It is 8am here in Cali so before i get busy i want to tell you all how thankful i am you are here! You welcomed me like a sister as soon as i posted and you have been so supportive as i began my journey!
On this day of giving thanks you are in my prayers for safe travels and blessed times with family and friends.
Love to all,
Our dinner turned out great too! My hubby did the ham, potatoes and stuffing, i did the turkey, side dishes and pies. We did not fight over space in the kitchen and i ate my little bits of mashed stuff over a couple hours. Our son and his family ate with us and then we watched Planes, Trains and Automobiles with Steve Martin and John Candy. Boy did we laugh!
Hugsssss to you too!
Belated Happy Thanksgiving ladies!
We ate at my sister-in-laws. She always has a nice spread and I admit to enjoying her homemade cheesecake! My absolute favorite.
All 3 of my daughters were able to come so I was grateful for that. Plus my sister-in-law had invited her husband's family so we totalled close to 30 ppl.
Put up Christmas decorations Friday and shopped yesterday and today. Half done...yay!
I have 4...count them...FOUR...medical appointments this week. My PCP tomorrow, lung doctor Tuesday morning, sleep study overnight Tuesday and mammogram Wedneday!
Judy, when was your test rescheduled for?
Anyhow, will be glad when all this medical stuff is behind me. The past 2 years have been totally focused on getting my health back and overall I feel I've achieved that.
Hope all is well with everyone.

30 people wow!!!!!!!!! I remember those days!!! FUN!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow I have the biopsy on my vulva, in the afternoon I start the prep AGAIN for the pill cam that is for Tuesday morning. BUT I am calling before I start the prep to make SURE it is a GO!!!!! Then I believe next week is my mammogram and bone density tests. Then Dec 4th? I get my root canal done. Still might have it pulled because I can't afford the $600.00 co pay for my half to have this done!! So sick and tired of dr appointments and tests!!
Good Luck and saying Prayers for you on your tests!!!