Monday Morning
Good Morning OFF,
I am eating my Greek yogurt with granola for breakfast.
Snack will be cantalope.
Lunch will be pasta, Italian sausage and sauce.
Snack will be cheese and crackers and cantalope.
Dinner is not decided yet.
I have shopping to do.
Albert Schweitzer
Good morning Trish and everyone to follow.
I am fighting with our HR people about my's a never ending battle with the state of AR. I swear.
Breakfast was an egg and half a piece of toast.
Snack...carrots and cucumbers
Lunch salmon and squash
Dinner will be beans and left over's either eat it or toss it tomorrow. My freezer cannot hold another morsel of food.
I am going to do some walking before yoga today because I have somehow injured my knee and it is all stiff and swollen. I need it to be completely functional for Yellowstone so I am going to do some walking to try and help it a bit, I'm also taking advil, and Friday, I will go on steroids. I don't want to go on them too soon or I will be in the middle of our vacation and fighting the dosage decrease. It's a struggle to keep this right knee alive and working...cannot kick a pick but I can put it up on a stool if I need to.
Ladies, have a good Monday.
Hi Ladies,
Jeannie sorry about your knee, hopefully it will be okay for your trip.
I already have my walk in because I thought my SIL was picking me up at 1130 am but she called and said she was running behind to eat lunch.
B egg whites ham and cheese omelet and string cheese.
Let cottage cheese, red pepper, and baby carrots
Don't know what the rest of the day will be.
We will be going to Lake Michigan tomorrow for the day with my great niece so that should be fun.
Everyone have a good day
Good morning everyone
Jeannie hope you knee improves soon. Still hoping to see you in Wy
Trish enjoy your shopping. Is it fun shopping or necessary shopping?
Today I am taking it easy. Spent the day at the DD ranch yesterday. It is no longer a working ranch but once a year they do a tour and have a talk by "Amelia earhart". She stayed there for 3 weeks and loved the area so much she filed a mining claim and began building a cabin for summer use. She died before she could finish her cabin. It was interesting and we had a good time but on my feet all day, there is nothing there but buildings, no place to sit except the ground, I now have a very swollen left leg. So today is a lassix day. Hopefully I can be away from a bathroom by late this evening so I can go to the rodeo.
Food today
boiled egg and whole wheat toast
salad with ham and cheese
snack if want one:
don't know yet
Movement: I'll walk once I can leave the house.
I'm back.
Turns out lunch was meatloaf and mashed potato.
My shopping was brief. Went to the Dollar General, for a few groceries, some large envelopes, and three plastic bins.
I was going to apply for my social work license in Michigan, but it turns out, I already have it, expired, and just need to reapply. That took all morning, making multiple phone calls, and paperwork.
I plan to apply for a part time job.
Albert Schweitzer