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Good Morning,
Sorry been AWOL. Crazy busy, and not on the laptop much.
Took Frankie to the zoo and a playground yesterday. I did over 7,000 steps on my Fitbit. 3.34 miles. Most ever since surgery. Oy ve the pain. Plus, my allergies were horrific. But, it's all good.
Today, I have an errand, and tons of chores.
Albert Schweitzer
well there wasn't much I could do. My bathroom is right off the bedroom so if I started hearing train coming through the house noises I would have jumped up and taken cover. Put pillows in there just in case to cover our heads. I am a light sleeper. I didn't feel like hunkering down in a room just big enough for the toilet. My bathroom is large but has a large glass blocks window. That would not be very tornado proof and if hit glass would fly
Hi Ladies,
It was a beautiful day. I took a walk this morning even though I fell. I'm okay. Then I exercised this afternoon. Also mopped my kitchen and vacuum.
Then this afternoon, I took my friend over to her sister's house. Her mobile home went up in fire earlier today. Everyone got out but the home is a loss.
My friend took me out for supper. I was going to cook us dinner.
Linda have a safe trip.
Carla have a safe trip. Enjoy Vinnie time.
Connie glad Nic got good news. A dulcimer is type of instrument that you play. Glad you are getting out to walk.
Vickie you aren't being selfish for wanting time for yourself. Hope things get better for you. Good job on the walking, you. Are doing better than I do I did increased my walk longer than I did last year. I must be walking faster because it's the same amount of time.
Eileen glad you got to the pool today. I understand about the money not going very far. At least you get paid every two weeks not once a month like me.
Everyone have a good evening. Thoughts and prayers for everyone.
Love and hugs,
Hi AGAIN Eileen......yes... paid not pain!!!
I am tired.....time to get off this computer!!
HUGS and love....connie d
Hi Judy...thank you so much....we are all so relieved!!
Sorry it made you did the same to me!!
Much love and hugs to you.....connie d
Linda!!!!!!!!!! All those nasty storms and you get the WARNINGS and YOU IGNORE THEM????????? WTH??????????????? SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!! Glad you are OK though!!!!!
A dulcimer is like a small string instrument, sort of like a guitar but with a barrel bottom and a beautiful tone. You can hear one on you tube.
Connie I am sitting here with tears of joy running down my face for Nic!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so HAPPY for him and you!!!!!!! And his whole family!!!!!!!!!! ALL our Prayers have been answered!!!!!!!! Thank You GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know you meant to say "paid" instead of "pain" ... nope, got paid last Friday and it's all gone. I have pain all the time. Today it's in my right shoulder. Wish I was getting paid sometime sooner than two weeks. Oh well ... I have food and gas so I guess that will have to do.