Judy G.
on 11/10/18 1:45 pm - Galion, OH

Well it seems like it does...Had a toothache from hell last couple days so I called the dentist yesterday to see if I could get in to see what was happening. OK I could get in...yippee!!! So the Dr tapped on my teeth to see which one was hurting me...hit the one that was!! OMG that HURT!!!!!!! So he ordered X RAY of it. My usual Dr noticed I was there and he seen the X RAY and took over right away!! OMG what was going on?? He came in and started telling the girl he wanted this and that...Umm thing I knew I was getting the shots to numb my area that was hurting...still nothing being said to me what was happening...???? OK area all numb and Dr back in and started ordering this and that and drilling through my crown into the tooth...then I kind of had it figured out...I was getting a root canal done?? OMG then he hit a nerve and I about jumped out of the chair!! He said sorry and would do that again. I told him he did and he would get a so he did some more prodding and hit another nerve. That is when he said that was all he could do and I would be going to a Specialist for her to finish up because I had live nerves and also infection brewing in there also. He gave me the paper work for this Specialist and also couple scripts. One of pain and other for antibiotic. He said I would be happy happy soon. Yeah OK. So I came home and called this Specialist to make appointment and I can't get in there til December 4th. Great. So then I take off to get scripts filled. Can't find my card for that. Great!!Called Rick to look in bag with my last scripts I had filled. Nope not in there. Told him to give me the number to the drug store so I could call them see if they had my card. OK. Called them and asked. Nope not there. OMG where is my card??? I started back home...almost home when Rick called me and said he found it in his wallet from when I gave it to him when I had my scopes done!! Oh Thank GOD!!!!!!!! Saved me a lot of money!!!!! Got home picked up that card and went back to get my scripts...cost $9.00 instead of $60.00 WOW!!!!! I was in sooooo much pain I was in tears and took the meds right in parking lot!!!!!!! Called Rick and told him I wasn't going to the grocery store I was coming home. OK.

So what next in my life? I give up.

Going to BINGO tonight. No I can't drink while on these meds.....haha like I want to have a drink. Water is my drink of choice.

Have a good night.


PS Susan...WHERE ARE YOU??? Are you OK???

on 11/10/18 10:33 pm - Canada

WOW! And you can still manage Bingo? After all that?

You are tough because these days you never get enough painkillers and most people crawl straight into bed and curl up in residual pain.

Good Luck with PillCam


Judy G.
on 11/11/18 10:40 am - Galion, OH

Hi Jen,

Been taking the pain pill since Friday late afternoon so it had taken effect and the pain went down a lot so yes I could tolerate bingo. But before the pain meds I was in ALOT of pain!!!

Thank for the luck I need it!!


on 11/12/18 5:15 am my way of thinking there is nothing worse than a bad tooth or having a gynelogical

I feel your pain...that I hope is gone by now for good.

I had a similar experience with an a**hole dentist where he hit a nerve. Anyone's natural reaction is to REACT...I tried to push his hand out of my mouth. He SCREAMED at me!

That was the only negative experience I had with a dentist. I may say there's nothing worse than a bad tooth, but I've never had a fear of dentists. Even this guy didn't change my mind!

Cheers to putting that behind you!

And where in the heck is Susan? I have been on the VSG boards and no trace of her there!


on 11/12/18 11:46 am

Hahahahaha thanks for thinking of me!

My sister who had vsg one year ago came from Michigan and was here all week. Part time with me part time with our sis and Sat night we stayed at a Motel in Seal Beach to see cousins. We had a great time together! I had soup, yogurt and nibbled a meatball. My family all knows and said i look great. I have lost 15 pounds since surgery.

I am amazed i am having no problems at all! I am learning to have my two sips or two nibbles and wait. I had my follow up on Wed and am getting all my fluids and protein grams in so easily. I am two weeks today and start full purees!

Thanks so much for your encouragement for me to do this. It was the best decision ever!

on 11/12/18 12:08 pm

Oh judy i am so sorry you have had to suffer with this! I pray time flies till it can be fixed. You are so sweet to ask about me.

I had family from out of town (my sis from Michigan for a week) and was very busy visiting with cousins down the hill (so cal area). We had an early Thanksgiving dinner here one week post op and i made an apple pie while my sister made everything else. I was fine and mashed up a couple teaspoons of potato and gravy and a couple of sweet potato very fine and nibbled on them. The bite of my apple pie mashed in in whip cream and milk stayed down too! I know i pushed it a little but i was very very careful just nibbling and listening to my gut.

I have to be the most blessed vsg patient ever because i have had NO PAIN AT ALL! if i take three sips of protein drink or even water i get a knot at the top of my stomach which goes away after maybe 15 minutes so i am learning to take only two sips and wait.

Of course i am on norco for the arthritis pain and maybe that is why no surgery pain but i am so happy. I had cortisone again in my hip on Friday and i am hoping it takes. I do want to reduce these meds. Right now i am laying down recuperating from all the driving all over so cal. It was so worth it! Judy, get better fast and i will keep in contact. Feel free to email and remind me if time gets by me.

Love you all, Susan. [email protected]

Judy G.
on 11/12/18 12:24 pm - Galion, OH

Oh Susan so GOOD to hear from you!!! Glad that everything came out great for you!!! Now remember DO NOT PUSH YOUR LUCK!!! You might get away with it the first time but remember you are FRESH OUT OF SURGERY!!!!

Glad you had a good time with your family!!!

Now...are you near all that FIRE?? I forgot where in California you said you were at. It is just horrible and sad.

Dentist also had me on that Norco for the pain...Wonderful drug to rid me of that pain fast!!!


on 11/12/18 6:16 pm

We are in Big Bear CA northeast of L.A. and thank God we are fire free but have had scary incidents in the past. Our lake is only rain/snow fed and is very low right now. We are not allowed to have fires outside or even use charcoal in a barbecue.

Yes i only had my nibbles a couple times and today i started full purees for two weeks. Every day i am in awe of this tool!

Take good care of yourself, friend!


Judy G.
on 11/13/18 12:58 pm - Galion, OH

OK Thanks...Be Safe and Mind Your Eating...LOL


on 11/14/18 10:02 am

I realized this morning norco is causing horrible itching! On and off all day! I am on omeprazole since presurgery because of my ibuprofen 600mg which i stopped a month ago. I am going to ask the doc about going back on it. I am sad my cortizone shot was not quite in the correct spot. I have a call in to the ortho doc who gave it to me and made an appt for the next time he comes to our town (day after Thanksgiving).

I will look often for your helth updates, Judy. Prayers for healing head to toe!


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