Judy G.
on 10/2/18 12:47 pm - Galion, OH

So today I went to see my family Dr. Was shocked that my BP was 124/80. Weight was OMG so ashamed of myself...235. I asked him if I could try that drug that one of you mentioned. He said YES! So now I wait for it to arrive in the mail and start taking it. Then I go back to see him on November 6th to see how I am doing on it. I just hope that my insurance covers it. I am also going for blood work in the morning and when I go next month for my pap I am supposed to ask them to set me up for a bone density scan. Not time yet for my mammogram. All my colonoscopies and other one that goes down my throat is all set had those done a couple years ago. So I am getting checked out good in my "old" age!!! Didn't ask how many tubes of blood tomorrow...LOL Will wait and see when I get there!!

Getting some light storms right now off and on. Hopefully they stay that way. Hate BIG storms now.

So that is it for me today.

Nice seeing our board starting to pick up again!!!


on 10/2/18 2:17 pm - NJ

Are you talking about Vyvanse? Or something else?

                                                          VSG 6/4/13


Judy G.
on 10/3/18 12:24 pm - Galion, OH

No it isn't that one, it is NALTREXONE.

on 10/2/18 5:28 pm


Glad everything checked out at doctor. I don't remember how tall you are, but at 5'9" I began to look too thin when I got down to 230. Sounds funny, but that felt like a good weight for me.

Surgeon wanted me to get down to 160-175, but that is what I weighed my senior year in HS & got nicknamed string bean. I am definitely a big boned woman of partial German descent.

So my point is maybe 235 isn't THAT bad if all else is good???

And yes, what is the med you are talking about? Yvonne mentioned something awhile back but it was like an amphetamine so I couldn't take it...


Judy G.
on 10/3/18 12:33 pm - Galion, OH

Well so FAR I am OK...Just had the blood tests done today. Not sure what was done there. Only 2 tubes taken out of me.

I am 5'6" now. Shrunk an inch and when I moved here for this job I was at 170. I was HAPPY at that weight. 235 NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!! Nothing fits me anymore and as for the warm clothes...I refuse to buy new ones!! So if I do not get some weight off...I am going to freeze my butt off I guess. And I am also of German descent.

The med is NALTREXONE. And I sure hope it works.

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