to take better care of yourself. You need to be happy in order to be happy about anything or anyone else. It is great that you will be back to AA meetings. The support and kindness is what you are missing.
If Colleen gets a job back home what will her husband do? does he have his own business or what??
My opinion is....they should pay for your move back as they will still need your help with the children. You came there to help them out. I would imagine they can't move until the houses are sold. I pray everything works out for all of you. Not an easy decision for you.
As for snowed off and on all started raining right after that. The snow is gone. It is so dark and dreary!!
Saturday Kyleigh and Mitch are coming to visit. I look forward to seeing them as it has been quite awhile. I think it was in January. We are always in touch but I miss actually seeing them!
I spent the morning filling out next weeks menu, reading the newspaper, doing the crossword puzzle, taking the paper to my neighbor to read, and filling out our yearly survey for our apartment complex. I am so boring!!!!
This afternoon I am going to watch movies and relax. I may color or read too. Nothing else planned for the rest of the day.
Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families. Special prayers for those in need. I hope Jeannie's husband is feeling better and recovering well.
Have a good day...remember to do an Act of Kindness as you can.
I am not sure if I will be back later or not. Love you all.
Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d
I am glad things are going well. I was surprised, and thrilled, when my recuperation went smoothly after my RNY also. Remember two important things that are a mantra to me. Sip, sip, sip, and walk, walk, walk.
Albert Schweitzer
Hi everyone.
I am slowly climbing out of my depression. I made some realizations in the past few weeks, as well as some decisions.
When my friend, Ruth, died last year, I started getting involved in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life, and just recently realized I was volunteering there to run away from grieving the loss of the only human who truly understood me, knew every secret about me, and never, ever judged me. God used her, and my therapist back home, to transform my life. I also admitted I have been lonely here, and also I haven't been making my AA meetings at all. I have had zero desire to drink, but need the fellowship and program to help me not isolate, which I have been doing.
So, I made the hard decision to quit the Relay for Life this year. I need to focus on getting to meetings, and getting my house back in order. When I told my partner in the Relay I was quitting, I found out she's no friend. I told her how I'm struggling with the depression, and pain from surgery, and she basically said she was hurt I quit, and that she has health issues too. I told her she is selfish and has no empathy. I had planned to donate to her participation in Relay, but I'll donate to another friend instead.
Then, this week, Colleen is preparing for a job interview back home near Philly. If she gets that job, they'll move this summer, which means I have to move, coz this house will go on the market, and I have no reason to stay here without her and the Munchkins. Please pray coz I have a lousy credit rating, and zero savings.
I am overwhelmed, but don't feel hopeless or helpless like I did a couple weeks ago.
I took Franklin to a museum in Lansing last week, then took all of them yesterday. I got a membership, with Colleen's name on it, so we can also visit other museums with a discount. It's wicked cold this week, and was pouring yesterday, plus every school is on Spring break this week, so the museum was mobbed. But, the kids had fun, and were well behaved. It was a kid oriented science museum, so they were learning while they were playing.
Thanks for praying, and understanding my absence. I'm behind on what's happening, but know that Jeannie's hubby's surgery went well, and that Mary is able to post more.
Must scoot. Chores and physical therapy this afternoon.
Albert Schweitzer
Hi Everyone,
Need to refill my coffee.
Albert Schweitzer
I am glad to hear your hubby is on the mend, and that it looks like no cancer. I am so sorry to hear about your brother's wife, and what they are going through. I hope she goes peacefully, and that their kids come to terms with how hard this is for your brother.
Albert Schweitzer
Vickie- Podiatrist might help by giving you an orthotic to wear in all shoes. Cindi
Okay, sweet Connie! Sorry you are having a rough week. I was really hoping those types of weeks were behind you now! You just take all the time you need, honey. We're here for you.
Here is a picture of Carrie's new ring. It's just a little stone, but it's real and it's flanked by fire opal. It was sweet and dainty and a perfect fit, so I bought it for her. Like I said, Early Mother's Day.
Hi Ladies....
Not much happening... this weather has been crazy - had lots of snow yesterday and then ice, so I did a lot of shoveling and ice-scraping today. Friday it will be near 70s.
I'm waiting every day to get the asbestos test results so things can move forward. One thing I want to do this summer is planning and planting a garden. I want to do a lot of perennials. I'm looking at a lot of books, but it's overwhelming. I'm excited about it--so many choices and beautiful colors. Maybe I'll take some photos and post them here so I can get some recommendations or ideas.
Hope everyone is having a good day.
Hello Vickie and everyone....
Having a rough week. I will hopefully be back tomorrow. Just need time to rest and work through some things. No news yet on Nic.
I love you all and am wishing everyone well.
Vickie....sorry for the cancer in Butch's family. I will be praying for them. I would love to see a picture of the ring.
Prayers for all our special OFF Family and their families.
God Bless you and many hugs to all....connie d