
on 6/1/16 11:17 am

Please, continue adding to our reunion post but I wanted to start a daily thread just in case anyone wants to discuss their daily activities or food....I stayed home from work today because I am just beat....our weekend of running all over MO and then hiking over PetitJean just killed me. I left work early yesterday to go to the doctor and lost four pounds so suck it up popsicles that are trying to tempt me to eat every was well worth it to stop buying them and eating them. They are sugar free but still have like 40 calories and this ***** can eat a few of those popsicles. LOL...

Today I walked around our neighborhood and came home to a mess...the washing machine sprung a leak...what a mess.

So I probably walked a block. I know; we are hilly and walking up and down that block killed my knees.  I did do yoga and it is so much easier on me. I had loaded oatmeal for breakfast and lunch was three jumbo shrimp and stir fried veggies (slices of zucchini, broccoli, mushrooms, bell peppers, and celery) and I made a little sauce with water and nutritional yeast. It was good.  

Dinner I am frying okra for DH and will eat a bite or two and beans and cornbread. Yep...we are southern.  

Isn't it nice to see all our friends back?

on 6/1/16 5:11 pm - Canada

Did you find enough old timers ( lurkers) posted? I was expecting more ....


on 6/1/16 8:53 pm

I was expecting more also!!

on 6/2/16 3:37 am

Oh my goodness, yes. We had plenty and expect more. 

Nancy B
on 6/1/16 10:29 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

I managed to be late for the "reunion"...that 3 day Business & Professional Women's Conference wore me out...I just couldn't turn my head off and sleep all weekend. And now I am prepping for ANOTHER 3 day conference THIS weekend too. My big surprise is that I lost four pounds at conference! and it seems like all we do is EAT...however, I was selective &  mindful in what I put on my plate- not doing w/o treats....just taking a bit instead of gorging my face. I plan on the same behavior this coming weekend.

Today, hubby & I went into town to do some financial paperwork, stopped for the mail and then went into the Falls so that I could purchase my skim milk powder for my protein drinks for the weekend since they will be serving "continental breakfasts'...yuck..all that gooey pastry.  After having my hot protein drink in my room, I am far less likely to be tempted into indulging in the bad stuff. I also bring my baggie -a variety of seeds and nuts to sprinkle on my salads, oatmeal and such to add protein and feel more full.

So today, I had my hot chocolate protein drink...then after our errands, since I had a coupon, we went to Red Lobster for an early supper. I ordered the trio combo and asked for grilled salmon, stuffed sole and grilled garlic shrimp. I ate the garden salad, sprinkled with my seeds, ate the salmon portion, and 2 pieces of steamed broccoli and took the sole and shrimp home...this will be my dinner for Thursday...JB ate the biscuits. Before bed, I will have a cup of my homemade soup ...I get very cold when I lie down and must always have something hot before bed...even if it is ho**** helps me sleep.

When I get up, I will have my protein drink and head into the city to make copies for my hand-outs to support my two different workshops that I am presenting at the WOW GAL conference. So planning supper is a is already decided and just needs to be reheated and make JB a salad.

It was fun to see our old friends pop in..I hope they will stay!

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(deactivated member)
on 6/2/16 7:48 am


Well there you go again being busy, busy, busy.  Good for you.  I am so happy for your success.  Last 3 day workshop I attended was a Dulcimer Jamboree and I was exhausted by the last class.  All I had to do was attend, I can only imagine the amount of work it took to prepare for it and to lug all the materials.  I lugged two instruments, a music stand, and all my accessories and that was more than enough for me, and now you get to do it all over again.  I need a week to recover.

Congrats on your 4 pounds.  It's amazing how we loose in cir****tances that seem most unlikely.  I always loose on cruises.  I think it is because I am so busy that boredom eating never sets in.  Also there is so much food everywhere that even if I indulge after the first couple of days it is all unappetizing to me.  I shouledlive on a cruise ship until I make goal.

(deactivated member)
on 6/2/16 7:40 am

Jeannie, I feel your pain.  I must say that my knees do pretty good if I do not have to climb stairs or climb over and up boulders.  They are better now than when I sat most of the day to accommodate them.  Strange how that works.  Your knees hurt so you become a couch potato but the reality is that the only thing short of surgery that truly works is movement.  It is a vicious cycle.  I had to make myself start slowly and keep going day after day.  My doctor has been telling me this for years but of course I knew better.  After all what does HE know he is only a medical professional.  Of course having back surgery to correct the sciatica was a miracle, and going to the gym and strengthening my legs was a boon as well.  That is a project still in progress.  I take much less Tylenol than I used to. 

Where did you hike in Petit Jean?  I started down a trail near the visitor center last time I was there and got quite a ways but I could tell that the steps made of stone and boulders was going to be to much to climb back up.  I really wanted to make it to the waterfall but sanity prevailed.

This morning I had a protein drink for breakfast but I haven't decided anything else.  It is STILL raining here. we're are under a flash flood warning and it just won't stop.  My feathers aren't coming in fast enough and my webbed feet aren't strong enough against the current.  I just keep looking out the window and thoughts of food are far far away.

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