Judy G.
on 9/11/18 3:52 pm - Galion, OH

Where were you when the world stopped turning? I was at my job pulling newspapers for obituarys for Memorial's. When one of the girls mentioned it we all stopped what we were doing and were shocked to hear...we got around her little tv that she had and watched. OMG What did we just see? Was the world coming to an end? Were we going to war? We were all scared out of our minds. I was never so glad to get back home again and feel safe. Safe???? Home alone with the dog? Gary wasn't home. He would rather be at the bar with his drunk buddies. Oh well that life is over with...

Anyhow I remember like it was only yesterday......


on 9/11/18 5:35 pm


I remember the fear...the confusion...the chaos and rage!

I was at our State's yearly Governor Conference on housing. We had the opening address by the Governor at 8:30am and then broke to go to our workshops. The one I attended had a panel of speakers who introduced themselves. A few were from NYC.

Before they got a chance to do their individual speils a gentleman came in to inform us we needed to return to the main room in the hotel. We were informed of what was going on and dismissed. I didnt bother going back to the office despite it only being 930am. I drove home like a madwoman. Jim wasnt feeling well so he slept most of the day, but my oldest daughter who was pregnant with Jazz and I watched TV until late that nite. It was so horrific to see those plane**** and see ppl running from the black cloud that engulfed that part of the city. It was surreal.

It still ****** me off to this day! How dare they!

Anyhow, watching this Hurricane Florence closely. We should be far enough north to avoid major problems, but should it veer north we could incur some fallout being on the Delmarva Penisula. The beaches in Maryland and Virginia are already dealing with flooding. We'll see how this goes!

Trying to get back on track with my eating. I swing back and forth. Did okay over weekend up until today. Already at 1600 calories, and my max is 1500. And I'm hungry!!! The struggle is real...lol!

Hope everyone is well!



Judy G.
on 9/12/18 1:16 pm - Galion, OH

Kathy I know what you mean...so sad yet today!!! Rick said he was supposed to be on flight 93 but was changed to the next flight instead...thanks be to GOD...when he told me all that I about died. He said he was so shocked when he heard what happened...can you imagine knowing that you could have been killed but was saved by being put on a different flight?

I am watching this storm so close having my family in Wilmington...praying they stay safe. They say that they will be...and this storm is so huge!! After seeing what Elena did back in '86 I think it was when it hit Gulfport Mississippi that was enough for me!!! And that was just a little one!!!

Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers also that you will not be harmed from this storm.

My eating I try so hard to get it under control then something happens and bam!!!! Here I go again and eat what I shouldn't.......GRRRRRRRRRRRR So YES!!!!!! The struggle IS real!!!!!


on 9/13/18 5:02 am, edited 9/13/18 9:51 am - Canada

I was in my hotel room getting ready to go down to my meeting and had the tv on a news channel ...saw the second tower being struck and thought it was an ad with a preview clip of some new disaster movie...then the horror became real and our flights cancelled so we stayed 2 extra nights as could not get home, and I was in Canada! Spent most of the extra time glued to the tv in my hotel room and together with conference friends ordered room service so as not to miss updates. We could not believe the horrors we were seeing over and over ....will never forget that day!

Meanwhile aircraft bound for the USA were lined up and down every airport along the Canada USA border...in Newfoundland the locals and guests became fast friends and out of the experience a wonderful musical COME FROM AWAY was born and seen on Broadway! Out of evil a lot of lasting good friendships developed.

on 9/14/18 9:11 am
VSG on 08/11/14

Almost good afternoon,

I couldn't get logged on for over a month and finally got a hold of someone at corporate office to get me logged in.

I was in bed sleeping but had woke up to the coverage about something hitting the first building and seen the second building being hit. Fell asleep and woke to see the buildings collapsing and watched till I had to go to work, worrying about what was happening to this world.

I've got the binge eating under control but now just eating the wrong foods. I even upped my calories to 1500 but a lot of times it's much higher. I have to get five pounds off before October 1, when I see the bariatric doctor for my binge eating because she'll believe I'm binging again. So it's just going to be just protein and veggies for the next two weeks.

Talk to you later,


on 9/14/18 2:33 pm


I can so relate to the binge eating! I am not being very good about leaving carbs alone so I am constantly craving sweets. I behave for awhile, go on a carb binge and then spend weeks trying to get back on track!

The cycle is frustrating!

And I can't take the type med you are on bc of my afib.


Good luck with your eating.



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