Judy G.
on 8/19/18 11:17 am - Galion, OH

Well I made it through another week here. Sometimes I wonder how I do it. Sighs.

My youngest son just turned 46. OMG how did that happen?? Makes me feel so dam old now!!

I am having days that I feel like I can hardly move anymore. My get up and go got up and left.

Having tenants die off on me again. Couple more going to nursing homes. This getting old sucks. Going to miss a few of them.

Have a couple new ones moving in next week. Makes me happy that apartments are getting filled.

Rick is BBQing chicken today. I am putting Pineapple bbq sauce on mine. I love it!! I can't do the spicy stuff anymore. Miss having that. Oh well as long as I can do the pineapple I am happy!

So what are you all up to?

on 8/20/18 3:12 pm

Hi Judy!

I have meant to respond, but keep forgetting my password. Rather than go thru process of resetting it I have to look it up which half the time I get sidetracked doing.

It is hard living without your parents. My mom has been gone since 09 and I still want to talk to her about things only SHE understood! Plus, like you said at our age alot of ppl are or have passed making life a little lonlier!

Our oldest brother who was an a**hole anyway 'disowned' all of us when my mom got sick. It seems alot of families have troubles when a parent dies. It sucks AND for some reason death and estrangements make me feel older...

I am so glad I retired in 2014 and left MY crazies behind.The stress was awful and it had gotten to point there were more difficult clients than good ones.

Jim and I have started working on making some much needed updates to our house. It was built in 49 and had very few renovations when we bought it. We started with converting my home office (originally a small bedroom) into a walk in closet with a his & hers enclosed closet within the walk in. Just finished Jims closet which is handicap assessible with lower shelves & shirt racks he can reach from his wheelchair.

From now on though wont schedule projects in summer. Cut into our spending money so didnt get to do everything we planned...

Did drive down to Houston this past April for my stepdaughters wedding. Two days on road down and then back. That and those Houston freeways wore me out! Enjoyed the trip, but was glad to get back home. We then attended my nephews wedding in Lancaster, PA that was only 2 hours from here. Spent weekend in a VRBO and really enjoyed it, the scenery, shopping and wedding.

I guess in my old age bigger cities no longer appeal to me.

Anyhow thats about it for me! Getting ready to send Jazz off to 11th grade this week. Dont know where the time goes...


Judy G.
on 8/21/18 12:25 pm - Galion, OH

Glad you responded to me... You were busy!!! Only traveling we did was going back to Michigan to clear out mom's closets. Sighs....No extra money for anything else. My fault I guess. I wanted the truck instead of the car. I love my truck no matter what! I am with you...Big cities no longer excite me. Give me the small places that are QUIET!!! Also the driving is so much better for me haha.

Hope that wedding was nice...making a trip that far and all. And then another one on top of that!! WOW!! You had a fun!!!!

Jazz in 11th grade already??? OMG where did the time go? Crazy!!!

Getting rain here right now. Made it home from work just in time...haha didn't get wet!!!

Got a beef roast in the oven cooking nice and slow for supper tonight. Should be nice and tender for me. Last night had left over BBQ chicken thigh from the grill and it got stuck...omg the pain of it all!!

So that is about it for now. Glad that you are here...miss talking to people here.


on 8/23/18 10:06 pm

Hi ladies, i just found this forum and feel like i belong LOL! I am 63 and my husband and i are on disability living in Big Bear CA to be near the grandkids. They are spending the night right now. I have to get up at 630am tomorrow to send our almost eleven year old grandson off to school. His two year old sister is still up! Their dad, our son, is 42 now and has Fridays off so the kids stay over at least once a week so he and his wife can sleep late.

Today i finished all my required tests and appointments for the bariatric program and i should get called the first week of September to schedule vsg surgery! I am so excited to be able to do this.

I look forward to learning from you!


Judy G.
on 8/24/18 2:27 pm - Galion, OH

Hi Susan and WELCOME!!!!

Also CONGRATS!!! You are going to have the ride of your life!!! So hang on!!! I had the RNY OMG 10 years ago!! I would do it again in a heart beat!! I did loose 165 lbs but I have gained some back with my stress eating over the last couple years. Once you go back to old ways of eating it is so hard to stop!! Shame on me!!! But I am back here and hopefully we can support each other once more. This board used to be VERY busy but it went bye bye....but I am back and hopefully we can get it up and going again!!! So keep coming back and we can support each other here!!


on 8/27/18 11:25 am

Thanks Judy! I know what a life long struggle this is! UGH! But God willing my future stomach will tell me to stop eating more than eat, eat, eat!

Honestly, my psychiatrist put me on Low Dose Naltrexone for appetite control and if i ever begin to gain after surgery i will definitely ask for it again. It is a lifesaver and more people should know about it. My husband thinks i should just keep on it till i lose all the weight but i know in my gut (pun intended) i need more help than that.

Thanks for your encouragement !


Judy G.
on 8/29/18 1:07 pm - Galion, OH

Susan sorry I didn't get back to you sooner! I am going to ask my Dr about that med you are on and see if it will help me!! But remember that it will not work forever....sad to say no drug ever does.

I told you wrong on my WLS years...its been 12 years not 10!! Moved to Ohio 10 years

Keep coming back we are here for you!!!


on 8/25/18 12:34 pm - Canada

Hi GrammySusan , I too would like to welcome you.


I had RnY over 10 years ago at age 62; wish I'd done it earlier instead of trying one more fad diet, losing only to regain more. Although my RnY is different from your upcoming surgery, the basic goal is the same.

Hopefully all here including the non posting peeps, can chime in to help you with any questions or concerns you'd like to share...hopefully VSG Veterans will join in and help you with specifics to your WL surgery.

In the meantime come post regularly to help keep this Over Fifty group interesting and fun....not just surgery issues, but sometimes hilarious moments you want to share with Sisters Who Understand!



on 8/24/18 4:38 am

Welcome Grammy!

I remember the excitement of my upcoming surgery after putting all the required time & effort into the pre-op 'diet' & requirements. Hopefully you were assigned to work with a dietician to learn how to eat after the surgery. It will follow you for the rest of your life!

I had my surgery almost 3 years ago at 58. I was nervous about being older, but I had absolutely NO problems! I was very lucky! I still stick to the lots of protein rule and TRY to keep my carbs down, but that is an ongoing struggle. I have kept 90 lbs. off. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

I had the sleeve...other ladies on the board had different surgeries.

I hope you are not near the wildfires devastating California! I am on the East Coast, but hope to visit Cali again. My husband and I are both disabled and are raising our 16 year old granddaughter so are familiar with the school drill!

Welcome! Hopefully you can visit the board & keep us updated. It can get kind of dead here in the summer so we need more posters!



on 8/27/18 11:16 am

Hi Kathy,

We have lived in socal mountains many years and big bear only 4 years. Only twice, in Tehachapi, were fires close to our home. God is good and kept us safe. Look us up when you come to Cali and visit with us! My email is [email protected]



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