Hello Peeps,
The sun is out here today so far...chilly also!! Went from hot and sticky to cold and jackets!!
Went to Bingo last night came home feeling sick with a huge headache! Went to bed and couldn't even watch TV because most of my channels were "unavailable" Still. Had a call into cable for them to come today to fix this. They just left and I needed a new box he said. So I now have a NEW box in my bedroom and I get all my channels again!! Neither TV could pick up the Ohio State game yesterday and that didn't make us happy at all!! Cable did say that they would give us "credit" for our trouble, Yeah sure. Believe that when I see the bill again.
Made chili the other day. Was good. I could only eat one bowl of that. Wonder if that new medication is working? I sure hope so!!
Tuesday morning I go for my ultrasound. Wednesday afternoon I go see that Specialist. Hopefully everything will be OK.
Hope to hear from some of you.........
Hey Judy!
You're right about the sudden temperature got cold Friday here and has stayed chilly. Enjoying the humidity being gone...I can breathe again. And walk!
However, I went on a binge this weekend...worst ever...poptarts and fast food. I am so over it and ready to get back on track.
Jazz had her homecoming dance last night. She looked gorgeous all dressed up in her gown, but her boobs are a BIG problem! Do I sound awful saying that as her grandmom? They just detract from her cute little face and long legs...they become the main focal point. A G cup this past year at only 16. From her dad's side of family.
Anyhow I hope your appointments go well. I go for my monthly blood work for my blood thinner and follow up for my cardiac catherization.
I'm gonna need to do some extra walking because of the binge this weekend!
Tomorrow I have to run some errands and do my meat shopping. And later this week finish up painting the bedroom. Then I think we'll wait to the 1st of the year before we lay the plank flooring. Its getting too close to Christmas to invest in that major purchase plus this has been an almost 3 month job between the closet build, the painting in there, the BR painting and I gotta hang the new drapes, wall stuff and other accessories...
So that's my weekly report. Do hope others chime in. Keep us posted on your test results.

Hi Kathy...
A G???? OMG that girl is going to need a reduction!!! How tall is she? You said she had long legs.
Sitting here trying to be good eating another salad...tasted pretty good last night so made another one. Getting tired of the chili I made Friday night. LOL Can't have anything after 10 PM tonight to eat or drink so trying to get it in Rick is BBQing his thick pork chops and a chuck steak for me right now. See if I can eat that.
Had a meeting tonight but called in that I wasn't coming. Just not feeling up to it.
I hear you on the cooler air letting you walk too but this extra weight sure bogs me down!! I hope I can get it off...sighs.
I don't blame you putting off the floor til after Christmas. Lots of work. That is what we are now putting in the apartments. Planking and then carpet in the bedrooms.
Good Luck on your blood work.
Thanks for your good wishes for my tests. I will let you know when I hear anything.
Both Saturday and Sunday were both sunny and cold.
Hope your test come out good Judy.
Misty the kitty is doing good. She got a clean bill of health. She's very playful but her claws are daggers. Every time I try to trim them she gets upset.
Otherwise I'm doing good. Must be a bug going around at work, been a lot of diarrhea at work. Had 4 or 5 babies with it yesterday. Got called in early today after I get done with my doctor appointment.
Have a good day