Judy G.
on 9/3/18 11:35 am - Galion, OH

Hello and Happy Labor Day!

Man is it ever hot and sticky out there today! I had Bandit out for his potty walk and about fell over it was so hot. Told him to hurry up before he got overheated! Wanted to go to the fair to see the demolition derby but not in this heat!! Not gonna sit in the sun for that. No way. This old lady can't take that heat anymore.

Yesterday Rick made some BBQ. I had baby back ribs and he had peppercorn pork tenderloin. He can do the hot stuff. I can't anymore. Having leftovers for lunch today. Not sure if he is going to do anything else on the grill for supper or not. I have burger meat that I want made into logs wrapped around cheese sticks then put into hot dog bun. He won't eat it but I will. LOL He has thick pork chops. He loves pork. Think he would get tired of it after eating so much of it. Oh well.

Speaking of food...have any of you noticed that food has/is being made with HOT spices now? Taco Bell I can't eat that anymore. Little Caesar's pizza is now hot sauce. That is out for me. A lot of other pizza places are also doing hot sauces now. WHY??? Do they all think EVERYONE is into HOT???? Notice the commercials...everything they are advertising now is HOT & Spicy. WHY???? What happened to dress it up yourself?

Got new cell phones Friday. Galaxy J7 Prime Love it!!! Learning how to use it yet. Seems a lot easier than my old smart phone. And this carrier I have everything unlimited!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!! I can get rid of my internet if I want to!! I can just use my phone now!! But kind of hard to play my games on a small screen...

So that is about all for my news today.


on 9/3/18 5:16 pm - Canada

Keep posting, love reading



on 9/3/18 5:24 pm

Hi Judy!

We are dealing with this heat and oppressive humidity as well. I hate when I can feel it inside as if I was out in it. No walking today...

We had monsoon like rain a few days ago. Think we got about 4 inches in an hour. Certain parts of town couldn't handle it and flooded. It was up to car windows. Amazing! I know I'm getting old when the weather fascinatesme like it does!

Our next door neighbor moved out this weekend. He was a single male our age who was great to have around. His only downfall was his choices in This last one was a real piece of work...she actually was my client when I managed the homeless shelter! Bad news, but what can you say?

Anyhow, she moved in over a year ago, but they started having problems within 6 months. He kept telling her to go, but she refused. Things escalated to the point where he locked her out. She called cops who told him he had to let her in because of length of time she had lived there. He let her back in, but took her to court and lost.

So he gave his landlord notice toget away from her. They got into on Saturday...his moving day, and she called cops on him. Tried saying he hit her. Maybe he did, but I doubt it. I really don't get a 50+yr old woman continuing to live with someone who doesn't want you there! Pitiful!

Our checking account got hacked Saturday night of course when bank is closed for long weekend. One...well two of the charges are money for an inmate in TX, another for a restaurant 50 miles away and a third for over another hundred for a convenience store. Gotta get this straight tomorrow...ugh. First time either of us have ever been hacked for anything.

I don't care much for hot food either. I try to avoid pizza bc I cant stop at 1 slice, but Little Ceasars has gotten hot. I have done Pizza Hut a few times, but their sauce gives me indigestion...which I seldom get. Jim and Jazz love the hot stuff from Taco Bell...I prefer chicken tenders from Hardees or KFC for my go to fast food.

We just updated our phones last year. They are through Metro, but we have had great service with them. And we like the phones. But galaxy was my phone of choice before we switched. Enjoy!!!

I wish Jim would get back to cooking like he used to...I am sick of it. We haven't grilled once this summer which is a crime! But the weather or timing hasn't worked.

Anyhow I've written a book here. Hope we hear from some others!



Judy G.
on 9/4/18 2:44 pm - Galion, OH

OMG Kathy!!! We have/had a tenant here that has a boyfriend that we have told we needed a background check on since June...guess who snuck out over the weekend!! Oh yeah!!! Makes us wonder if he had a bad background?? Bet he did!! Oh well...she is young and broke her with her for a LONG time to try and get a good place to live now!!! Sad....

I saw that flooding there that you had!!! WOW!!!!!! Feel bad for those that got it so bad!!!

Still HOT here and they are closing schools because of it. will be outside playing in the heat. Go figure. Never closed school when I was in school!!!

OMG hope you got your bank account taken care of!!! I do not pay anything over the phone or use my banking on it. Scares me to death!!!

Pizza Hut gives me the trots...we had KFC and I got the trots from that...Just can't win!! Sighs...Guess we are going to have to eat at home more. Rick is BBQing right now. He is having thick pork chops and I am having a hamburger shaped into a hot dog with cheese inside of it. hope it shrinks down to fit inside the hot dog bun lol.

Shame that your neighbor had to actually move to get rid of that woman...but once in it is so hard to get rid of them!!

Have you ever mentioned to Jim that you miss his cooking? Maybe he needs a little bug in his

Well need to get some things done to help out for supper...


on 9/4/18 5:33 pm

It is sad these younger well as some older ones...don't take the time to read the landlord/tenant act that accompanies a lease. Especially in low income or disabled housing where your rent is income based.

Have seen far too many ppl become homeless for years bc an eviction or other court issue prevented them from renting bc it stays on their credit report so long.

They are closing some schools in our tri-state area due to the heat and lack of AC. They barely shut down when I was a kid except for blizzards, but I still say the air quality along with the heat and humidity is bad. And around here we seldom see kids out playing...they're all inside on xbox or playing!

Found it interesting when we went to bank. They credit us the amount we got hacked while they conduct an investigation. If they rule us out the credit remains...if not they would pull the money out. The banks are covered in these cases. But they DON'T go after the hackers if they can find/identify them. Isn't that some BS? No wonder hacking is running rampant...they get off scot-free.

Jim has been so busy this summer he hasn't had time to cook so I have just picked up the know how it is. Hopefully he'll get back to it in the next few weeks.

So that's that for now!. Have a great night!


on 9/4/18 3:46 pm

Hi Judy and Kathy,

I love reading your posts! My hubby is visiting family in Toledo right now. He mentioned the heat. His uncle has a pool. He has one more week before he returns.

Here in our mountains i am so worried about the tomatoes. I can already feel the weather cooling a bit. I am in charge of the garden while David is gone. The local weather man says all this week lows should stay in the 40s with daytime temps upper 70s but there are soooooo many green tomatoes still! Last year i made Green Tomato Bread and it was good. The relish did not tast good. Such a waste!

Judy i have to laugh at your burger dogs! I made them like that once and my family cracked up! So many jokes about the shape it took weeks to live it down!

Hugs to all!


Judy G.
on 9/4/18 4:09 pm - Galion, OH

Susan right now I am rolling with laughter at how they turned out...OMG!!!!!!!!!! I am shocked that I actually ate one!!!!!!!! Even more shocked that Rick didn't make a comment!!!!! And sad to say it didn't taste as good as I thought it would... Needs something...

How about fried green tomatoes? Had a tenant here a couple years ago that made some for me and OMG they tasted like Candy!!!! Told Rick if he wanted some he best eat some right then or not get any!! Never heard of the green tomato bread though.

Right about now wish I had a pool!!! But then I would have to share with some of these UN grateful tenants here...long story on some of them!!!

OK need to get ready to go lock up...last walk in this heat for the night!!!


on 9/4/18 5:51 pm

Hi Susan!

Glad you're visiting here often...the board has been inactive for quite awhile!

We have a pool in the backyard, but for the 22nd year in a row I didn't get to use it. I got sepsis in 3/17 and it started from a UTI. I was down the whole summer last year.

This summer I got a UTI in June that took a couple 10 day rounds of antibiotics to get rid of. I couldn't bring myself to risk making the infection worse so I never got in. That pool...and swimming...has always been my best form of exercise and relaxation. I miss it! And it has been heat wave after heat wave all summer here so I know Ohio is just as hot. Hopefully your husband got to cool off.

My middle daughter has worked in the restaurant business for years and brought home fried green tomatoes a few times. Like Judy mentioned they are truly delicious. I wouldn't have ever tried them on my own, and I didnt get the recipe bc it would be a meal plan buster, but they're good for a treat.

My other daughter's tomatoes are just now turning red...about a month behind for this area. Hopefully yours will ripen soon! But I gotta tell you I'd trade that weather for red tomatoes!

You girls with your 'hot dog' I think I'd have trouble getting one pun intended ??? (Shame on me!!!)



on 9/8/18 1:30 pm

Hello OHer's... I agree about not liking or needing my food spices hot! The taste buds I have left don't like too spicy...and I always wonder if the spices are killing bugs, viruses or ?just my mouth!... love lots of the flavors but not the heat.

Speaking of heat...I'm in the PNW and we're supposed to have some rain for the next 3 days and temperatures in the mid to low 60's for the next week...yes! That means the portable a/c can be put away.

I recently discovered this thread? I sometimes post but usually lurk on the menu thread site...lots of information, enthusiasm and encouragement at OH...I love it and need it....great place to be....have a great weekend everyone

Judy G.
on 9/8/18 1:55 pm - Galion, OH

HI!!! Good to see you here!!!

Refresh my memory here...where is PNW? Is it Penn NW? I am in Mid Ohio and it is chilly today with rain and supposed to get heavy rain a little bit later tonight into tomorrow. Praying we do not flood here!!

Hope to see you back here and post more!!


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