on 5/31/16 5:05 pm

Hi Julia,

Thanks for inviting me on your thread. It's been a long time since I've been on OH I had to rejoin. 

As for myself I had my RNY on 06/2007 and have basically kept my weight off. It has been very hard at times. The mental work is so much harder then the surgery.   This group kept me going that first year and I don't know how I could of got through it without  it.  

I've been in training since October. I am going to walk 500 miles across Spain. (THE CAMINO de SANTIAGO) I leave here on June 15 and will arrive in Paris on the 16th. Heading by train down to my starting point in St. Jean Pied de Port, FR and will take my first step onto the The Camino on June 18th exactly nine years to the day that I had my bypass surgery. This is something I have dreamed about for 25-30 years. It will take me 5 weeks to walk it and then from Santiago Spain I'm flying to Italy for a  two week vacation. Can't wait to read how all of you have been. 

(deactivated member)
on 5/31/16 10:01 pm

Wow...that's a goal. 500 miles.  I can sing it don't know if I could walk it.  But it would be a great accomplishment.  Good luck and have fun.  You will earn your 2 week vacation.

on 5/31/16 10:55 pm - Manteca, CA

Oh Debi, I'm so glad you came! Your trip to Europe sounds like a wonderful bucket list item! You are the bomb! That you have kept your weight off for this entire time is fabulous! 

I will always remember meeting you in San Francisco during one of my check ups! We had such a great visit. You will always be a friend.

I would love it if you came here once in a while to share your success...


on 6/1/16 5:29 am


you have just inspired me to do better.  Wow!  Girl, I hope you are able to take pictures of your journey and write about it. That is totally cool.....

on 6/1/16 7:57 am

Thank you, I will be posting pictures and thoughts on my Facebook page.  

Laureen S.
on 6/1/16 7:41 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Hi Debi,

Honestly, I am quite impressed, can't imagine doing such a thing, I often think I'd like to do the Susan Koman 3 day 60 mile and hope one day that I will be able to, can't wait to hear about your great experiences doing the walk!

Best wishes, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 6/1/16 7:59 am

Thanks.  I can't wait. Just 14 more days and I off on a adventure of a lifetime. I will be posting pictures and thoughts on my Facebook page 

on 5/31/16 5:07 pm - AL

I am Susan and I had RNY in June 2005. I have been a member of OH since before my surgery. I never kept my page/profile up. I read and learned so much from OH. I also never posted very much. In the beginning I was learning and then life got in the way and I stayed away for quite some time. 

Not long after my surgery my husband and I both retired. Then the next year my son and dil had a little baby boy. He was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He is the most precious thing. We have devoted our life mainly to him. He is now 8 years old and right now is doing really good. We have him in a clinical trial for Eteplirsen. We live NE of Birmingham AL and take him to Atlanta GA every Thursday afternoon and he gets an infusion every Friday morning. He has a port in his chest and this is the way he receives the medicine. Every 3 months we take him for a hubsite visit for the trial to Charlotte NC. He also had to have surgery in Iowa City for a muscle biopsy and will have another June 7. In the middle of all this the dil left. Totally checked out. Our son got custody of our grandson. So, we help a ton with the grandson because our son has a good job and he needs us. We are just thankful that we are able to do all that is needed.

in April we were asked to attend an FDA AdComm meeting in Washington DC when the drug company that developed the medicine for the trial presented to FDA. It was originally scheduled for January but because of storm Jonas DC pretty much closed down. That was a huge experience!! The meeting was 12 hours!! 

When I first came back to OH I read about the OFF and started reading. I was so glad to find ladies more my age group (I am now 66). First few times I posted didn't go very well as someone assumed I was a troll or whatever it's called. Thank goodness another member reached out and discovered I was who I said I was. Because of all that is going on right now with all the medical things with grandson I do not post often. I do read often and actually feel like I know some of you!!

Thank you for doing this 'reunion'. There is still many others that used to post on OH that I never see anymore. Hopefully some others will come by.


Laureen S.
on 5/31/16 5:49 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Hi Susan,

Nice to meet you, I knew someone a long time ago, long before I ever had surgery, who had two children with the muscular dystrophy you talk about, he spoke well of his sons, who both had wonderful attitudes, based on stories he told them (I met him after they had passed), which I think he and his wife instilled in them, so I am glad there is hope for your grandson and I truly hope the trial he is in, gives him a full life.

Nice of you to come out to join us :)


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 5/31/16 6:09 pm

Hello Susan,

I'm sorry you were suspected of being a troll...I've been called a troll but am certainly not. LOL...I am also very sorry that your grandson has Duchennes and I am so happy that you and your husband are helping your son take care of your grandson; I would do the same. I hope you come back and post when you have the time because support is so important for all of us and sometimes that support might be just listening when life is so hard. 

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