I didn't plan to wake up this early Wednesday

Connie D.
on 3/16/16 11:48 am

Judy...I am so happy that all went well with your procedure. I am sorry you will be in pain for so long. I am glad the nurse helped you with a plan on taking your new meds. 

NOW....you go rest!! You need to feel better before you can sod anything else. Those tenants can just wait!

Love you...HUGS....healing prayers.....connie d

Connie D.
on 3/16/16 1:11 pm

Judy...I forgot to add that I am praying for your sister, Bonnie. I hope she is doing better at the hospital. Let me know if you hear any more about her condition.

More love and HUGS to you....connie d

Connie D.
on 3/16/16 11:45 am

Good afternoon Vickie and everyone....

I hope you can manage to get the new shower head on.  I wouldn't even try to do that sort of thing. 

The Fiesta Farm sounds like a fun time for the boys and you all!!

I hope you get the skirts sent back. It sounds like you must talk to your landscaper too. I hope that all works out!!

I am EXHAUSTED!!! Nic and Stephanie left for Iowa this morning. I love my grandchildren but WOW!!! We had something going every day and night, from Saturday through this morning!! It was a lot of fun but my body isn't used to it!!  Overall I enjoyed every minute of it!

They were cooking and baking. Yesterday they made me a large pan of fudge. Just because I mentioned I loved it so much. I sent plenty home with them. Jamie, Megan and Gracie love fudge too. Then they made me Rice Krispy bars!!! Nic usually makes then when he is here because he knows I can't stir them anymore and I  like them too. This morning they made homemade caramel rolls!!! I kept two...I shared with my friends here.

My cleaning fairy comes at 2:00 PM. We had extra bedding so the kids washed that before they left. Laura still has two more loads to do.

Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families. Special prayers for those in need. I hope all went well for Judy today!

Much love and many hugs to all.....connie d

on 3/16/16 12:20 pm

Hi everyone, just wanted to say hi.

Judy, I am happy that surgery went well. I think the waiting and worrying is the worst part. Please heal quickly and well.

Connie, you sound like you had a busy time with the grands. I can tell you since I have no grandchildren to enjoy them. Should have had another child to give me grandchildren. But it is what it is.

Everyone else, hello and I hope life is treating you well.

I am still hurting from my dental procedure.upper dentures and teeth pulled last Friday. I swore when I was young I would never wear them. If I could afford implants, trust me, I would have implants. Since they cost about the amount of a huge down payment on a house, it is dentures. Genetics were not kind in this area. When I was younger I had stronger teeth. Didn't any more. It is what it is.

My former SIL Carla is doing well. However what the doctors thought was a clot on her lung is a spot on her lung. She has had a CAT Scan. She stated, she did it to herself if it is indeed cancer. However, she doesn't suffer any of the symptoms of lung cancer. We shall see. I pray not.

Sending my love to all. Pain is still a 5, and it exhausts this old lady.

Bye for now.

Connie D.
on 3/16/16 1:08 pm

Hello Arlene....sorry you had to get dentures. I can only imagine the pain!! Sending prayers.

I will also pray for your former SIL, Clara. I hope that there isn't any cancer in her lung.

Go take a pain med and take a nap. Try to relax and shut out the world! 

Love to you....HUGS....connie d


Eileen Briesch
on 3/16/16 12:53 pm - Evansville, IN

Hi Vickie and my OFF family:

I have been missing lately; just busy with work and a little depressed about the workplace, too. Lots of changes going on and I'm concerned about them, so I'm stressing lately. Discussed a lot of this with my psychologist, along with my issues about youknowwho. Anyway, just a bit depressed lately.

Yesterday, after my session, I went to the Y. We were about 10 minutes into class and I had to dash to the bathroom. I had diarrhea really bad. I got it under control enough to go back out and get my water bottle and my towel and say bye to the instructor and tell her why I was leaving. I didn't have any other problems, but felt sick all day. Unfortunately, I had to work. And work was a ***** too. So I've been dealing with a lot of stress. I've tried to read every day but sometimes haven't had time to post. 

Judy, glad you're out of surgery and it went well. Now take your drugs and relax. 

Connie, sounds like you had fun with your grands. Any word on Nic's tests? 

Vickie, you're always busy with your house and family. When do you rest? 

Cindi, I'm happy you're safe from the flooding. I have some friends in Louisiana who are in the path. 

Can't remember who else posted. Sorry.

I had my physical today. Always so much fun. Then I came home and did laundry. I fell asleep eating lunch, I'm so tired. I have to work again tomorrow, then I'm off Friday when I get my NeuroStim in for the week trial. Then I work Saturday, then I'm off Sunday. Crazy week.

Have a good day. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 3/16/16 1:29 pm

Hello Eileen...I am sorry you are having a rough time right now. I would be all wound up and depressed. All the changes at work being made now and those yet to come.  I am praying for you.

Sorry too you are still having some issues with the "youknowwho" situation. When we are overstressed all kinds of things can come back into our heads. HUGS!!!!!!

No, no new news about Nic. It can take another couple weeks yet. I am so stressed over that. I try not to be. After all the ups and downs with him it is hard not to think about both sides of the situation. He talked to be quite a bit about it one evening when we had some quiet time. I try hard to keep him positive.

Let me know what you think of the NeuroStim. I don't know much about it. I sure hope it works well for you!!

You do have a crazy schedule this week. Working every other day might not be so bad. 

I will be saying some extra prayers for you.

Love you my friend...HUGS....connie d

on 3/16/16 1:13 pm
VSG on 08/11/14

Hi Ladies,

I feel better today. At least I got stuffed done even my exercise.  I have Bible study  tonight. Tomorrow I'm going to go to a new store called five below and kohl's.  My friend has her friend up here so it's mostly alone time for me.

Judy glad your surgery went okay.  Will pray for a speedy recovery. 

Connie glad you had a good time with your grandchildren.

Vickie try to have fun today at the farm.

Arlene hope the pain gets better for you.

Thoughts and prayers for everyone.  Everyone have a good day.

Love and hugs,



Connie D.
on 3/16/16 1:37 pm

Hello Yvonne....I am glad you are feeling better today. It feels good to get things done. Enjoy your Bible Study group tonight. I always loved Bible study group. It is amazing what you can learn from some of the verses. It was always interesting.

I did have a great time with my grandchildren. Tonight will be bed early  and hopefully a chance to sleep in!!  My body is just exhausted!!

Love you...HUGS....connie d

on 3/16/16 3:03 pm


I have been reading every single day but have been so busy. I had no idea how hard it is being a conservator of someone...geeze. Okay, all is well; my older two sisters are on their way to check on him and then my other brother will go next week and finally I will be back that following week. I did get contractors over to fix his leaky roof (he has good home owners insurance and why he let it go...you know?); The sisters are taking him to a hotel when they get to town and the bug sprayers are coming to spray for those awful water bug things.  The housekeeper has been doing an excellent job and I am so glad we got her as the housekeeper.

I don't know if I told you guys that my husband has been having pain in his right upper quadrant that radiates toward his back. A few years ago, they diagnosed him with sludge in his gallbladder but his insurance wouldn't cover removing the gallbladder due to sludge...the inevitable is getting a really infected gallbladder that may move over to his pancreas or they develop into stones. Lately, he has been so sick and having so much pain and I finally talked him to going to the doctor. The doctor thinks his gallbladder is full of stones and so Friday he is getting a ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis and he is meeting with surgeon next week so it's likely he will get the gallbladder removed.  The good news is my blood work came back and while my vitamin D is still low, 23.4 it is much higher than it was in October before going vegetarian (it was 3).  My other levels were all good too so other than staying on the Vit D., I had no new meds to take.

Vic, I worry about you taking care of the baby. I know you can do it, but my concern is how much that will stress you out. Could you take one of the rooms back from your mother so that when your daughter comes, she and the baby will have their own space where she is the mother and the baby will not have you to side track her. Plus, you're right, you need nights without hearing the baby. Surely your mother will see that things have changed and now that room must be made available for the baby.

Judy, I am so happy the surgery went well and you are feeling more confident with taking all the meds. You are probably filled with gas so for a few days, as you know, you will be feeling those awful gas pains and the pain from all the moving parts around.

Eileen, I know you are uncertain about what is going on at your job and I cannot imagine what you are dealing with. I am so glad your brother is there to help you.

I cannot remember who else posted and for some reason, I cannot open another tab so I will respond to the rest of you individually. I need to get some water to drink....have a good day...



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