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on 7/7/16 2:46 pm
VSG on 08/11/14
Topic: RE: Thursday and thriving!

Hi Ladies,

I ran errands this morning. Been taking it easy this afternoon. 


Breakfast egg whites ham and cheese omelet and string cheese 

Lunch ranch tuna pouch,  orange pepper,  baby carrots and 2 chocolate chip cookies.

Supper grilled chicken bites andlima beans

Snack no sugar added fudgesicle,  Greek yogurt with chia seeds, some cantaloupe  and banana 

Everyone have a good day.


on 7/7/16 10:54 am - Manteca, CA
Topic: RE: Thursday and thriving!

Hi Nancy!

I'm so glad that you are in a low pain phase now. I have some severe back issues that have been relieved significantly but the switch in my antidepressant from Paxil to Cymbalta. I almost fell a few weeks ago and tensed up all of my back muscles which caused all of that pain to come back. It reminded me of how well the Cymbalta has been working. The pain has gone away again and I'm so thankful. I just need to try not to fall or almost fall again. 

You are also drinking the protein drinks twice a day. I have been doing once a day and am very happy with it. I'm extremely close to my lowest weight after surgery...

Today I have a few errands to run and some of the cleaning task


s that are an everyday will be decided after I go shopping. We have garden vegetables now so zucchini will be part of the mix. 

I can hear birds outside...nice sounds. Happy Thursday. 

Eileen Briesch
on 7/7/16 10:29 am - Evansville, IN
Topic: RE: Wednesday Thoughts

Yeah, I was told RNY cure GERD, too. Three days after surgery, on a liquid diet, mine returned and I was back on Prevacid (and this was when they didn't have melts, too), so I had to break apart the capsules and try to mix those into a drink. Yuck! I have been on two Prilosec a day since (Nexium for awhile, but it became too expensive). Yes, I've read the research out recently about Prilosec being harmful, but I also have Barrett's esophagus, so I have to take these. I understand your issue.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Nancy B
on 7/6/16 9:24 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada
Topic: Thursday and thriving!

Happy Thursday!

My goodness, it is HOT ...34 degrees celcius and high humidity- and VERY DRY here...we need rain so badly and our cistern is getting low in in the country, we collect rainwater from the roof of our house, barn and tractor shed, then it is filtered and purified and goes thru the UV light system. My garden is dead...the lawn is brown except the grass above the septic tiles....lolol. You can see the stripes clearly!

After running errands and a business meeting yesterday, I can stay home today. I still have BPW work to do as treasurer and I am working on an article to introduce and support my BOOK OF CHOICES (for seniors) as well as plan out four different healing energy mandala workshops that I am booked to present this Fall. So I always have lots to do.

I bought a huge bundle of ripe bananas for a dollar yesterday and will make banana bread this evening after the sun goes down...hate using the oven and heating up the house but baking big batches makes it worth doing. I have lost just about all of the water-weight that I gained while away, having been unable to take my daily fluid pills that reduce the pressure of fluid in my legs (lymphodema), so I guess I did not gain any fat while away....yay!

My food plans for today:

Breakfast:  protein drink

Snack:  fresh blueberries & a piece of hard cheddar cheese

Lunch:  salmon mixed with a bit of mayo and green relish

Snack:  yogurt

Dinner:  grilled pork cutlet, cooked beets & snap pea pods

Bedtime snack:  protein drink

I try to keep my protein levels higher because I get anemic. Right now, I am in a low pain phase (of my cancer meds) so I am reasonably comfortable and move easier. In the evening I crochet and I'm working on a pink afghan for a women's shelter...I cannot just sit and watch TV.  In the mean time, I am experimenting with some art techniques to teach in workshops. Recently I have been asked to develop some mandala books for disabled adults (either born with them or due to accidents), so that is another project for me to enjoy. I love helping people.

I hear the coyotes yipping as they run thru the vineyards across the road. We keep our dog in her huge fenced-in pen (8 feet wide by 20 feet long) at night so that she doesn't get into a fight with any coyotes who stray into our property...there is also a huge wolf near too..we live in the boonies! *s*...otherwise, Quira, a Belgian Shepherd, runs free all day while confined to the two acres of yard around the house....we have Invisible fence so she cannot leave our yard.

I wish you all a safe and happy day and look forward to everyone's comments.

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on 7/6/16 12:55 pm
VSG on 08/11/14
Topic: RE: Wednesday Thoughts

Hi  Ladies, 

I'm feeling some better today but still didn't feel like exercising today. At least no candy bars today.

Nancy glad you enjoyed your trip.

Jeannie sorry you didn't have any food with you. Hope the crackers helped your lightheadness. 

Trish glad you get to enjoy your grandkids. I miss having little kids around. My great niece lives about an hour away so I don't get to see her very often. Hope things straighten out soon for you.

Breakfast egg whites ham and cheese omelet and string cheese.

Lunch cottage cheese,  red pepper,  and baby carrots. 

Supper grilled chicken bites and some kind of vegetable.  I haven't decided yet what I'll have.

Snack no sugar added fudgesicle, Greek yogurt with chia seeds, and cantaloupe. 

Everyone have a good day.

Patricia R.
on 7/6/16 9:04 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Wednesday Thoughts

Greetings Nancy and OFF,

I have been so out of wack lately.  Not just food, but everything.  I didn't get to my meeting Monday, and I really should have.  I've been binge watching a show on Amazon Prime, and crocheting my brains out.  

I took the kids to a nearby park for a picnic and to play at a small splash pad and playground.  They had fun.  

Today I ran to the bank to get my rent money for Colleen and Trent.  Then, washed the dishes, and now, I need to get back to crocheting.  

For breakfast I had a sandwich.

Lunch will be shrimp, greens and corn

Dinner will be pasta, meatballs and spinach.

Snacks will be watermelon, cheese, and crackers.

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/6/16 8:19 am
Topic: RE: Wednesday Thoughts

wonderful on the reunion... the water - that sucks.. but you know what to do...

Last night I broke all the RNY eating rules... I had enough.... this morning - you would think the scale would be up? no... still low...but not too low..  but the crakers and pita bread with cheese are "on my face" today (swollen) ... it was worth it... 

back to normal programing... I am still trying to figure out what is causing my severe GERD... I thought it woudl be worse today - but it is not...actually feels better than yesterday... whatever... Ia m tired of that.. and one more time I hear newbies writing "RNY cures GERD" I will scream. It caused mine...  I have it since I had RNY...great- no? in 8 years post op I was not taking PPI maybe for 1-2 years... o well... enough *****ing....

It is still Hot... and i plan to skip work at 2 pm today. I have doc appointment and I hope i will not need to go back... I would like to run some errands... will see


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/6/16 8:12 am
Topic: RE: Wednesday Thoughts

I ALWAYS have snacks in my purse... no matter what...and in the car...something that does not go bad...

(that also keeps at least one pair of spare undies... you never know )

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 7/6/16 6:57 am
Topic: RE: Wednesday Thoughts

Hello Nancy and Ladies,

Nancy, I'm so happy you had a good visit at the reunion and going on the boat must have been wonderful.  I'm with you on the weight gain being fluid build up.  

Well, I got my hair cut and it's very short, which is what I wanted...usually, the hair stylists just won't cut it as short as I want but this girl did and I am really liking the no fuss hair. 

We were running late today, so I didn't eat breakfast and didn't bring snack food or lunch.  I guess I will order a salad from one of the food places on campus.  I found a half eaten sleeve of crackers so I am eating those and I hate myself for doing it but I felt a little light headed.  

Ladies, eat sensibly and if you slip, just regain your balance and keep at it....for us, it's a life long journey that requires baby steps....I need to drop five more pounds and I am going to do it this month...yes I will....

Nancy B
on 7/5/16 8:20 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada
Topic: Wednesday Thoughts

Hello, everyone! JB and I just returned last night from a week in Quebec to visit family and attend a reunion. We had such a great time...laughing until our cheeks hurt and enjoying several days of boating down the Ottawa River. One of my cousins has a pontoon boat so that I could step right onto it without climbing, which is great since I need two complete knee replacements in the near future.

I ate carefully but did have tiny portions of naughty stuff. However I could not take my daily fluid pills (for my lymphodema) as that means constant trips to the bathroom...really a nuisance when you are away from home. I got weighed when we got home to see a five pound gain but I suspect that, in two days and regular fluid pills again, it is mostly water and will correct itself to my normal weight.

It is extremely hot, humid and dry here..we have a complete fire ban campfires, open BBQ pits, no fireworks...rain is desperately needed in this area. My garden is rain for three months. Living in the country, we collect our own water so we canno****er the gardens.

Today, we are back to normal...everything is unpacked and washed again. I brought home several huge eight pound capons (frozen) and will use them for a family BBQ on Sunday.

Plans for today,

BREAKFAST: protein drink

SNACK: banana

LUNCH: business meeting...planning a salad with grilled chicken since I know that restaurant's lunch menu

SNACK: unknown, maybe a yogurt

DINNER:  lean ground beef (Salisbury steak) & veggies & salad

BEDTIME SNACK: protein drink

I have a busy day with multiple stops. We got double-charged for an $86.00 grocery bill (charge card) so I have to get that taken care of too and stop for more skim milk powder for my protein drinks plus buy ingredients for my IMPOSSIBLE CHEESEBURGER PIE for a POTLUCK LUNCH on Saturday. I try to get as much done one one trip as possible then rest the next day as my legs/knees will be screaming by then.

Now it is back to the drawing board (literally)...clients need their illustrations for their books.

Have a wonderful and safe day!

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