Monday already!?

Nancy B
on 7/31/16 11:38 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Good morning, everyone!

Here, in Canada, it is a Civic Holiday so the banks, etc are closed. We are still desperate for rain here after 30 days of over 30 degree (celcius) weather. Our lawns are brown and our garden is dead, completely gone.

On Saturday, my son Dan & his lady, Jen, flew from here (Niagara) to Nova Scotia...usually a 14 full hour a four-seater Cessna plane. There was a lot of stress as the weather was very threatening with severe storms so the airport control had to decide if they were allowed to fly but the consensus was, if he took off immediately, that they were fine. As it turned out, the storm suddenly dissippated, and Dan emailed us later, that he flew above the clouds & over the mountains for the most part. I was so relieved that they arrived in Truro that evening at 6 pm. Now they will stay there and do the tourist thing for a week, after having picked up Jen's girls (10 & 14) who had arrived there 2 weeks ago and will fly back with Dan & Jen.

I have been working hard on determining what illustrations are required for two children's books  for kids with night terrors and for kids with strong five drawings for each book, plus two different front covers plus four mandalas for each book. That, alone, takes time to decide and now I can start drawing. At the same time, I am working on writing four different articles. Apparently I am being featured in a local newsletter so that must be done right away.

It seems that now, after stepping down from the presidency of BPW, I have more artwork & writing than ever to gets a bit overwhelming so there are times when I simply have to step back and let some things wait. My nature is very intense and I must practice more self-discipline and being kinder to myself by softening my own demands on my accomplishments. I can be my own worst enemy, applying pressure on myself.

I've finally gotten my BLOODWORK done and will see the surgeon this week to get the second duralane injection into my knee joint..I sure hope this helps as that knee, in particular, is extremely painful. Add to that, due to my cancer meds, I am now back into a high pain phase...perhaps it will pass in the next week.

Food hasn't been much of an issue really as this heat & humidity seems to really make cooking undesirable. However, I have made sure that we have lots of our local melons, peaches, and cherries here and lots of crispy greens. I always cook a bit more meat than needed so that it can be diced into small pieces and added to a salad.   My weight varies up & down by 3-4 pounds and I am so eager to FINALLY slip UNDER the 280s...I have to remember that the body "rests" after weightloss and patience is important. NOT easy for me.

Breakfast: protein drink

Snack: 1/2 cantalope melon

lunch: 2 poached eggs & one slice of toasted 12 grain bread

Snack: frozen fruit pop (homemade with crushed fresh peaches, Greek yogurt, a sprinkle of   cinnamon and a tsp of local unpasturised honey)

Dinner: tossed green salad with diced peach, walnuts, leftover diced chicken, cucumber, celery, tomato, pumpkin and sunflower seeds & light poppyseed dressing

Bedtime: protein drink

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on 8/1/16 10:38 am
VSG on 08/11/14

Hi Nancy,

I've been busy this morning since I got up to make sure I had plenty of water before my appt at the plasma center. Also got my walk in before I went.

B egg whites ham and cheese omelet and string cheese 

L cottage cheese,  radishes and sliced cucumbers 

D cheesy chicken chili and green beans

S Greek yogurt with chia seeds and apple

Everyone have a good day


(deactivated member)
on 8/1/16 11:05 am

hi Nancy  and yvonne,

Sounds like you both are on track food eisenbrown and Nancy you are super busy as usual.

I'm still in cody, wy enjoying the sights and activities.

Could be better with my food but I am trying.

Getting lots of walking done.

Hope your day goes well.

on 8/2/16 2:17 pm - Bradenton, FL

Linda when r u going to be in the Denver area? I'll be there next week for about seven days. 

Mom doing fine! It's hot in the Chicago area! So my cousin and I as driving to Colorado for a bit!

My daughteer went back to work after having the baby!

wel we r at the park it's play time!

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(deactivated member)
on 8/3/16 8:59 am

I am in Wyoming until mid October. Not sure if we are going home through Denver or not but would be overnight only.  I have a dr appointment on the 18th and have to get home in time for that.

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