Hello Everyone!
It's been a busy week with medical appointments...something I don't think I'll ever get used to!
I have always dreaded going to the doctor for even the most routine matter & now I have multiple appointments almost weekly. The good news is my wound from surgery (where they cut out the bacteria) is almost totally closed. They had estimated 6 months, and its just been over 3 so that is positive! The bad news is I have the same or a new UTI...I am waiting for the doctor to call me back as the nurse who called t me didn't know if it was the same bacteria. was a UTI that caused my septis!
Judy had asked about 4th of July plans. We will be going to the festival they set up in our town: parade, food vendors, music, etc. & then the Fireworks.
We will take our granddaughter and her friend to the beach next week for a daytrip. They have a small amusement park, a good boardwalk, Grottos Pizza, and of course the ocean. I love going to the beach...hope we have good weather or we'll just switch to another day!
I don't know about doing a 4th of July barbeque yet...kind of up in the air.
Hope everyone is enjoying their day!

Hi Kathy...Sorry I have been missing...Just BUSY!!! WOW!!!
Sorry that you are having so many Dr appointments...BUT your wound IS healing and almost gone!!! Hope this new UTI (if that is what it is) you caught fast enough to get it gone fast!!! Keeping fingers crossed...and prayers.
We are having a small BBQ here on the 4th. Going to have a few favorite tenants over for that. Hopefully the weather will be nice!!! If not we use the clubhouse (AGAIN) for the eating. We have a Pickle Run Festival here over the weekend. Fun and Games and a parade. No we are not going to be in the parade this time.
Had a Surprise phone call tonight. My Sister!! Haven't talked to her since mom died. She told me Thank you for taking such good care of mom and how nice mom looked in the outfit I picked out for her. WOW!!! Good thing I was sitting down!!! Yesterday it has been two months since mom passed away. Its hard but I know she is better off. She suffered a lot toward the end. I have my moments. I am sure I always will. Still waiting for Rick's mom to say something on my loss. Rick's aunt Peggy passed away January 12th this year. (Her Sister) I was there for her...but I guess I don't count to say anything to? Oh well...her day is coming. OK off my soapbox. Sorry.
Rick cooked Rib Eye Steak on the grill tonight. Really good!!! I ate way too much and now I am paying the price...sighs......will I ever learn?????? NO.
Have a great night!!
Sorry to hear you have uti. Hope they can get it to go away.
I have an indoor grill so I had rosemary garlic pork chops for supper.
My friend has been staying with me since Monday. I think she will go home tomorrow.
I had a relaxing day. Went to the grocery store and bible study.
Have a good night