Tuesday...another new day-another new beginning...another new chance!
Good morning, everyone:
I have been absent for a number of reasons, one being that my life has gotten so busy that I forget to check in and I was finding that most OH posts no longer addressed our WLS experiences. I do think that newbies would appreciate hearing how we "wls seniors" are experiencing life according to wls. Add to that, JB and I took a three week road trip along the eastern coast down to Key West and up the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. I lost five pounds while away and lost a few more pounds when I got back. HOW? I was prepared...that's the trick.
I made sure to have soft fabric bags (cannot scratch the car interior, ya know)...one with daily needs as we travel (another one with two weeks worth of supplies to draw from)...hard candies for JB, nuts, seeds and raisins/dried cranberries for me, several "meal replacement" bars, water bottles, oranges/apples, bananas and a small insulated bag with individual yogurts and cheese packets. I am NOT a breakfast eater but I had prepped two "snack-sized" baggies of protein powder -using skim milk powder instead of water...for each day-usually one for breakfast and one before bedtime when I take my cancer meds that are hard on the pouch. For lunch/dinner out, I always had a salad and asked for fish/seafood GRILLED, avoided the bread unless it was "special"..confession, I ate ONE hush puppy and it was NOT worth the calories. At hotels where they had breakfast, hubby would get up early and bring back some OJ and a yogurt for me so that sustained me thru the day with my protein snacks. I often could not finish my meal so I'd ask for a takeout box and ate the other half of my dinner later to make sure that I got enough protein in. So PLANNING AHEAD for vacation is important for me to stay "clean". I had been losing weight and was at my lowest ever before leaving home and was determined to not blow it all while on vacation.
In January 2006, I was 58 yrs old and weighed 431 pounds at 5'5" in height. I had the regular RnY with no problems, gall bladder also removed at the same time due to attacks. I had five "1 inch" incisions that have healed so well that I can only find one now. It wasn't easy. I am now partly lactose-intolerant if I drink milk on an empty stomach, I still get nauseous from too much sugar (YAY!) in fact, milk chocolate makes me barf so I developed a taste for dark chocolate which is healthy in small doses. I no longer can handle ANY alcohol..we had Baileys and one shot made my heart pound so fast and I was so sick that I wanted to die...hubby was frantic and tried to feed me crackers to absorb the alcohol...now I drink water instead *s*. Half an hour of sudden drunkenness was enough for me and JB now knows what I can and cannot tolerate...he has become very supportive and helpful. Carbonated pop (yes, soda to you)...has to be swallowed slowly...pop is a treat for me, not a daily one either..we never have that in the house...but I learned to stir a glass of pop first to break down the bubbles of gas which will flood my esophagus and make me burp, barf or simply miserable from the pressure of the gas.
Ten years later, as of today, I weighed in at the doctor's office at 292.4 pounds...down 138.6 pounds. It has been slow..I cannot exercise easily. I cannot walk easily and do use cane.....stairs, steps and curbs are difficult as both knees are bone on bone and crunchy.....doc says "severe arthritis". I have a very high pain tolerance but I am reaching my limit now.
I have a lot of loose skin which is disconcerting & uncomfortable, and I am considering surgical removal. Our health insurance will not cover this but hubby thinks that it will be easier on my knees of it is gone. I have to agree...so now I am debating...2 new knees or vertical and horizontal tummy tuck...or which first? My family doctor suggested that I discuss this with the knee surgeon...I have an appointment in June. Hopefully I will have lost more weight by then. It won't be cheap but I am now believing that I am worthy of feeling better about myself and being more comfortable in my own skin.
I want newbies to know that surgery gives you a wonderful tool to use but it does not fix our THINKING...that is something that we have to fix ourselves. I have struggled a lot...sometimes giving up and sometimes going "straight" but, ten years later I am feeling more "human", not such a "freak" and now feeling excited to actually SEE the changes in the mirror and in my clothes.
Newbies, treasure that first year and exercize if you can and maintain a good level of protein...the first year is the magic time when your body is in shock and loses alot of weight. yes, everyone gets STALLS but then the weight drops again. By the end of the first year, your body figures out how to adjust and absorb more calories so use that first year.
Everyone reacts differently. I never got my appetite back...lolol..such irony! I have to make a point of eating...usually hubby asks if I have eaten yet...I can go all day w/o thinking to eat when I am busy or lost in my artwork. WHO would have EVER thought this possible with me!?
Another thing: I am always cold. No more sweating profusely...whenever I lie down to sleep or for a nap, I get cold so I always have to put on socks at night and a wool blanket. I have learned to drink a hot chocolate protein drink before bed too...if my pouch is empty, I cannot sleep.
I have a wonderful life, married 46 years, two handsome and brilliant sons, both engineers and very close..we are a tight family which thrills me completely...I am so very grateful for that....and two new step-grand daughters now too, (10 and 13) ...imagine my delight to discover that, not only are they brilliant but both VERY artistic too...what fun for me!!! I love being an OMA!
I create and sell Healing Energy Mandala Colouring Books & present workshops around our region. I have four workshops to do at the beginning of June at a 3 day conference (Women Of Worth Online Magazine), yes, apparently I am a WOW GAL (featured in Dec 2015)..and now four more at "WILD WOMEN UNITE" 3-day weekend in September. I have eight Healing Energy Colouring Books books published so far, 2 more coming soon when I can afford to have them printed. *s*..Also have four more in the works.
And I have a special colouring books for SENIORS going into dementia. I created this for my Mom ..she was 91 and slowly losing her presence. It's called "A BOOK OF CHOICES" and it helps "bring them back to the NOW for a while. Right now I am working on having this book of choices exposed to the senior care industry to help other seniors. I am teaching my new grands about life skills including communication, courtesy & cooking and writing appropriate books for teens and 'tweens on life skills. I use my professional skills as an illustrator and as a Certified LifePath Coach and blending them into supporting people who need help in making healthy thought processes and decisions.
So, that is my story and I am sticking to it. Please forgive me for this long journal.... I hope that my long-winded post helps someone. If anyone wants, visit my facebook page- webpage...type in "COLOUR ME HAPPY- DeStressing with Mandalas" . I have 22 FREE mandalas for you to print off and colour...you can see how colouring actually can change your brain when accompanied by positive affirmations. You can always contact me at [email protected]
What a great post, and I, too, love when the board sticks to WLS information with a little of life peppered in. I think it is imperative for the new folks to know what helped and helps us. I remember your journey because it began right before mine; I think. You have done very well and still continue to do well. I am a planner to a fault and don't think I could do well if I didn't plan out all my foods and activities.
When I began, I weighed over 500 pounds, closer to 600 and I lost down to 356 or so--it's hard to say because I had to go to the post office and weigh on their scales that they weighed the bulk mail on...but I got where I couldn't lose anymore so my doctor suggested I do WLS and drop down another 100 pounds or so. He didn't think I would lost over a hundred because I had so many things wrong that would prevent me from walking and exercising and I probably wouldn't have lost as much as I did had I not gotten so sick....but now I am healthier than I have ever been.
I still eat out of a baby plate and use a small spoon. When we go out to eat, I order my food and get the to go box before I eat a bite, so I can get a more reasonable serving for me. I avoid glider foods because we all know how those become our new addiction, if we let them. I'm like you with alcohol...I cannot drink at all because my heart races and I usually throw it all up....I've tried different wines, mixed drinks, shots, and it's all the same. I'm glad because my addictive personality would run with it...I do drink diet cokes but I don't drink fountain ones, ever. I drink bottled ones and I usually let them go completely flat.
I do Yoga, meditation, and am trying to get back to walking and dancing but my knee is so weak right now and I am determined to make it till next December before I get it fixed. We'll see.
Today's goal for me is avoid letting the stress rule me...so I'm taking my coloring to work and I am going to do some creative meditation....
Nancy, and Ladies to follow, have a terrific Tuesday and take a minute to sit and relax and empty your minds...let your brain have a few minutes of total quiet....I'm setting my meditation for 12:30 today...if you want, join me. I'll let you all know how long I get to meditate before life interrupts me again.
Hi Nancy & Jeannie!
Nancy, I am going to TRY to respond to your post which is why I bumped myself in between you & Jeannie, but my time & memory banks are limited so I may not cover everything I want to!
I am a fairly new pre-op who had surgery this past VSG October. I had lost exactly 75 lbs. the morning I got on the table b/c I had started the dietician process the February before. I had truly hit bottom the Christmas of 2014. I don't think it is so much WHAT you weigh when you hit bottom, but how you feel. I could barely get off the sofa & walk to our kitchen. It was headed in the direction of becoming an invalid & I didn't want to go there at 58. So I started changing how I ate with the help of the dietician & many good tips from these boards. So I think discussing where we came from keeps things fresh & is very helpful to all posters!
I have taken off the weight slow since the surgery. I was 275 on my surgery day...I weighed in yesterday at 235...a total loss of 40 pounds in 6 months. My surgeon is pleased with my progress, but he never set a calorie limit like most doctors...he just said to restrict my carbs. I am actually very pleased where I am at & my goal is pretty high...200. I am 5'9" & big framed...I truly think if I went lower I'd look sickly. But I will re-evaluate when I get there. I have the most hanging skin in my upper arms which surprises me b/c my stomach & ass were HUGE. But my ass looks pretty damn good...even my husband says so, and my stomach doesn't look too bad. I would NOT have skin removal b/c I have a heart condition plus it doesn't bother me so to do it just for appearances is not worth it to me...
I never sweated at my heaviest, but I never drank enough, either! I am sweating now! I, too, am ALWAYS cold...my hands are like ice! I have heard this happens to a lot of us!
I hear that about the 1st year being 'magic' in terms of the weight falling off. Unlike a lot of posters I was never able to maintain a diet for longer than 4 days. I learned last year during the pre-op phase so much about nutrition, exercise, etc. to help me lose that 75. I know probably everyone thinks they will never slide back, but you know when you know something about yourself like you are done with a relationship or job & you won't go back? That's how I am feeling but ever going back to my old ways. I still look back & marvel at how much & how BAD I ate...FF for breakfast, candy throughout the morning, take-out full course meal lunches...cookies in afternoon, another full course meal at dinner & then snacking right up until I was reading in bed every night. SMDH. I have no desire to feel like crap all day/everyday again. Everytime I eat a sweet snack now or have that extra bite of a meal I remember that feeling. So not worth it!
I was thinking just this week I have not drank anything but iced tea w/stevia since last summer! I used to drink sweet tea everyday. My dietician strongly emphasized minimizing getting calories from drinking. Since the tea was my thing beforehand I am not tempted by sodas or juice.
Linda, you are blessed to be at this point in your life. The weight you have lost is amazing, you have a nice family & ability to travel. Key West is one of my favorite spots on the planet! I'll get back one day!
Well, I am running on AND out of time so I shall close.
Jeannie, love ya....will catch up with you & the others next time!

It is good to drink tea but please drink water too. For every 8 oz of caffeinated drink such as tea, you need to drink the same amount in water because caffeine is a diuretic and will dehydrate you so quick. A year or so ago, a couple of board folks met me at Mt. Petitjean here in AR and we went for a very quick hike and I was doing fine and bam, just like that, I was about to pass out. My heart was racing and they both knew what had happened. My point is you make sure you are hydrated too.
I love that you are doing so good....It is also so great that you can look back and realize what you were doing that was so destructive. There are those who have had been post op for years who do not realize their bad habits that caused them to gain...I know what I do and when I do it. LOL
Keep up the good work....you will realize your goal...wait and see.
Hi Everyone! Welcome Nancy! I do enjoy reading the stories now and then. They are definitely inspirational and also give us big pictures of who we are. That part is fascinating to me. I don't have time to write my story right now because I have a massage and facial booked at 11. That is part of my self care.
When I get back I hope there are even more stories to read!
Hi Ladies,
IN January 2014, I was at my highest of 368.i was trying to lose on my own. I turned 50 and was thinking I didn't want to die early like my mom did. I thought to myself why don't I try to have wls again. I tried in my30's but ran into problems and couldn't get it done. So May I signed up for the orientation class and I told them I was interested so I got appt in June and on August 11,2014 I had vsg. On surgery day I weighed 320 and today I weigh 173. I'm still trying to lose weight, it is harder now. It's about of the food choices you make.
I really haven't found any food that makes me sick.ive gotten sick if I ate too much or the meat was too dry.
I didn't start having some pop until I was 16 months out. It usually takes me a couple of days to drink a 20 ounce bottle. It's not a every day occurence. Alcohol doesn't bother me either. I feel it's effect quicker than before. I usually only drink when I go to my brother's.
It was the best thing I've done for myself. I'm almost off all my meds and can walked good now.
I will look into skin removal if my insurance will pay for it. I have a history of rashes otherwise I will live with it.
Thank you Nancy, for bringing us back onto why we are here in the first place.
I first saw my surgeon on June 1, 2006, thinking I'd get the lap band. He discussed both options, in great detail. I then went to a pre-op support group meeting, and was blown away by the support, and decided to get the RNY. At the support group, I learned about OH, and became active on the Pennsylvania board. Laureen, who used to be active here, and also had surgery where I did, suggested OFF. My top weight was 320, and my surgery was August 28, 2006. I did great with the diet and exercise, staying sugar free till I relapsed with alcohol in December 2007. When I got drunk, on one glass of wine, I picked up sugar. My relapse lasted till January 2010, but that sugar is a ***** pardon my language. Right before my relapse, I was down to 195, but today, I'm at 235. Being sedentary with the foot surgeries, and unable to quit sugar, have been my downfall.
I need to do more relaxation exercises, and I have plenty of resources.
I had a busy day of appointments, and an awesome day with Frankie yesterday.
Kathy, you are so kind in your words about me. I am only doing what my mother-in-law did with my kids. Providing experiences that enhance the kids' lives, and sometimes being silly with them. My kids have fun memories with my mother-in-law, sometimes bizarre stuff. My munchkins never hesitate to tell me, "You're silly, Grandma."
Albert Schweitzer